Your attempts to find whataboutisms are getting REAL pathetic.
No one was killed or injured, no weapons were brought to the event. Moreover, it was not an effort to usurp power, but to instead protest a bill. Even a republican admits there was no attempt to vandalize:
[FONT="][SIZE=4][B]One top Republican official at the time noted there was no "malicious damage" to the statehouse and said most of the costs linked to the weeks-long protests were due to law enforcement overtime bills.
Much of the minor Act 10 damages were linked to things like tape used on the historic building's walls, which left a residue when removed. But protesters had typically used [URL=""]blue painter's tape[/URL] after hearing from officials that it was gentlest on the walls and railings.[/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT="]There were fewer than 20 arrests at the Capitol linked to the Act 10 protests during mid-February and March 2011, and none of those arrests were linked to weapons charges.[/FONT]
thousands of demonstrators managed to enter the building by violently breaking down doors and shattering windows
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has gone on record praising the storming of the Capitol as an "impressive show of democracy in action" -- the 2011 invasion of the Madison, Wis., state capitol, that is.
Ten years earlier, unionists stormed the Wisconsin State Capitol in an attempt to block a vote on collective bargaining reform. Thousands of demonstrators managed to enter the building by violently breaking down doors and shattering windows -- but the attack garnered much praise from Pelosi and other prominent Democrats at the time.
The House Speaker took to Twitter to express her "solidarity" with the activists as they attacked the Capitol, and sent senators into hiding until police managed to remove them from the building
Funny how short of a memory folks have.
Says who?
Choke on this: "Police found 41 rounds of 22-caliber rifle ammunition outside the Wisconsin state Capitol. Hundreds of protesters gathered outside the locked entrance to the Capitol, chanting "Break down the door!" and "General strike!" The crowds grew to thousands, surging into the Capitol. 18 Republican state senators who voted for the law received death threats. Katherine R. Windels of Cross Plains, Wisconsin sent death threat e-mails to Republican lawmakers the same day the legislation passed, and was arrested and charged with two felony and two misdemeanor counts by the Dane County district attorney."
Memory Hole is a thing. Straight out of Orwell.
read the article, ass. Governor Walker said protesters had the right to be heard- do you think he would have said that if they broke in, you stupid fuck punk? and wow, emails sent by you even have a clue how many death threats per day Obama received? go fuck yourself, stupid fuck trump stooge.
thousands of demonstrators managed to enter the building by violently breaking down doors and shattering windows
Apples and Oranges
The anti-union scab is the lowest form of life, comparable to a terrorist, child molester, Republican, or fucking moron from Tennessee.
Go help CFM string his fucking banjo, volsrock.
Did they bring weapons and explosives? Were they there to destroy American democracy by installing Trump as President? You got total crap.
read the article, ass. Governor Walker said protesters had the right to be heard- do you think he would have said that if they broke in, you stupid fuck punk? and wow, emails sent by you even have a clue how many death threats per day Obama received? go fuck yourself, stupid fuck trump stooge.
being a gullible trump stooge is a thing. it was a peaceful protest. they had a right to enter the capitol. read something. if you can. then shut the fuck up.
"copy" is giving you "proof" of events in 2011 with information from events in 2020, are you really that blinded by the Kool Aid
it was a peaceful protest. they had a right to enter the capitol. read something. if you can. then shut the fuck up.
I’m impressed, I’ve always loved Jack London.