Florida textbook altered to remove references to Rosa Parks's race

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
A Florida textbook publisher removed all references of race from a lesson about civil rights icon Rosa Parks in order to get a Florida committee's approval, according to The New York Times.

Parks helped spark the Montgomery Bus Boycott after she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Ala., bus in 1955.

In the current lesson by Studies Weekly, which is used in 45,000 elementary schools, the event is described: "The law said African Americans had to give up their seats on the bus if a white person wanted to sit down."

In the group's second updated version, race is removed completely from the lesson: "She was told to move to a different seat."
In the initial version, the text explained how Black Americans were affected by Jim Crow laws that arose after the Civil War, but like its updates to the Parks lesson, the second version eliminated almost every direct mention of race. Instead, the lessons were changed to say it was illegal for "men of certain groups" to be unemployed and that "certain groups of people" were not allowed to serve on a jury.

Meanwhile, Republicans in the state this month introduced legislation to ban Florida colleges and universities from running programs that promote diversity, equity and inclusion in colleges and universities.
Rosa Parks is largely an irrelevancy raised to saint status by the radical Left. This as they totally ignore Elizabeth Jennings who, in New York City pre-Civil War got the exact same treatment on the public transit system there, but unlike Parks who did nothing but get arrested (obtaining martyr status with the Left) she took the transit company to court, won, and got the NYC public transit system desegregated.

The problem for the Left is that Jennings was from a wealthy family with good education and she was well connected. That is the antithesis of everything the radical Left wants.
A Florida textbook publisher removed all references of race from a lesson about civil rights icon Rosa Parks in order to get a Florida committee's approval, according to The New York Times.

Parks helped spark the Montgomery Bus Boycott after she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Ala., bus in 1955.

In the current lesson by Studies Weekly, which is used in 45,000 elementary schools, the event is described: "The law said African Americans had to give up their seats on the bus if a white person wanted to sit down."

In the group's second updated version, race is removed completely from the lesson: "She was told to move to a different seat."

The Pravda of the WOKE Revolution saying so does not make it so.
A Florida textbook publisher removed all references of race from a lesson about civil rights icon Rosa Parks in order to get a Florida committee's approval, according to The New York Times.

Parks helped spark the Montgomery Bus Boycott after she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Ala., bus in 1955.

In the current lesson by Studies Weekly, which is used in 45,000 elementary schools, the event is described: "The law said African Americans had to give up their seats on the bus if a white person wanted to sit down."

In the group's second updated version, race is removed completely from the lesson: "She was told to move to a different seat."

RW Cancel Culture. The Left thought they could erase the Civil War by tearing down statues. Now the Right thinks they can erase racism by canceling it out of textbooks.
Rosa Parks is largely an irrelevancy raised to saint status by the radical Left. This as they totally ignore Elizabeth Jennings who, in New York City pre-Civil War got the exact same treatment on the public transit system there, but unlike Parks who did nothing but get arrested (obtaining martyr status with the Left) she took the transit company to court, won, and got the NYC public transit system desegregated.

The problem for the Left is that Jennings was from a wealthy family with good education and she was well connected. That is the antithesis of everything the radical Left wants.

Sure, Terry. Same for Fort Sumter; an overrated minor event where no one was killed by opposing forces. :rofl2:

How old are you? I'm 67, but your mental state indicates you are over 70 and deteriorating. If younger, I advise you to go see a doctor about early onset dementia. Jus' sayin'.
Rosa Parks is largely an irrelevancy raised to saint status by the radical Left. This as they totally ignore Elizabeth Jennings who, in New York City pre-Civil War got the exact same treatment on the public transit system there, but unlike Parks who did nothing but get arrested (obtaining martyr status with the Left) she took the transit company to court, won, and got the NYC public transit system desegregated.

The problem for the Left is that Jennings was from a wealthy family with good education and she was well connected. That is the antithesis of everything the radical Left wants.
Another who doesn’t know the full story of Rosa Parks. I suggest you watch “[FONT=&quot]The Rebellious Life Of Mrs. Rosa Parks”[/FONT]
A Florida textbook publisher removed all references of race from a lesson about civil rights icon Rosa Parks in order to get a Florida committee's approval, according to The New York Times.

Parks helped spark the Montgomery Bus Boycott after she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Ala., bus in 1955.

In the current lesson by Studies Weekly, which is used in 45,000 elementary schools, the event is described: "The law said African Americans had to give up their seats on the bus if a white person wanted to sit down."

In the group's second updated version, race is removed completely from the lesson: "She was told to move to a different seat."

I have to wonder how kids will understand the Rosa Parks story if race is not included. Without that key piece of info it must sound absurd.
A Florida textbook publisher removed all references of race from a lesson about civil rights icon Rosa Parks in order to get a Florida committee's approval, according to The New York Times.

Parks helped spark the Montgomery Bus Boycott after she refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Ala., bus in 1955.

In the current lesson by Studies Weekly, which is used in 45,000 elementary schools, the event is described: "The law said African Americans had to give up their seats on the bus if a white person wanted to sit down."

In the group's second updated version, race is removed completely from the lesson: "She was told to move to a different seat."

No citation.

Yeah. This from the article

The publisher says the changes provided to Florida officials were an overreaction to a vaguely written Florida law; the publisher has since re-written the section on Rosa Parks to include mention of her race in the most recent version of that lesson."

So it appears her race is mentioned and this thread is a load of leftist horseshit. Thanks for the citation..
Rosa Parks is largely an irrelevancy raised to saint status by the radical Left. This as they totally ignore Elizabeth Jennings who, in New York City pre-Civil War got the exact same treatment on the public transit system there, but unlike Parks who did nothing but get arrested (obtaining martyr status with the Left) she took the transit company to court, won, and got the NYC public transit system desegregated.

The problem for the Left is that Jennings was from a wealthy family with good education and she was well connected. That is the antithesis of everything the radical Left wants.

That's nice. Now care to address the topic?