For all you leftists baby killers.


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Here's a simple question for those who support the 'right' of women to murder their babies before they are born. Most of you claim that it is not alive. Well, that's just a load of BS, and you know it. So, my question is this. If a fetus is not alive, then what is it? It's not dead. Is there a third state that it fits into? I think not. It's either alive or its dead. Therefore, terminating a pregnancy is by definition murder. Those are the facts. You cannot refute them. A fetus is alive.
Let me repeat: Abortion is the hypocrite's crutch, a child dies every few seconds in the world and even in America of preventable healthcare issues and never ever do you hear abortion foes talk of helping the living born conscious human being. It is only this moral outrage over abortion that gets notice for it requires nothing of the moralist except judgment and condemnation of the other. Consider too the misogyny and racism so evident in America during the last President and 2016 election and you must wonder why this love of children does not extend into love of all people? How hard it is to to fund help for the needy in America, CHIP was an example, or universal healthcare, and you soon realize abortion like guns is only a wedge issue used to manage the mind of the easily persuaded. Religion, and especially evangelical religion in America has come to be about political power and money and no longer has anything to do with morality, you know simply doing good for your neighbor.

one woman's abortion

"It seems to me that a case can be made for taking a human life statute that dates the origin of personhood at conception to be an "establishment" of religious doctrine. The argument runs as follows. For reasons given above, it is quite contrary to common sense to claim that a newly fertilized human ovum is already an actual person. Employing the term 'person' in the normal fashion, no one thinks of a fertilized egg in that way. The only arguments that have been advanced to the conclusion that fertilized eggs are people, common sense notwithstanding, are arguments with theological premises. These premises are part of large theological and philosophical systems that are very much worthy of respect indeed, but they can neither be established nor refuted without critical discussion of the whole systems of which they form a part. In fact, many conscientious persons reject them, often in favor of doctrines stemming from rival theological systems; so for the state to endorse the personhood of newly fertilized ova would be for the state to embrace one set of controversial theological tenets rather than others, in effect to enforce the teaching of some churches against those of other churches (and nonchurches), and to back up this enforcement with severe criminal penalties. The state plays this constitutionally prohibited role when it officially affirms a doctrine that is opposed to common sense and understanding and whose only proposed arguments proceed from theological premises. This case, it seems to me, is a good one even if there is reason, as there might be, for affirming the personhood of fetuses in the second or third trimester of pregnancy."

"Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2015. This translates to over 1,400 young children dying each day, or about 526,000 children a year, despite the availability of simple effective treatment."

"The Real Origins of the Religious Right - They’ll tell you it was abortion. Sorry, the historical record’s clear: It was segregation.""

"But the abortion myth quickly collapses under historical scrutiny. In fact, it wasn’t until 1979—a full six years after Roe—that evangelical leaders, at the behest of conservative activist Paul Weyrich, seized on abortion not for moral reasons, but as a rallying-cry to deny President Jimmy Carter a second term. Why? Because the anti-abortion crusade was more palatable than the religious right’s real motive: protecting segregated schools."

"The abuse of women and girls is the most pervasive and unaddressed human rights violation on earth." Jimmy Carter

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey
Here's a simple question for those who support the 'right' of women to murder their babies before they are born. Most of you claim that it is not alive. Well, that's just a load of BS, and you know it. So, my question is this. If a fetus is not alive, then what is it? It's not dead. Is there a third state that it fits into? I think not. It's either alive or its dead. Therefore, terminating a pregnancy is by definition murder. Those are the facts. You cannot refute them. A fetus is alive.
Using that reasoning war is also murder. So is the death penalty and sixth grade math in Mississippi. What are your position on those forms of murder?
Here's a simple question for those who support the 'right' of women to murder their babies before they are born. Most of you claim that it is not alive. Well, that's just a load of BS, and you know it. So, my question is this. If a fetus is not alive, then what is it? It's not dead. Is there a third state that it fits into? I think not. It's either alive or its dead. Therefore, terminating a pregnancy is by definition murder. Those are the facts. You cannot refute them. A fetus is alive.

If you're not a woman,you don't have a dog in the fight
Let me repeat: Abortion is the hypocrite's crutch, a child dies every few seconds in the world and even in America of preventable healthcare issues and never ever do you hear abortion foes talk of helping the living born conscious human being. It is only this moral outrage over abortion that gets notice for it requires nothing of the moralist except judgment and condemnation of the other. Consider too the misogyny and racism so evident in America during the last President and 2016 election and you must wonder why this love of children does not extend into love of all people? How hard it is to to fund help for the needy in America, CHIP was an example, or universal healthcare, and you soon realize abortion like guns is only a wedge issue used to manage the mind of the easily persuaded. Religion, and especially evangelical religion in America has come to be about political power and money and no longer has anything to do with morality, you know simply doing good for your neighbor.

