Fois Gras Ban

Wrong. Your anecdotal assumptions make you look like a fool particularly considering the politicians in every are mentioned are liberal strongholds. Unless you're going to try to convince me that Chicago, Europe, and California lean to the right.

Hey Damo, wasn't there a thread this past week started by Dano about a some action in Tacoma where they play classic music at busstops in Tacoma to get gangbangers to leave. Remember Dano blamed liberals for it and there was a big uproar on this board that it wasn't liberals who made the law and Dano was making stuff up not based on facts?

Isn't that the same assumption here? LadyT is thinking liberals did this just as Dano did. Quite a different response we are seeing here than to Dano's thread.
Can't say i've ever been partial to the taste of fattened goose livers myself.

However, for those who can't get enough of the organs of our glutinous feathered friends there is a humane alternative. This Spanish cove has trained his geese to gorge themselves on acorns and other goose delicacies in lieu of the old tube down the throat method.

Let the feasting begin.
Hey Damo, wasn't there a thread this past week started by Dano about a some action in Tacoma where they play classic music at busstops in Tacoma to get gangbangers to leave. Remember Dano blamed liberals for it and there was a big uproar on this board that it wasn't liberals who made the law and Dano was making stuff up not based on facts?

Isn't that the same assumption here? LadyT is thinking liberals did this just as Dano did. Quite a different response we are seeing here than to Dano's thread.
Yes. I remember. I'll continue to remember.
Indeed. It's the sort of thing conservatives waste too much time on. ;)

Personally, I applaud any individual who avoids the stuff on moral grounds, any restaurant that simply doesn't serve it because it makes the staff kind of queasy, and any municipality or state that bans the practice of producing it. None of these are mutually exclusive.

And so, you also make it a conservative/liberal thing. (and as partisan as possible) it is not political in any way' form, or shape. It is simply a matter of choice.
And so, you also make it a conservative/liberal thing. (and as partisan as possible) it is not political in any way' form, or shape. It is simply a matter of choice.
Everything is political, doniston. Any choice you make is political, whether you want it to be or not. Every preference or inclination each of us has is shared by some, ignored by many and despised by some others.

I'll admit that I really like foie gras. I'll never eat it again, though, because the way it's produced literally makes me sick: I can't look at it without imagining those poor geese. That feeling is strong enough that I have a very negative impression of anyone who doesn't share it. Yes, that means I have something in common with the anti-abortion nuts. Ironic, isn't it? :)

The only significant point here, I think, is that there are so very many people who feel as I do that such bans are inevitably going to spread.
Everything is political, doniston. Any choice you make is political, whether you want it to be or not. Every preference or inclination each of us has is shared by some, ignored by many and despised by some others.

I'll admit that I really like foie gras. I'll never eat it again, though, because the way it's produced literally makes me sick: I can't look at it without imagining those poor geese. That feeling is strong enough that I have a very negative impression of anyone who doesn't share it. Yes, that means I have something in common with the anti-abortion nuts. Ironic, isn't it? :)

The only significant point here, I think, is that there are so very many people who feel as I do that such bans are inevitably going to spread.
But you're still cool with slave labor goods from china?
But you're still cool with slave labor goods from china?
Whatever gave you that idea? I won't shop at stores that routinely stock large amounts of Chinese made inventory -- e.g. Wal-Mart and Target. I am very careful to check where any item I buy was manufactured.

I just don't happen to believe that the particular forms of protectionism you advocate are at all effective.

As I've pointed out many times, I'm not generally interested in good intentions. Good intentions are cheap and plentiful. Good results are much more valuable.
Everything is political, doniston. Any choice you make is political, whether you want it to be or not. Every preference or inclination each of us has is shared by some, ignored by many and despised by some others.

I'll admit that I really like foie gras. I'll never eat it again, though, because the way it's produced literally makes me sick: I can't look at it without imagining those poor geese. That feeling is strong enough that I have a very negative impression of anyone who doesn't share it. Yes, that means I have something in common with the anti-abortion nuts. Ironic, isn't it? :)

The only significant point here, I think, is that there are so very many people who feel as I do that such bans are inevitably going to spread.
HMM!!!, but taking the clue from you, a proper analogy would be that everything in the world has to do with water, but that doesn't make everything wet. I would suggest that you definituin of political is excessively broad.
HMM!!!, but taking the clue from you, a proper analogy would be that everything in the world has to do with water, but that doesn't make everything wet. I would suggest that you definituin of political is excessively broad.
It's the anthropologist's definition, like so many others I adhere to. :cool:

I gather that you were using "political" in the sense of partisan politics. Fair enough. Mostly, I was joking with the dig at conservatives. Mostly.

