For Dixie: Common Sense

Dixie I don't like your definition because it just replaces common sense with another term: conventional wisdom.

What would your definition of 'common sense' be?
I think 'common sense' is what keeps you from sticking your hand on a red-hot stove burner, Arnold thinks you are only being prejudiced against the red-hot stove burner because of what you learned before the age of 18.

Reason based on a posteriori experience teachs us to not stick your hand in a stove. It is nothing to do with collective conventional wisdom.

If an individual were brought up in the mountains, isolated from collective conventional wisdom, that individual would still work out not to touch a hot stove. Do you disagree with this?
Yeah Darling, I know you really don't give a shit about what I post, that's why we're always surprised with your commentary about it! It's amazing that you would spend so much time addressing something you don't really give a shit about, isn't it?

I think you secretly love me too!

I do Dixie. In fact, that's whats in all my PM's that I'm so concerned with Damo not reading. I've been pm'ing everybody on the board about you. Asking if they know if you're available, whether or not I have a shot. Tiana, after I pm'd her three dozen times about you, told me to "get a life" and now we're not speaking.

It's been really hard on me.
LadyT is just instigating again Darla.
Or perhaps she is jealous ?

It wouldn't surprise me! In fact, that was my first suspicion when she told me off. Right away I thought, oh sure, because you want him. Can't you just see her going behind my back and bagging Dixie right out from under my cyber-nose?
It wouldn't surprise me! In fact, that was my first suspicion when she told me off. Right away I thought, oh sure, because you want him. Can't you just see her going behind my back and bagging Dixie right out from under my cyber-nose?

I think it is the mothering instinct that draws you two to Dixie. he is just like a spoiled 8 yr old and definately needs some care and attention.
I think it is the mothering instinct that draws you two to Dixie. he is just like a spoiled 8 yr old and definately needs some care and attention.

Well, being a man, Dixie's many charms would be lost on you.

You'll understand better once I post my memoirs, entitled "The Darla Chronicles: Hot For Dixie and The cybersneaks who tried to steal him from me"

A lot of shit about Care and Tiana is going to be coming out in them, and little of it is going to be flattering I can tell you that.
Well, being a man, Dixie's many charms would be lost on you.

You'll understand better once I post my memoirs, entitled "The Darla Chronicles: Hot For Dixie and The cybersneaks who tried to steal him from me"

A lot of shit about Care and Tiana is going to be coming out in them, and little of it is going to be flattering I can tell you that.

Good point, I make no claims on understanding women :D
I will eagerly wait for the cheaper paperback version.
I haven't laughed so hard reading a thread in a long time. It's good to get it out in the open like that there, Darla. I know it is hard to keep it all secret and supressed like that...
I haven't laughed so hard reading a thread in a long time. It's good to get it out in the open like that there, Darla. I know it is hard to keep it all secret and supressed like that...

Have you noticed how Tiana has been avoiding this thread? She can run, but she can't hide. The Darla Chronicles will be published, right here!

I have been holding it in for a long time Damo. Thank you for understanding.
Well, being a man, Dixie's many charms would be lost on you.

You'll understand better once I post my memoirs, entitled "The Darla Chronicles: Hot For Dixie and The cybersneaks who tried to steal him from me"

A lot of shit about Care and Tiana is going to be coming out in them, and little of it is going to be flattering I can tell you that.

A lot of shit about Care and Tiana is going to be coming out in them, and little of it is going to be flattering I can tell you that

I'd appreciate it if you'd keep that...ahem... rendezvous involving Care, Tiana, you, and myself, out of the publication.

A lot of shit about Care and Tiana is going to be coming out in them, and little of it is going to be flattering I can tell you that

I'd appreciate it if you'd keep that...ahem... rendezvous involving Care, Tiana, you, and myself, out of the publication.


Cypress, I asked you to keep your mouth shut about that. If Dixie finds out about the things you and I have done, I'll never get him. He doesn't like you, and might consider me "spoilt goods" as I think they say in his neck of the woods.
It wouldn't surprise me! In fact, that was my first suspicion when she told me off. Right away I thought, oh sure, because you want him. Can't you just see her going behind my back and bagging Dixie right out from under my cyber-nose?

LMAO......:p how did I miss this thread?!
Well, being a man, Dixie's many charms would be lost on you.


A lot of $#$% about Care and Tiana is going to be coming out in them, and little of it is going to be flattering I can tell you that.

I'm literally Laughing out Loud.
Cypress, I asked you to keep your mouth shut about that. If Dixie finds out about the things you and I have done, I'll never get him. He doesn't like you, and might consider me "spoilt goods" as I think they say in his neck of the woods.

lol @ darla.

You don't have a chance with Dixie. You have to be a blood-related relative. It's alabama, afterall.
Have you noticed how Tiana has been avoiding this thread? She can run, but she can't hide. The Darla Chronicles will be published, right here!

I have been holding it in for a long time Damo. Thank you for understanding.

Darla, enough is enough. You can't have him. We are just meant to be. You're just going to have to face facts.
Last night when I wore my rebel flag lingerie and stared lovingly into his eyes in between tobacco spits, I knew, he was the one for me. I kissed him gently on his rose' neck and the double-wide was a rockin' all night long. So please, leave this board with you're jealous ways. Dixie is mine. All mine.
Darla, enough is enough. You can't have him. We are just meant to be. You're just going to have to face facts.
Last night when I wore my rebel flag lingerie and stared lovingly into his eyes in between tobacco spits, I knew, he was the one for me. I kissed him gently on his rose' neck and the double-wide was a rockin' all night long. So please, leave this board with you're jealous ways. Dixie is mine. All mine.

LMAO. I can just see it!

What a sneaky witch you are! This is going in my memoirs!
LMAO. I can just see it!

What a sneaky witch you are! This is going in my memoirs!

Dixie needs a real woman darla. Someone who can kill it, skin it and cook it up. Northeast elitist types with all you're edjumacation need not apply.