For Dixie: Common Sense

I don't think he even knows what he just did.

:dunno: WHAT???

Did we suddenly get all PC and become serious here, and I missed the transition or something? IT WAS A JOKE, LIGHTEN UP!
Well that's because you charmed me with that brown sugar and black magic, then you shook that ghetto booty in my face and put me in a trance, I was totally helpless and vulnerable! You need to be careful with that thang, gir'frien!

Dixie, in 21st century america, this is considered racist, bigoted, and insensitive.
I don't think he even knows what he just did.

:dunno: WHAT???

Did we suddenly get all PC and become serious here, and I missed the transition or something? IT WAS A JOKE, LIGHTEN UP!

Dixie, you don't talk to women like that, even joking around. And Cypress is right, your post sounds racist. Your post is so loaded with Southern red flag words and expressions, I don't even know where to begin, I really do not.

Female slaves, in order to excuse rape by their white owners, were portrayed as alluring whores, who, unlike white women, were so hot for sex 24 hours a day, they lured white men into their sexual traps. This disgusting stereotype was common even in the North, where white female abolitionists held so dearly unto this stereotype, that the most religious amongst them worked to end slavery, not to end the sexual slavery of the black woman, but to save the soul of the white owners who were helplessly lured into immoral sexual liasions with their black female slaves.

I believe this stereotype lasts even today, and that black women are far less likely than white woman to have a rape claim taken seriously.

I think that you are so steeped in Southern tradition and bigotry that you truly do not even reconize any of this, nor see the problems in your own post.
Dixie, in 21st century america, this is considered racist, bigoted, and insensitive.

Fuck you, shithead! It is not any of those things! You asswipes can sit here and take pot shots at southerners, rednecks, and people who live in mobile homes all day long, and it's not considered insensitive or even questioned! No one bats an eye when one of you lowlifes decided to pose as Ted Haggard and insult gay people all over the place, and men in general, have taken nothing but a beating troughout this thread. Don't give me your liberal PC blather, nothing I said was racist or insensitive in the least, it was a fucking joke, made to someone who was joking with me! Grow the hell up!
Dixie, in 21st century america, this is considered racist, bigoted, and insensitive.

Fuck you, shithead! It is not any of those things! You asswipes can sit here and take pot shots at southerners, rednecks, and people who live in mobile homes all day long, and it's not considered insensitive or even questioned! No one bats an eye when one of you lowlifes decided to pose as Ted Haggard and insult gay people all over the place, and men in general, have taken nothing but a beating troughout this thread. Don't give me your liberal PC blather, nothing I said was racist or insensitive in the least, it was a fucking joke, made to someone who was joking with me! Grow the hell up!

Really? Why does she have a "ghetto booty" dixie?

I believe that you don't see the racism in your post. Sadly, that doesn't mean it's not there. That's the worst part. If you don't know something, you can't change it.
Dixie, in 21st century america, this is considered racist, bigoted, and insensitive.

Fuck you, shithead! It is not any of those things! You asswipes can sit here and take pot shots at southerners, rednecks, and people who live in mobile homes all day long, and it's not considered insensitive or even questioned! No one bats an eye when one of you lowlifes decided to pose as Ted Haggard and insult gay people all over the place, and men in general, have taken nothing but a beating troughout this thread. Don't give me your liberal PC blather, nothing I said was racist or insensitive in the least, it was a fucking joke, made to someone who was joking with me! Grow the hell up!

Well, if you think equating a respected member of this board, to some mythical black plantation whore is Okay, as long as its just a joke, then I suppose I could say that you like to buttfuck your own daughters.....but, hey! I'm just kidding! It's a joke!
...And for the record, THIS "racist redneck" is 1/16th African-American and 1/16th Native American. I have marched with Civil Rights leaders, I have protested with the Choctaw tribe, and I am offended and incensed by your constant stereotypical prejudice towards me in this forum. So take your fake indignation and outrage, and shove it up your well-used asses!
Well, if you think equating a respected member of this board, to some mythical black plantation whore is Okay...