It's true that any hypothetical conservative can as easily feel compassion for the geese as can any hypothetical liberal. I'm not that interested in how people feel though. No, that's not true: I'm tremendously interested in how people feel; I just don't pass judgments on that basis. How one feels doesn't make one either Good or Bad; it's how we act on our feelings that has moral implications.

Cutting to the chase, the real question is how much importance we attach to preventing geese from suffering for someone's pleasure, as it were. I submit that liberals in general are more likely to take the problem seriously, because liberals will use the power of government to prevent or seriously reduce the practice.
Yes. I remember. I'll continue to remember.

That's right! We Must Never Forget.

Never Again.

Cawacko and Damo will bravely carry the torch of the Dano Bus Station Thread so that such atrocities might never be visited upon the Conservative People Again.
That's right! We Must Never Forget.

Never Again.

Cawacko and Damo will bravely carry the torch of the Dano Bus Station Thread so that such atrocities might never be visited upon the Conservative People Again.

LOL for reals.

Where is that thread?
Whatever gave you that idea? I won't shop at stores that routinely stock large amounts of Chinese made inventory -- e.g. Wal-Mart and Target. I am very careful to check where any item I buy was manufactured.

I just don't happen to believe that the particular forms of protectionism you advocate are at all effective.

As I've pointed out many times, I'm not generally interested in good intentions. Good intentions are cheap and plentiful. Good results are much more valuable.

But why should foi gras outrages be an issue for government, but the issue of patronizing slave goods should be for the individual? Anwer, our elites want to use slave goods to put us out of work and make us dependant on the government infrastructure. It should be an issue of national security actually, because empowering enemies who building armies against us with billions of trade dollars is stupid.
It's the anthropologist's definition, like so many others I adhere to. :cool:

I gather that you were using "political" in the sense of partisan politics. Fair enough. Mostly, I was joking with the dig at conservatives. Mostly.

It's true that any hypothetical conservative can as easily feel compassion for the geese as can any hypothetical liberal. I'm not that interested in how people feel though. No, that's not true: I'm tremendously interested in how people feel; I just don't pass judgments on that basis. How one feels doesn't make one either Good or Bad; it's how we act on our feelings that has moral implications.

Cutting to the chase, the real question is how much importance we attach to preventing geese from suffering for someone's pleasure, as it were. I submit that liberals in general are more likely to take the problem seriously, because liberals will use the power of government to prevent or seriously reduce the practice.
As are "conservatives" who promote laws against abortion.

Once again, it is relevant to how people approach government as to what solution they will promote. It doesn't mean that they are any more or less likely to eat that stuff than any other, or think that it is a good idea to advertise the fact that you sell it. It just means that the approach itself is different.
I am calm. I just take exception to the fact that you lefties try to take claim to all progress. Your "progress" excepts the progress that conservatism, fiscally and enviornmentally makes.

You seem to be of the belief that liberalism is the sole provider. Well, its not.

I oppose the war in Iraq because I'm a conservative on foreign policy. I oppose corporatism because I am conservative with regard to the individual and their rights. I oppose the gross expansion of the federal governemnt, and their wiretapping, and their spying and their seizure of private property because I am a conservative constitutionalist.

Almost all social progress IS due to liberals - and usually against the tide of resistance from reactionary conservatives: women's sufferage, labor rights, children's rights, environment, endagered species laws, gay rights, civil rights, clean air and drinking water laws.

And don't you forget it ;)
That's right! We Must Never Forget.

Never Again.

Cawacko and Damo will bravely carry the torch of the Dano Bus Station Thread so that such atrocities might never be visited upon the Conservative People Again.
Well, we were planning on marching with signs somewhere in NYC in protest of your cavalier attitude toward the conservative-American community.
That's right! We Must Never Forget.

Never Again.

Cawacko and Damo will bravely carry the torch of the Dano Bus Station Thread so that such atrocities might never be visited upon the Conservative People Again.


I missed this - thanks for the bump Damo
Almost all social progress IS due to liberals - and usually against the tide of resistance from reactionary conservatives: women's sufferage, labor rights, children's rights, environment, endagered species laws, gay rights, civil rights, clean air and drinking water laws.

And don't you forget it ;)

The vehicle through which all of this, and our society itself, is possible is a conservative one. Capitalism. That's where all the wealth for all the programs came from.