For All You Climate Nutters Out There

weather and climate aren't the same thing.
Everyone does.
Other than passing laws against littering, which every state has, What do you suggest? Maybe snipers on top of every building, looking for the next person that drops a Snickers wrapper?
Everyone has the power to stop littering (regardless of any external pressures/laws/etc). Everyone has the ability to choose to throw a snicker's wrapper into a proper trash receptacle instead of throwing it along the sidewalk.
Whose filthy neighborhood?
Yours. But really anyone's.
how do you foresee that happening?
By you opening your mouth and socializing with other people instead of simply staring down at your phone as you walk around (like a zombie).
People standing on corners? People going door to door?
Either of those would work, but neither of those are required in order to socialize with people.
You do realize that, without cities, towns, etc putting effort into cleaning up trash, they would be up to their rooftops in garbage, right? What in the actual fuck are you talking about right now?
I'm talking about all of the litter that I see on the ground around me everywhere I walk in a leftist city that claims to be sooooooo concerned about "climate crisis". What about the litter crisis within your own city?

Everyone does.

Everyone has the power to stop littering (regardless of any external pressures/laws/etc). Everyone has the ability to choose to throw a snicker's wrapper into a proper trash receptacle instead of throwing it along the sidewalk.

Yours. But really anyone's.

By you opening your mouth and socializing with other people instead of simply staring down at your phone as you walk around (like a zombie).

Either of those would work, but neither of those are required in order to socialize with people.

I'm talking about all of the litter that I see on the ground around me everywhere I walk in a leftist city that claims to be sooooooo concerned about "climate crisis". What about the litter crisis within your own city?
@gfm7175 apparently believes that trash and litter magically vanish from the streets because, clearly, if there was no trash being picked up, every major city would be over their heads in garbage.

Maybe there are some kind of magical garbage elves that come out of hiding at night and pick up all the trash?
Garbage isn't magick, Void. Democrat run cities are filthly, crime ridden hellholes.
Again, stop being dishonest and, more importantly, stop being stupid.
You should take your own advice. In fact, this is precisely the kind of leftist behavior that I am getting at with this thread of mine. Thanks for being such a shining example for everyone to see.

First, you need to fix your own dishonesty and your own stupidity before you try (and fail) to point it out in others.
In a discussion about climate change he specifically referenced Not worrying about things you can't control "(e.g. the weather)"
The discussion is actually about leftists claiming to "care about the environment" (usually via clamoring on and on about 'climate crisis') yet willingly littering all over their cities without a care about how trashy/disgusting their cities are.

It's about leftist hypocrisy.
I never said there was 400 years of trash in NYC, Void. You are hallucinating again.
But the place looks like shit. Trash and human waste piling up...
You've said repeatedly that trash is piling up. It's not. If the city allowed trash to pile up, there would be 400 years of trash.

SF also doesn't allow shit to pile up. Why the fuck to you think they have an app to notify THE CITY that a homeless person took a crap on the sidewalk? Do you think they're playing Shit Battleship ooooooor do you think it's so they can go pick it up?

Again, stop being dishonest and, more importantly, stop being stupid. In a discussion about climate change he specifically referenced Not worrying about things you can't control "(e.g. the weather)"

I intentionally didn't respond to anything else in your post. When you start off a response with dishonesty and stupidity, I see no reason to continue.
Climate cannot change, Void.
That's a rather odd conclusion to come to, especially since my opening post is about how there's trash and litter all over the streets/sidewalks/yards/etc...

Appealing to ridiculous extremes doesn't work. I have eyeballs. I can see all sorts of trash littered around everywhere I walk. I can see people's yards littered with empty beer cans. I can see people's used masks littered in parking lots. Those people, if they truly "cared about the environment", would pick up their own litter, STOP LITTERING in the future, and first focus on the littered state of their own city before worrying about so-called "Earth's climate".

Get your own room in order before worrying about the rooms of others.

There aren't. If there were, then the large filthy disgusting leftist cities would actually be clean instead of having trash littered everywhere.
" I have eyeballs. I can see all sorts of trash littered around everywhere I walk. "

Yah think? Do you think there's are city workers trailing every person to pick up every piece of trash as it hits the fucking ground?

Again, if the trash was NEVER being picked up, there would be years upon years upon years of it ACTUALLY piling up.

You've said repeatedly that trash is piling up.
It is.
It's not.
It is.
If the city allowed trash to pile up, there would be 400 years of trash.
No one is talking about 400 years of trash, Void. You are hallucinating again.
SF also doesn't allow shit to pile up.
Yes it does.
Why the fuck to you think they have an app to notify THE CITY that a homeless person took a crap on the sidewalk?
So they can build their map of shit on the sidewalk.
Do you think they're playing Shit Battleship ooooooor do you think it's so they can go pick it up?

They don't pick it up. It just washes away into the ocean as raw sewage.
" I have eyeballs. I can see all sorts of trash littered around everywhere I walk. "

Yah think? Do you think there's are city workers trailing every person to pick up every piece of trash as it hits the fucking ground?

Again, if the trash was NEVER being picked up, there would be years upon years upon years of it ACTUALLY piling up.
There is years of it actually piling up, Void.