Fixing the cruise control !

How many such think tank studies on politics and national policy exist right now? Bet it's more than a dozen, probably over a hundred. How many are taken seriously? So, what makes Project 2025 so special? Is it that some radical Leftist(s) somewhere latched onto it and now every Leftist in the country is parroting that?

Seems to me you got nothing.
Project 2025's goal is to reduce government. That's why Democrats are so afraid of it.
Project 2025's goal is to reduce government. That's why Democrats are so afraid of it.
Not my point. I'm not arguing about the content, I'm arguing about who and why it was produced. The Left wants to try and say it's something unique and singular. It isn't. There are hundreds of these studies and position papers out there across the whole political spectrum. So, the Left's whining about Project 2025 is nothing by childish bullshit in that respect. They have similar groups producing similar proposals that they love and they aren't saying shit about those.
Not my point.
I know it's not your point. It's my point.
I'm not arguing about the content,
Democrats are...sort of...imagining all sorts of content that just isn't there.
I'm arguing about who and why it was produced.
The reasons it was produced is laid out in the forward of that book.
The Left wants to try and say it's something unique and singular. It isn't.
It basically is.
There are hundreds of these studies
It's not a study. It's a book.
and position papers out there across the whole political spectrum.
It's not a paper either. It's a book. Otherwise, you are correct.
So, the Left's whining about Project 2025 is nothing by childish bullshit in that respect.
They whine about it because it's goal is to reduce government. For the Democrat that wants The Oligarchy, that book represents Scripture From Satan Himself.
They have similar groups producing similar proposals that they love and they aren't saying shit about those.
No other group is making any such proposal.
Walz working on his 60K toy. . Just like every other working class man.
I know a lot of blue collar people who buy old cars and fix them up. Walz could have bought that for $20k, put $10k to $20k of parts into it and 1,000 hours into it, and then he could sell it for $60k. It becomes real easy to convince your wife that you are making a profit off this, and she will give you no problem buying the next car for $20k, and putting $20k of parts into it....

If he found a great deal, he could go down lower than that. He is a statewide public figure, so could easily ask people to look around for a good deal.
Don't be such a stick-n-the-MUD!

It shows he has a lot of common and typical manliness, Yankee ingenuity, and tries to be helpful to others.

You should try a little of that yourself. And so should J.D. I think. It would do a lot to change people's opinions of J.D. in a positive way. He just seems all too sissy-like to me.

If a man hasn't ever rebuilt an engine, or changed out the brakes on a vehicle, I don't have much respect for them.
The Valor Thief didn't show much manliness when he deserted his unit after finding out it was to be deployed to Iraq.

Nor when he lied about "'carrying a weapon in war" or when he lied about his retirement rank. Gecko.
I know a lot of blue collar people who buy old cars and fix them up. Walz could have bought that for $20k, put $10k to $20k of parts into it and 1,000 hours into it, and then he could sell it for $60k. It becomes real easy to convince your wife that you are making a profit off this, and she will give you no problem buying the next car for $20k, and putting $20k of parts into it....

If he found a great deal, he could go down lower than that. He is a statewide public figure, so could easily ask people to look around for a good deal.
Walz bought the International from an Amy helicopter pilot and did not restore it himself. He did change the alternator and did a few interior things like fixing the 8 track player. Changing an alternate on a 79 international is a no brainier. The car has had a complete engine compartment repaint. That is usually done during an engine removal and rebuild.
Do you know the cost of Pickup trucks- working mans toys?

My Word! I can't even afford a new one anymore!
I just bought another F250 diesel My Lord! they are expensive. My dad would spin in his grave if he knew what I spent. I negotiated the deal for a New 1999 F250 for him that he paid cash for. His hand shook so bad that I had to fill out the check for him. This truck cost 2 1/2 times as much as his did.
After the Regime declares its candidates the winners we will got told constantly how awesome the campaign was, that this is why they beat Trump.
And then America will soar on the back of the excellent ideas That emerge forth in a sane and fact based run government

You soon saying will just wear your idiot identifying trump tattoo on your foreheads for the rest of your days

Blame your self for that one
I just bought another F250 diesel My Lord! they are expensive. My dad would spin in his grave if he knew what I spent. I negotiated the deal for a New 1999 F250 for him that he paid cash for. His hand shook so bad that I had to fill out the check for him. This truck cost 2 1/2 times as much as his did.
And you are trying to sign democracy’s death warrant

He would be sooo proud
He also hews to the radical Left and on big ticket items fucks things up royally because of that. And yes, I can work on my vehicles, have owned heavy construction machinery and serviced it, and design and build my own house.
But you can’t spot a con man like trump for what he really is

And you climb right into a cult that will tarnish you for life as an idiot

Trump forehead tattoo for life coming your way