For Dixie: Common Sense

I think Dixie might be scared to come back. It looks like Care is gunning for his ass. I really enjoyed watching it!
I think Dixie might be scared to come back. It looks like Care is gunning for his ass. I really enjoyed watching it!

LMAO... It never ceases to amaze me how many pinheads will think I have "run away" or that I am "scared to come back" because one of you have made an idiot out of yourself, and were exposed for it.

Darling, I am glad you enjoyed watching me correct the facts for Care, and it's best you stayed on the sidelines and just watched, it was brutal. Care is always gunning for my ass, she secretly loves me, you know?

Here's a tip for you people who are tempted to post about my absence, I work for a living, unlike most of you liberal freeloaders, and I also have other interests besides slapping around pinheads on a message board all day. If I am away for a while, I am either busy working, or I have better things to do. I have not, and will not, ever leave here because someone said something to me, or made some lame-ass point, or thought they "owned" me. Please don't make the foolish mistake of thinking you have "run me off" or something, just because I haven't responded to your idiocy.
What is common sense to you?

The same thing it is for most everybody except you.

It is the collective and logical conventional wisdom of mankind. Things we all should know and understand, if we haven't abandoned common sense and logic. It is not applicable to scientific study, because science requires you to abstain from conclusiveness, and 'common sense', no matter how well grounded, is a conclusion. This is why Einstein said what he said, it was in application to science and scientific discovery, and nothing more.

The fact that you misinterpreted a literal significance to his quote, and attempted to apply it universally, is evidence you are an abject idiot. And I don't say that as an ad hominem attack, I literally mean, you are abjectly being idiotic in your opinion... i.e., an 'abject idiot'.
DIXIE: Here's a tip for you people who are tempted to post about my absence, I work for a living, unlike most of you liberal freeloaders

You have more posts, than 95% of the people here.

And if there was a way to actually word-count, you'd probably be the number one poster in terms of actuall time posting, because many of your posts are so long and verbose.
LMAO... It never ceases to amaze me how many pinheads will think I have "run away" or that I am "scared to come back" because one of you have made an idiot out of yourself, and were exposed for it.

Darling, I am glad you enjoyed watching me correct the facts for Care, and it's best you stayed on the sidelines and just watched, it was brutal. Care is always gunning for my ass, she secretly loves me, you know?

Here's a tip for you people who are tempted to post about my absence, I work for a living, unlike most of you liberal freeloaders, and I also have other interests besides slapping around pinheads on a message board all day. If I am away for a while, I am either busy working, or I have better things to do. I have not, and will not, ever leave here because someone said something to me, or made some lame-ass point, or thought they "owned" me. Please don't make the foolish mistake of thinking you have "run me off" or something, just because I haven't responded to your idiocy.

Dixie I really don't give a shit whether you post, or you don't post, or you have to work ot at mcdonalds. These really are not subjects that interest me. I noticed Care kicking your ass, and I thought it was funny. That's as much thought as I gave to it.
Hey I'm proud of my verbosity. Don't believe in doing things half assed.

Dixie I don't like your definition because it just replaces common sense with another term: conventional wisdom. Also saying it is things we should all know doesn't really apply. We should all no our multiplication tables but I wouldn't call knowing them common sense.
We should all no our multiplication tables...

As well as how to spell "know".

I'm not speaking of what we "should" know, as opposed to what some don't know. Read the entire definition, the collective conventional wisdom of mankind, not what I think people "should" or "shouldn't" know, as you misunderstood. I use the word "should" because most of us, who have an IQ greater than our shoe size, SHOULD understand what 'common sense' is, and use it regularly. I think 'common sense' is what keeps you from sticking your hand on a red-hot stove burner, Arnold thinks you are only being prejudiced against the red-hot stove burner because of what you learned before the age of 18.

You have to wonder how someone like Arnold has survived so long without common sense, because it is indeed a wonder of all wonders.
Dixie I really don't give a shit whether you post, or you don't post, or you have to work ot at mcdonalds. These really are not subjects that interest me. I noticed Care kicking your ass, and I thought it was funny. That's as much thought as I gave to it.

Yeah Darling, I know you really don't give a shit about what I post, that's why we're always surprised with your commentary about it! It's amazing that you would spend so much time addressing something you don't really give a shit about, isn't it?

I think you secretly love me too!
Common sense is a perennial topic, and there is no one agreed term that makes it solidly agreed to by all.

One way to define common sense is:

Those things which people "sense" as their common understanding. Therefore the term would often be different in different areas.

What a bush dweller in Australia might think of as common sense, such as to stay away from the red and black lizards would be nothing of a sort to a person who resides solely in Sydney and vice versa.
As well as how to spell "know".

Don't be a spelling cop its just short hand on these internets.

It is the collective and logical conventional wisdom of mankind. Things we all should know and understand, if we haven't abandoned common sense and logic.

I'm not speaking of what we "should" know, as opposed to what some don't know. Read the entire definition, the collective conventional wisdom of mankind, not what I think people "should" or "shouldn't" know, as you misunderstood.

Just as I didn't pay attention to spelling know correctly you must not have referenced what you originally said. You did say it is what we SHOULD know based on what you wrote above.

As far as common sense goes I would say man is an animal like any other and thus has preprogrammed tendencies and instincts. I would not say all knowledge that one has in predjudicial unless you consider what is written in the genes a predjudice.

However because so called common sense is encoded in our genes as instinct it can vary from person to person so I would also not say there is a general concensus on what constitutes common sense.
It is the collective and logical conventional wisdom of mankind.

'Collective conventional wisdom'. The assumptions made by a society and collectively shared?

Where does logical come into it? I can present a logically valid syllogism that 'All cows are green'. Would you consider that cows being green is 'common sense'?

If you remove logic from this, then common sense is just the assumptions people make because they are popular, the prevailing notion.

For example, a few hundred years ago, it was collective conventional wisdom that the Earth was flat. A few thousand years ago, it was collective conventional wisdom that the actions of the seas, thunderstorms and the emotion of love were under the control of the gods.

Common conventional wisdom has little approximation of truth. It is, as Einstein said, the prejudices (assumptions) made by the age 18 (the time by which someone is socially conditioned).

Stating that something is 'common sense' is as useful as the idea that the gods control the actions of the seas.

Reasoning is the only method by which an approximation to truth is possible, through differing argument, presented with supporting reasoning, tested against logic and a posteriori evidence.

Now let's see if you can reply to this without the usual misrepresenting arguments, strawman and personal attacks.......