For All You Climate Nutters Out There

Do you think that nothing is ever your own responsibility? Is it always someone else's responsibility (e.g. "city workers")?

For the intelligent people out there: Yes, I already know the answer to my own question.
Sybil believes @ZenMode is responsible for cleaning NYC.
You're right. You were supposed to post that as AProudLefty and then have your Dutch Uncle account like your post.
Did I strike a nerve?
It's not too late to start cleaning up after yourself.
No. I'm just telling you to stop being stupid.

Stop trying to change the subject to deflect from your ridiculous assumptions.

Stop trolling.

Be smarter.
No, AProudLefty doesn't have any thoughts of his own. On his own, all he has is his dumb word games.

He is not aware.

He thinks that whatever Grok says in accordance with his mind masters must be true. If Grok were to ever say something that opposes his mind masters, then he would reject Grok's answer.

AProudLefty operates just like an NPC (non-player character) does. He can only say/do whatever his programmers program him to say/do. He can only change what he says/does whenever he happens to receive updates in his programming.

Right. Grok isn't always correct. If it draws from incorrect info, then it will spit out incorrect info.

That's why humans were gifted with the ability to discern right from wrong. Some of us embrace it via practice and regular use of it; others of us never use it and let it go to waste.
Well said, 100% in agreement with each statement......Oh no! have I become a libtard? LOL No, it's ok and expected that common sense is shared by many, hence the word 'common.' Libtards must agree with lots and lots or 'uncommon' sense, in case any of you drones were about to ask. If you ask me nicely, I'll give you specific examples.
Yup, ZenMode has been broken.
Anything but broken. I can do this indefinitely. Whether you're a troll, blatantly dishonest or simply a far-right conspiracy theorist loon, I can and will keep pointing out your stupidity.
Oh no! have I become a libtard?
Haha, you've already proven that you aren't one. You can form your own thoughts. You aren't dependent upon copying and pasting AI-generated responses.

When I think of libtards, I can't help but think of the line "I'm sorry, my responses are limited" from the I, Robot movie.
Haha, you've already proven that you aren't one. You can form your own thoughts. You aren't dependent upon copying and pasting AI-generated responses.

When I think of libtards, I can't help but think of the line "I'm sorry, my responses are limited" from the I, Robot movie.
That movie is rapidly become real. When the best of the robot world is combined with the best of the AI systems in 20 more years it will really be.......I can't decide if it will be scary or amazing. I know we're basically there but just think how much better it will be in 20 years.

Anyways, I get parts of movies stuck in my head that are triggered by certain events quite often. I always think of 'Idiocracy' when I go to Walmart, lol, I've have nothing against Walmart or the shoppers but I'm sorry, I just can't help it.

I also can't help but think of this guy I've already posted a few times here, but it absolutely cracks me up. So, if you haven't seen it yet, it's very short.