one woman's abortion

"It seems to me that a case can be made for taking a human life statute that dates the origin of personhood at conception to be an "establishment" of religious doctrine. The argument runs as follows. For reasons given above, it is quite contrary to common sense to claim that a newly fertilized human ovum is already an actual person. Employing the term 'person' in the normal fashion, no one thinks of a fertilized egg in that way. The only arguments that have been advanced to the conclusion that fertilized eggs are people, common sense notwithstanding, are arguments with theological premises. These premises are part of large theological and philosophical systems that are very much worthy of respect indeed, but they can neither be established nor refuted without critical discussion of the whole systems of which they form a part. In fact, many conscientious persons reject them, often in favor of doctrines stemming from rival theological systems; so for the state to endorse the personhood of newly fertilized ova would be for the state to embrace one set of controversial theological tenets rather than others, in effect to enforce the teaching of some churches against those of other churches (and nonchurches), and to back up this enforcement with severe criminal penalties. The state plays this constitutionally prohibited role when it officially affirms a doctrine that is opposed to common sense and understanding and whose only proposed arguments proceed from theological premises. This case, it seems to me, is a good one even if there is reason, as there might be, for affirming the personhood of fetuses in the second or third trimester of pregnancy."

"Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2015. This translates to over 1,400 young children dying each day, or about 526,000 children a year, despite the availability of simple effective treatment."

"The Real Origins of the Religious Right - They’ll tell you it was abortion. Sorry, the historical record’s clear: It was segregation.""

"But the abortion myth quickly collapses under historical scrutiny. In fact, it wasn’t until 1979—a full six years after Roe—that evangelical leaders, at the behest of conservative activist Paul Weyrich, seized on abortion not for moral reasons, but as a rallying-cry to deny President Jimmy Carter a second term. Why? Because the anti-abortion crusade was more palatable than the religious right’s real motive: protecting segregated schools."

"The abuse of women and girls is the most pervasive and unaddressed human rights violation on earth." Jimmy Carter

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

Deflection? Is that all you got?
you all are put on notice: your human blood sacrifices will end and the days of the worshippers of baal are numbered and few. prepare to be judged.
I wish the abortion whiners and fetus-lovers would shut the hell up.

We're ass-deep in unwanted babies that were forced to be born, and the fascist "conservatives" don't want to spend a dime to help them.

They keep moaning about taxes until decent people are tempted, albeit thankfully not actually moved, to hit them with a bat. I see Mike Pence's face and my old, arthritic fists reflexively clench.

Give us a goddamn break and mind your business about what other folks do with their own bodies.

I genuinely regret that your moms all had the poor judgment to bring you immoral creatures to term. You diminish the quality of human life with your very existence.
We appreciate the cranky douchepocalypse of Grugore, and ilk. Their bloviated nonsense only makes us get a chip on our shoulder. It's fun when they showoff what can only be called white male curmudgeon, PMS.
My position is that you are a blithering idiot

So its safe to assume then that you’re a typical conservative then? That life is sacred only when it’s in the womb? That bombing innocent civilians in Iraq, who were never a real threat to us and sending our young men over to die in an immoral war in Iraq isn’t murder but abortion is?

So are you consistent in your morals or are you a hypocrite blowing smoke?
So its safe to assume then that you’re a typical conservative then? That life is sacred only when it’s in the womb? That bombing innocent civilians in Iraq, who were never a real threat to us and sending our young men over to die in an immoral war in Iraq isn’t murder but abortion is?

So are you consistent in your morals or are you a hypocrite blowing smoke?

the unborn are collateral damage in the war on obstacles to happiness........
Here's a simple question for those who support the 'right' of women to murder their babies before they are born. Most of you claim that it is not alive. Well, that's just a load of BS, and you know it. So, my question is this. If a fetus is not alive, then what is it? It's not dead. Is there a third state that it fits into? I think not. It's either alive or its dead. Therefore, terminating a pregnancy is by definition murder. Those are the facts. You cannot refute them. A fetus is alive.

I am perfectly fine with calling the fetus anything you want to call it, and still supporting the right of women to choose. I am perfectly fine with calling it pre-natal murder and still supporting the right of a woman to choose. If we called it a Stand Your Ground law, would the right support it then?
Let me repeat: Abortion is the hypocrite's crutch, a child dies every few seconds in the world and even in America of preventable healthcare issues and never ever do you hear abortion foes talk of helping the living born conscious human being. It is only this moral outrage over abortion that gets notice for it requires nothing of the moralist except judgment and condemnation of the other. Consider too the misogyny and racism so evident in America during the last President and 2016 election and you must wonder why this love of children does not extend into love of all people? How hard it is to to fund help for the needy in America, CHIP was an example, or universal healthcare, and you soon realize abortion like guns is only a wedge issue used to manage the mind of the easily persuaded. Religion, and especially evangelical religion in America has come to be about political power and money and no longer has anything to do with morality, you know simply doing good for your neighbor.

