For All You Climate Nutters Out There

That movie is rapidly become real. When the best of the robot world is combined with the best of the AI systems in 20 more years it will really be.......I can't decide if it will be scary or amazing. I know we're basically there but just think how much better it will be in 20 years.

Anyways, I get parts of movies stuck in my head that are triggered by certain events quite often. I always think of 'Idiocracy' when I go to Walmart, lol, I've have nothing against Walmart or the shoppers but I'm sorry, I just can't help it.

I also can't help but think of this guy I've already posted a few times here, but it absolutely cracks me up. So, if you haven't seen it yet, it's very short.

It has long been a fear that automation and in particular robotics makes people stupid.

But people have been stupid long before automation.
I remember every single one of these except the 60's, but I believe him on that one. Every other one of the catastrophes were going to take us out according to 'science.' I love science, but when it comes to pseudoscience like the left uses for drone training, not so much. However, it does make for good science fiction movies, but people should stop there. Don't be a sucker and fall for the latest play for your liberty.

It has long been a fear that automation and in particular robotics makes people stupid.

But people have been stupid long before automation.
^^^ a valid description of your posts, especially after your system crashes.
Neither you nor Into the night can create reality with inaccurate posts. You really, really, really seem to think you can, but that's not how it works.

A flat-earther can post paragraph after paragraph supporting their beliefs. They're still wrong.
JPP's climate nutters STILL haven't started to clean up their own filthy garbage-ridden cities, eh?
Apparently several of them are trying to deny these cities are filthy!

Trash everywhere. People shitting on the sidewalk and open sewers. Druggies standing around like a zombie apocalypse movie. Open crime. Trashy tents and permanent camps on public sidewalks.