Fixing the cruise control !

The size of the middle class depends on how it is defined, whether by education, wealth, environment of upbringing, social network, mannersor values, etc. These are all related, but are far from deterministically dependent. The following factors are often ascribed in the literature on this topic to a "middle class:"[<em><a href="" title="Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Words to watch"><span title="The material near this tag may use weasel words or too-vague attribution. (October 2009)">by whom?</span></a></em>]

In the United States, by the end of the twentieth century, more people identified themselves as middle-class (with insignificant numbers identifying themselves as upper-class).<a href=""><span>[</span>18<span>]</span></a> The Labour Party in the UK, which grew out of the organised labour movement and originally drew almost all of its support from the working-class, reinvented itself under Tony Blair in the 1990s as "New Labour", a party competing with the Conservative Party for the votes of the middle-class as well as those of the Labour Party's traditional group of voters – the working-class. Around 40% of British people consider themselves to be middle class, and this number has remained relatively stable over the last few decades.
It's only "meaningless" if you're indifferent about speaking accurately.
I've never been.
You've always been.

Politically, we're mostly on the same side.
Sociologically, we may as well be different species.
Truthfully, I have more in common with my dog.
I tried to inform you on this subject

Your ego got in the way
You're wrong, a regularly reoccurring theme in your posts.
I feel the very same way about it as you do.
This isn't where we have our argument.

I just prefer using the proper words.
Most Americans know what "middle class" means to them,
but they don't know the correct application of the term as it was coined by sociologists.

You can say "snore," Vinny,
because speaking precisely has never been important to you.

It seems it was you who were wrong
The cost of diesel scares me.

I'm eyeballing a 2020 Chevy Silverado, with 70K miles, in excellent condition, and still looks showroom new.

But the price is 27K and they are not willing to negotiate the price.

If I don't buy it today, it'll be gone tomorrow.

But, I may have to keep looking. That's a lot of money for a man like me right now given the current interest rate!
I'm not a Chevy fan my wife wanted a Suburban It was a terrible truuk/suv. It went through 4 dashboards. They kept breaking from the center screw near the windshield. I told the service manager "I can keep bringing this back forever but it is sure inconvenient. Why don't ya'll put a rubber washer between the support and the screw hole." That finally fixed it. No more cracks. I replaced the compressor twice. And the list of repairs went on and on. Terrible truck.
I'm not a Chevy fan my wife wanted a Suburban It was a terrible truuk/suv. It went through 4 dashboards. They kept breaking from the center screw near the windshield. I told the service manager "I can keep bringing this back forever but it is sure inconvenient. Why don't ya'll put a rubber washer between the support and the screw hole." That finally fixed it. No more cracks. I replaced the compressor twice. And the list of repairs went on and on. Terrible truck.
I've owned 4 different Chevy trucks, and always had very good luck with them. I have also owned Fords, Dodge, and Nissan Trucks and always had good luck with them, as well. I am a fan of all trucks I suppose. I just happen to like the look of the Chevy Silverado and GMCs most of all.
I just bought another F250 diesel My Lord! they are expensive. My dad would spin in his grave if he knew what I spent. I negotiated the deal for a New 1999 F250 for him that he paid cash for. His hand shook so bad that I had to fill out the check for him. This truck cost 2 1/2 times as much as his did.
The truck is no more expensive, the dollar is just worth that much less.
I agree as well, but with one caveat.

Spending all our time splashing love on the Middle Class,
technically a relatively small segment of the society,
is ignoring the WORKING CLASS which needs the most attention.

Everybody missuses the term "Middle Class."
It refers to a very specific demographic, literally,
but nobody cares about speaking precisely anymore.

The way we mangle English and vocabulary today bothers me,
and I'm not sure why
because at this point in my life, I really shouldn't give a shit.
Go stuff your bigotry elsewhere.
If you want the honey

You can’t go killing all the bees
You are very right. But I would add something else. To have a thriving economy, you need both a hard working, educated workforce, but also a good consumer class of well paid workers. China is learning that last part the hard way.
I loved every stick shift I ever had
My car is about 5 years old. It might last me 5 to 15 more years, but then what? I do not want some overpriced toy that impresses no thinking person. And there are not cheap sticks coming out these days, much less in 5 to 15 years.

I might be wrong about all this, but it is upsetting me.