For all you leftists baby killers.

People die. That's a fact. Abortion is not just preventable, but it's the taking of direct action to end life.

Universal healthcare sucks. People die on waitlists all of the time. Providing universal healthcare doesn't guarantee care because demand is greater than supply. Mostly because doctors won't work at the wages that government is willing to pay, nor should they.

The argument that conservatives only care about the child until it's out of the womb is also false. We just don't believe in a government funded nanny state that takes care of everyone's bad decisions. There's a reason why conservatives donate so much more money to private charities than liberals do. Because conservatives believe in personal responsibility and liberals believe in no responsibility. If all of the work capable adults would get the help off of welfare, then the money could be used for children, the elderly, the disabled... but they don't. Welfare needs to be cut off for those who abuse it, so that those who need it can receive it.

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Jesus Fucking Christ!!!
What is it with these fetus worshipers?
We're ass-deep in babies.
They're not an endangered species.

Wouldn't it be better if only wanted babies were born?

Christian Conservatives are an affront to reason and logic.

They're totally comparable to Islamic Lunatics.

And just as dangerous to decent and civilized society.

It would be better if those taking the action that produces a child stop saying it is something they don't want. If you take the action that produces the child, knowing it can happen, the claim of don't want is no longer valid.
Here's a simple question for those who support the 'right' of women to murder their babies before they are born. Most of you claim that it is not alive. Well, that's just a load of BS, and you know it. So, my question is this. If a fetus is not alive, then what is it? It's not dead. Is there a third state that it fits into? I think not. It's either alive or its dead. Therefore, terminating a pregnancy is by definition murder. Those are the facts. You cannot refute them. A fetus is alive.

How are you on rape and incest?