Florida textbook altered to remove references to Rosa Parks's race

Yes and from the article that the idiot who started this horse shit posted

Still, the Florida Department of Education suggested that Studies Weekly had overreached in its efforts to follow Florida law, saying that any publisher that “avoids the topic of race when teaching the Civil Rights movement, slavery, segregation, etc. would not be adhering to Florida law,” the department said in a statement to the New York Times.

You're a retarded donkey fucking moron. You really are.

Either they have made suggestions/revisions or they didn't.

Your pick.

The story is true in whole.

There is the Stop the W.O.K.E. Act.
The Act is deliberately vague.
The teachers in Florida have never made their students feel guilty about the past they had nothing to do with.
The publishers have made suggestions/revisions.
Then, as you have retardedly stated, there is no change to the mention of race in the final revisions.

What I figure is that you are buttsore because you couldn't find a way to rag on the "Left".
You DO realize it isn't the Left that wants to strip the concept of race from the Rosa Parks story, right? I mean you DO understand that, correct?

What I KNOW is the concept race isn't being stripped from the rosa parks story. I mean you DO understand that, correct? You donkey fucking retard.
You sure do like the word "retarded" don'tcha?

No I hate it but it's the only word that applies to leftists.

So you have no idea what the law actually says but you feel compelled to comment on it and you still wonder why I use the word retard so much.
No I hate it but it's the only word that applies to leftists.

So you have no idea what the law actually says but you feel compelled to comment on it and you still wonder why I use the word retard so much.

Give me any example of this occurring:

It shall constitute discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex under this section to subject any student or employee to training or instruction that espouses, promotes, advances, inculcates, or compels such student or employee to believe … a person, by virtue of his or her race, color, sex, or national origin, bears personal responsibility for and must feel guilt, anguish, or other forms of psychological distress because of actions, in which the person played no part, committed in the past by other members of the same race, color, national origin, or sex.
In the initial version, the text explained how Black Americans were affected by Jim Crow laws that arose after the Civil War, but like its updates to the Parks lesson, the second version eliminated almost every direct mention of race. Instead, the lessons were changed to say it was illegal for "men of certain groups" to be unemployed and that "certain groups of people" were not allowed to serve on a jury.

Meanwhile, Republicans in the state this month introduced legislation to ban Florida colleges and universities from running programs that promote diversity, equity and inclusion in colleges and universities.

No I hate it

That's the impression I get from most people with developmental disabilities as you seem to suffer from. You should try to NOT use it, it is insulting to people like you.

So you have no idea what the law actually says but you feel compelled to comment on it and you still wonder why I use the word retard so much.

I was responding to the OP. Sorry you are too astoundingly developmentally disabled that it wasn't clear to you.
Rosa Parks is largely an irrelevancy raised to saint status by the radical Left. This as they totally ignore Elizabeth Jennings who, in New York City pre-Civil War got the exact same treatment on the public transit system there, but unlike Parks who did nothing but get arrested (obtaining martyr status with the Left) she took the transit company to court, won, and got the NYC public transit system desegregated.

Jennings won her individual cause, but did not get a ruling that desegregated all NYC mass transit as you claim. All NYC mass transit was desegregated a decade later. It was Rosa Parks that led to desegregation of all mass transit in America.
Jennings won her individual cause, but did not get a ruling that desegregated all NYC mass transit as you claim. All NYC mass transit was desegregated a decade later. It was Rosa Parks that led to desegregation of all mass transit in America.

Rosa Parks did nothing to make that happen, others did. She was just a convenient martyr.
Rosa Parks did nothing to make that happen, others did. She was just a convenient martyr.

Your obsession is interesting, Terry. If you're as smart and educated as you believe yourself to be, then you'll understand why Medal of Honor recipients are humble. You'll understand why most recipients of medals of valor are humble since they know there are a lot of their peers who go unrewarded if not end up D-E-A-D with only a Purple Heart and a flag for their family to show for it.
That's the impression I get from most people with developmental disabilities as you seem to suffer from. You should try to NOT use it, it is insulting to people like you.

I was responding to the OP. Sorry you are too astoundingly developmentally disabled that it wasn't clear to you.

I don't give a shit about your "impressions" you pompous donkey fucking retard.

Copy and paste from the law where it says race cannot be mentioned. Can you do that? My money is on, you never do.