one woman's abortion

"It seems to me that a case can be made for taking a human life statute that dates the origin of personhood at conception to be an "establishment" of religious doctrine. The argument runs as follows. For reasons given above, it is quite contrary to common sense to claim that a newly fertilized human ovum is already an actual person. Employing the term 'person' in the normal fashion, no one thinks of a fertilized egg in that way. The only arguments that have been advanced to the conclusion that fertilized eggs are people, common sense notwithstanding, are arguments with theological premises. These premises are part of large theological and philosophical systems that are very much worthy of respect indeed, but they can neither be established nor refuted without critical discussion of the whole systems of which they form a part. In fact, many conscientious persons reject them, often in favor of doctrines stemming from rival theological systems; so for the state to endorse the personhood of newly fertilized ova would be for the state to embrace one set of controversial theological tenets rather than others, in effect to enforce the teaching of some churches against those of other churches (and nonchurches), and to back up this enforcement with severe criminal penalties. The state plays this constitutionally prohibited role when it officially affirms a doctrine that is opposed to common sense and understanding and whose only proposed arguments proceed from theological premises. This case, it seems to me, is a good one even if there is reason, as there might be, for affirming the personhood of fetuses in the second or third trimester of pregnancy."

"Diarrhoea is a leading killer of children, accounting for 9 per cent of all deaths among children under age 5 worldwide in 2015. This translates to over 1,400 young children dying each day, or about 526,000 children a year, despite the availability of simple effective treatment."

"The Real Origins of the Religious Right - They’ll tell you it was abortion. Sorry, the historical record’s clear: It was segregation.""

"But the abortion myth quickly collapses under historical scrutiny. In fact, it wasn’t until 1979—a full six years after Roe—that evangelical leaders, at the behest of conservative activist Paul Weyrich, seized on abortion not for moral reasons, but as a rallying-cry to deny President Jimmy Carter a second term. Why? Because the anti-abortion crusade was more palatable than the religious right’s real motive: protecting segregated schools."

"The abuse of women and girls is the most pervasive and unaddressed human rights violation on earth." Jimmy Carter

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

You claim to care yet the left wing answer to everything is for someone else to do the funding. You ask how hard is it to find funding for things. It's not. Reach into your pocket anytime you choose to do so and fund it.
So its safe to assume then that you’re a typical conservative then? That life is sacred only when it’s in the womb? That bombing innocent civilians in Iraq, who were never a real threat to us and sending our young men over to die in an immoral war in Iraq isn’t murder but abortion is?

So are you consistent in your morals or are you a hypocrite blowing smoke?

Is it same to assume you're the typical left winger? That a woman should have the choice of what she does with her body and it's a private matter until she can't afford the choices she makes? That despite her having the choice related to her body and others being told to butt out, it's OK that what is deemed a private matter is now subject to public funding?

Do you believe in personal responsibility for the choices one makes or are you the typical lefty that wants the freedom to choose but the the responsibility that goes along with it?
I wish the abortion whiners and fetus-lovers would shut the hell up.

We're ass-deep in unwanted babies that were forced to be born, and the fascist "conservatives" don't want to spend a dime to help them.

They keep moaning about taxes until decent people are tempted, albeit thankfully not actually moved, to hit them with a bat. I see Mike Pence's face and my old, arthritic fists reflexively clench.

Give us a goddamn break and mind your business about what other folks do with their own bodies.

I genuinely regret that your moms all had the poor judgment to bring you immoral creatures to term. You diminish the quality of human life with your very existence.

Here's fascism:

"Give us a goddamn break and mind your business about what other folks do with their own bodies" then claim conservatives "don't want to spend a dime to help them".

What makes sense about being told to butt out of the choice then paying for the results of a choice you were told was none of your business? If you want me to butt out, don't try bringing me back into it when the results aren't what you like.
I wish the abortion whiners and fetus-lovers would shut the hell up.

We're ass-deep in unwanted babies that were forced to be born, and the fascist "conservatives" don't want to spend a dime to help them.

They keep moaning about taxes until decent people are tempted, albeit thankfully not actually moved, to hit them with a bat. I see Mike Pence's face and my old, arthritic fists reflexively clench.

Give us a goddamn break and mind your business about what other folks do with their own bodies.

I genuinely regret that your moms all had the poor judgment to bring you immoral creatures to term. You diminish the quality of human life with your very existence.

A fetus is not part of a woman's body. That's basic science. It has its own set of DNA. It has a heart, brain, nervous system. You are so concerned about a woman's rights. What about the rights of that baby? But then, liberal atheists only care about someone if they can be a part of their fictitious victim's club and are able to vote.