For all you leftists baby killers.

Here's a simple question for those who support the 'right' of women to murder their babies before they are born. Most of you claim that it is not alive. Well, that's just a load of BS, and you know it. So, my question is this. If a fetus is not alive, then what is it? It's not dead. Is there a third state that it fits into? I think not. It's either alive or its dead. Therefore, terminating a pregnancy is by definition murder. Those are the facts. You cannot refute them. A fetus is alive.

Is a brain dead person a living organism? Biologically, yes. Therefore, pulling the plug on a braindead person is literally murder.
A fetus is not part of a woman's body. That's basic science. It has its own set of DNA. It has a heart, brain, nervous system. You are so concerned about a woman's rights. What about the rights of that baby? But then, liberal atheists only care about someone if they can be a part of their fictitious victim's club and are able to vote.

Let's have a compromise, we'll remove the baby from the woman's body and then see if it can survive on its own. Only freeloaders will fail this test, and that makes humanity better off.
Is a brain dead person a living organism? Biologically, yes. Therefore, pulling the plug on a braindead person is literally murder.

WRONG. A brain dead person can only survive through artificial means 100% of the time. A fetus is not being kept alive artificially but naturally. Plus a baby can survive outside the womb at 23 weeks.
WRONG. A brain dead person can only survive through artificial means 100% of the time. A fetus is not being kept alive artificially but naturally. Plus a baby can survive outside the womb at 23 weeks.

Also, a baby cannot survive on its own for several years AFTER it was born. According to liberals, it would be perfectly fine to let it starve to death, since it can't survive without its mother.
WRONG. A brain dead person can only survive through artificial means 100% of the time. A fetus is not being kept alive artificially but naturally. Plus a baby can survive outside the womb at 23 weeks.

So if you require medicial intervention to stay alive, it's not murder to kill you. Guess you wouldn't mind if someone walked into your hospital room and pulled the plug after an accident? It's not murder after all, because you're not alive naturally.

You know, it's really not a good argument to just point out one single random difference in a situation to defeat an analogy, your difference has to be meaningful and has to apply generally and not only the situation your trying to defend. You're literally just pulling shit out of your ass at this point.
So if you require medicial intervention to stay alive, it's not murder to kill you. Guess you wouldn't mind if someone walked into your hospital room and pulled the plug after an accident? It's not murder after all, because you're not alive naturally.

You know, it's really not a good argument to just point out one single random difference in a situation to defeat an analogy, your difference has to be meaningful and has to apply generally and not only the situation your trying to defend. You're literally just pulling shit out of your ass at this point.

You said brain dead dip shit. If your brain functions then you are considered medically alive but if you are brain dead you are considered medically dead or a liberal. both are correct.
The fetus is not sentient, why are we morally required to allow the fetus to develop to the point where it's sentient? The only thing that matters practically is that, at the moment it is terminated, it is not sentient. The lack of sentience, comparable to the lack of sentience in a brain dead person, destroys the moral equivalence with murder.
You said brain dead dip shit. If your brain functions then you are considered medically alive but if you are brain dead you are considered medically dead both are correct.

A fetus's brain doesn't function.

Also, in both cases, the organism is literally, biologically alive. Brain death is a legal fiction they came up with to allow them to pull the plug because they know in that case there is no moral equivalence to murder.

or a liberal.

haha libtards rekt XD
A fetus's brain doesn't function.

Also, in both cases, the organism is literally, biologically alive. Brain death is a legal fiction they came up with to allow them to pull the plug because they know in that case there is no moral equivalence to murder.

haha libtards rekt XD

>>A fetus's brain doesn't function.

You are correct up to day 40 then brain activity can be measured. So I am all for abortion up to day35 after that it's murder.
>>A fetus's brain doesn't function.

You are correct up to day 40 then brain activity can be measured. So I am all for abortion up to day35 after that it's murder.

In most jurisdictions brain death can be declared when the brain stem still functions, which provides heartbeat and such, after the death of cerebellum and all more advanced and sophisticated parts of the brain. Early in the fetus's development that is all there is, just a basic brain stem that provides basic functions. IMO IDGAF until the prefrontal cortex starts developing.
Using that reasoning war is also murder. So is the death penalty and sixth grade math in Mississippi. What are your position on those forms of murder?
I don’t know anyone with a mind that doesn’t know the embryo/fetus is alive. We do contend that at certain stages the embryo/fetus can not live on its own. I have never seen anyone claim it isn’t alive.
We do not have to nullify Roe v Wade to weaken it

BTW Kavanaugh will not end Roe v Wade. Science will

The libs can’t stop Kavanaugh. I wouldn’t be surprised to see McCain and Flake (even Corker) try to derail the nomination. McCain because he is dead and the other two if they realize they have zero political future
Jesus Fucking Christ!!!
What is it with these fetus worshipers?
We're ass-deep in babies.
They're not an endangered species.

Wouldn't it be better if only wanted babies were born?

Christian Conservatives are an affront to reason and logic.

They're totally comparable to Islamic Lunatics.

And just as dangerous to decent and civilized society.
I wish the abortion whiners and fetus-lovers would shut the hell up.

We're ass-deep in unwanted babies that were forced to be born, and the fascist "conservatives" don't want to spend a dime to help them.

They keep moaning about taxes until decent people are tempted, albeit thankfully not actually moved, to hit them with a bat. I see Mike Pence's face and my old, arthritic fists reflexively clench.

Give us a goddamn break and mind your business about what other folks do with their own bodies.

I genuinely regret that your moms all had the poor judgment to bring you immoral creatures to term. You diminish the quality of human life with your very existence.

We're assdeep in liberals, can we work on fixing that first?