I didn't "equate" a damn thing, you fucktard! I made a fucking joke to someone who was joking with me! Darling is the one who made the "equation" here, and you jumped right on it! Fuck you, and her too! I don't give one shit about what you think of me, never have, never will!
Well, if you think equating a respected member of this board, to some mythical black plantation whore is Okay...

I didn't "equate" a damn thing, you fucktard! I made a fucking joke to someone who was joking with me! Darling is the one who made the "equation" here, and you jumped right on it! Fuck you, and her too! I don't give one shit about what you think of me, never have, never will!

Ok Dixie, as I said, I don't believe you understand, or even reconize the racism inherent in your post. It's not a conscious thing for you.

And this is getting far too ugly for my tastes. So I will leave it at what i've already said.
Ok Dixie, as I said, I don't believe you understand, or even reconize the racism inherent in your post.

Let me explain something to you, "RACISM" is the belief that one race is superior or inferior to another. You've not established that the joking comment I made to Tiana was "racist" at all. You've not established that I have "racist" beliefs, and you can't come to this conclusion from a joke made on a message board. To attempt to do such a thing, actually minimizes the abhorrent issue of "racism" in our society. That's fine with you, because you don't really give a damn about true 'racism', you just want to lob shit bombs at people who disagree with you, and this was an easy target.
DIXIE: "(Tiana), Well that's because you charmed me with that brown sugar and black magic, then you shook that ghetto booty in my face and put me in a trance, I was totally helpless and vulnerable! You need to be careful with that thang, gir'frien!

Now Dixie: there's a well-liked and respected asian-american poster on this board. Imagine if you had wrote this:

"Well that's because you charmed me with those slanty eyes, then you shook that yellow, rice paddy booty in my face and put me in a trance, I was totally helpless and vulnerable! You need to be careful with that thang, gir'frien!"

Maybe your southern fried ass, can recognize the racism in that.
Wow Prissy, I can't believe you typed that! Do you even realize how RACIST that was? I think we all need to jump on your ass and condemn you for even thinking up such a thing! It's clear that you are completely racist and prejudiced toward Asians, and your remark was totally offensive and insulting.
well said was a great analogy...but you realize that you would die holding your breath waiting for DIxie to apologize for anything, don't you?

Just like you would go broke winning bets from him.
Dixie, in 21st century america, this is considered racist, bigoted, and insensitive.
The Urban Dictionary has it listed as a girl with an exceptional behind. It seems that the 21st Century Lexicon has a different definition than you do of that term.

So, I googled the term. And after skipping a few pr0n sites that come up on the top I found no historical reference to this term as something racist at all. I found it often used as a term to describe an incredible behind.

So far the only place where I have found it referenced as an insult is on this site.

I am not saying you are wrong, I am just looking for the terminology used in such a way and have yet to find it.
So far the only place where I have found it referenced as an insult is on this site.

LOL... Precisely! :D

As I said in another thread, it was actually somewhat of a compliment.
I'm starting to feel sorry for poor anyoldiron though, who tried to start a serious thread, and ended up with "The Proper Care and Feeding of a Penis"

That's ok. It made me laugh, and lets face it, Dixie isn't capable of dealing with serious debate, as shown by his dodging the original point.
It is the collective and logical conventional wisdom of mankind.

'Collective conventional wisdom'. The assumptions made by a society and collectively shared?

Where does logical come into it? I can present a logically valid syllogism that 'All cows are green'. Would you consider that cows being green is 'common sense'?

If you remove logic from this, then common sense is just the assumptions people make because they are popular, the prevailing notion.

For example, a few hundred years ago, it was collective conventional wisdom that the Earth was flat. A few thousand years ago, it was collective conventional wisdom that the actions of the seas, thunderstorms and the emotion of love were under the control of the gods.

Common conventional wisdom has little approximation of truth. It is, as Einstein said, the prejudices (assumptions) made by the age 18 (the time by which someone is socially conditioned).

Stating that something is 'common sense' is as useful as the idea that the gods control the actions of the seas.

Reasoning is the only method by which an approximation to truth is possible, through differing argument, presented with supporting reasoning, tested against logic and a posteriori evidence.

Now let's see if you can reply to this without the usual misrepresenting arguments, strawman and personal attacks.......