For Darla

True. I have yet to see a sexy unibrow.

I posted that line more for the gun in my truck part.

My favorite part of this post is how you're now qualifying the lines.......

"its funny but I highlight my hair"

"unibrows are ugly, but that gun line is bad @$$".....
My favorite part of this post is how you're now qualifying the lines.......

"its funny but I highlight my hair"

"unibrows are ugly, but that gun line is bad @$$".....

lol. Fair point. I've never claimed to be Grizzly Adams or anything though.

I observe proper hygiene.
Haha stop picking fights LadyT.

And no I agree it's not manly to highlight your hair but I do it anyway because my girlfriend thinks it's hot.
Haha stop picking fights LadyT.

And no I agree it's not manly to highlight your hair but I do it anyway because my girlfriend thinks it's hot.

Wow. You'e going to let damo b!tch smack you like that. You're just going to let that ride?

I thought you manlier than that.

.....snap....damo scores.....
Hair in general is a waste of time. I started shaving my head in 2001 and will never go back to having hair.

Smooth & shiny is the ONLY way to go.
spoken like a bald person.

You betcha!

I can look just as good in the wind or rain, I can go from sound asleep to dressed and out the door to work in 5 mins flat, I can wear a hat for half the day and no one can tell.

I spend a bit more on razors but I save a bundle on shampoo.

Its the only way to go.
LOL @ epic saying in a thread in which LADYT AND DARLA are posting in that he highlights his hair. They are gonna drag that one through the ground no doubt :)

That shows a considerable lack of judgment .