Geeko Sportivo
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Watching the video of Governor DeSantis completely FUBAR putting on a simple mask makes me wonder if someone ties his shoes every day or if he just wears those with velcro straps.
During a Friday press conference at the Urban League of Broward County, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis found himself holding an N95 face mask, the kind with two elastic loops that go around the head, not just over the ears. He took a gander at it, then grabbed the front of the mask with one hand and pulled the top loop over his head. He then touched the front of the mask—a big no-no—a second time, trying to adjust it over his nose and chin.
The adjustment was impossible because—as DeSantis stood outside in fairly close proximity to other people—the bottom loop was dangling loose below his chin, rendering the whole mask useless.
The only reason why the governor is wearing that mask is to cover up Donald Trump's shitstain on his nose!