for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression

I asked you to support your claim that Pilate's career was on the line. You replied that the Jews didn't like a Roman emperor that came along a century later, per someone's inscription. Yep, you're a fcking moron.

What happened after Christ is irrelevant. And, saying there were "incidents" isn't at all helpful.

So, I ask you again, why do you think it was about Pilate's career?

And, I ask you again, why do you think the Jewish desire to rebel was because Pilate was allegedly a lousy leader rather than just because the Jews didn't want to be occupied by Rome?

Pilate gave in to the demands of the Jews to prevent a rebellion. Why do you muddy the water with lame speculation that it was personal, about Pilate's career, or his quality of his leadership? Because you're an antichristian bigot who wants to make it about Pilate and Rome and not about the God Damned Jews.

I fucking gave you the quote from the BBC article you illiterate retard.

Also, the majority of the conflicts that Pilate had came from before the crucifixion. Obviously you are incapable of clicking on links, Googling, and understanding history, as well as reading.
Wrong,the Jews are God's chosen people,they always will survive their enemies.
I never understood the concept of a chosen people by an all powerful god. I would just create the perfect people and be done with the whole mess.

I would also never sacrifice my only son for creatures that I knew I blew the design on to the point I had to wipe them off the planet, but then left a few of the imperfect being to recreate, again, expecting different results. I would hope if a God exists that the god is smarter than the storytellers of the Bible.
I never understood the concept of a chosen people by an all powerful god. I would just create the perfect people and be done with the whole mess.

I would also never sacrifice my only son for creatures that I knew I blew the design on to the point I had to wipe them off the planet, but then left a few of the imperfect being to recreate, again, expecting different results. I would hope if a God exists that the god is smarter than the storytellers of the Bible.

When you assume.
Christianity bears primary responsibility for historic antisemitism. Few ideas can have been as poisonous as, and inspired more murderousness than, the idea that Jews were the Christ-killers. Of course, only the Romans had the legal authority to crucify someone: it was their signature way of dealing with troublemakers. But this fact became historically inconvenient for a religion that was eventually to place its global headquarters within Rome itself.

Yeah....its not like the cross began as a symbol of Jewish hate toward one of their own...Jesus the Christ was Born of woman, born under the law, lived his entire life obeying the Jewish Law of Moses, and died under the law. Sounds mighty oppressive to me. :laugh: I don't think its as much OPPRESSION as it SHAME. ;) After all it was false testimony from his own religious family...the JEWS that brought about the symbolism that is today know as THE SACRIFICAL CROSS.
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Truth as found literally in scripture: Biblical Israel can be found nowhere on the face of this earth...., God allowed physical Israel to be destroyed for their failure to live up to the covenant between God and Israel. Jesus pointed this truth out while He was still alive.....Israel would lose their nation, it would be taken away from them because they would kill the Messiah of prophecy (Matt. 21:43), "THEREFORE SAY I UNTO YOU......THE KINGDOM OF GOD SHALL BE TAKEN FROM YOU AND GIVEN TO A NATION BRINGING FORTH THE FRUITS THEREOF."

The scriptures teach: There is no salvation outside the body of Christ. Only through Christ can anyone be saved (Acts 4:12). Jesus is the way, THE ONLY WAY. (John 14:6). There is no special favor toward the nation calling itself Israel today. Lineage means nothing to God (Luke 3:8). What is important is the content of the Heart, not physical things like physical circumcision (Rom. 2:28-19).

The Jews of history have been just as guilty of Sin as any gentile on earth (Rom 3:9-10). ITS THE SAME GOSPEL THAT SAVES BOTH JEW AND GENTILE, in fact the Christian Gospel was preached only to the JEWS for the 1st ten years after the death of Christ.....the first gentile did not happen until a decade later in history. (Rom. 1:16)

The Jews of Biblical Israel and the Gentiles of the world have been brought together to form one new body of God's chosen people....called CHRISTIANS. Reconciled into ONE BODY (Eph. 2:11-18)

The mystery has been revealed (Eph. 3:6)....2 thousand years ago....Biblical Israel vanished when physical Jerusalem was destroyed by the Roman Empire late in the first century.....there was no nation of Israel for 2000 years. Today....a nation calling itself Israel is not a product of God...but mankind, and its nothing like the Israel found in scriptures.

Today there is only one Chosen faith....., one body, (Eph. 4:4), and the Christian Church is that body (Eph. 1:22-23)

All the peoples of earth to include the Jews were condemned UNDER THE OLD belief could be the standard that saves today, not some literal adherence to a physical law. (Gal. 3:22)

In fact as presented in scripture...the OLD LAW that created the nation of physical Isarel was to exist only until THE SEED came to earth (Gal. 3:19) That SEED was the Christ (Gal. 3:16).

The OLD LAW OF MOSES only preserved people until Christ came, and then the OLD LAW ended, it was nailed to the Cross of the Christ (Gal. 3:24-25).

Now....under the NEW LAW of CHRIST. WE...everyone, JEW and Gentile alike are one people's (Gal. 3:25-28)

Today WE ARE THE DESCENDENTS of father Abraham and heirs to all the promises made to father Abraham....All of which have been fulfilled save the promise to flood the earth with his seed. (Gal. 3:29)
Thank you Pastor Ralph for today's sermon.

I am not quite sure what it clarified or answered but thank you.......

I know lots of ppl that are Jewish & Christian, I will have to ask them if they feel the same way as the OP..

It is certainly not hard to see some feeling that way after the way they were treated in Europe & later in the greater western world.. Islam was more tolerant.

If this was foretold-what was suppose to happen, how can you blame Pilate or all Jews when it was only a small group of Jews involved in the plot to have Jesus crucified.
I fucking gave you the quote from the BBC article you illiterate retard.

Also, the majority of the conflicts that Pilate had came from before the crucifixion. Obviously you are incapable of clicking on links, Googling, and understanding history, as well as reading.

Yes, I'm incapable of clicking on links. You're a fcking moron and your links don't support you. If you don't learn to make your own arguments, you'll remain fcking ignorant
how can you blame Pilate or all Jews when it was only a small group of Jews involved in the plot to have Jesus crucified.

If any God Damned Jew doesn't want to be blamed, let them condemn that small group of Jews. (God damned them, not me, don't blame the messenger.)

Hmmm, looks like no Jew wants to step up and separate himself from that small group of Jews.
If any God Damned Jew doesn't want to be blamed, let them condemn that small group of Jews. (God damned them, not me, don't blame the messenger.)

Hmmm, looks like no Jew wants to step up and separate himself from that small group of Jews.

You seem angry Bobb, is everything ok?? Did you celebrate the Lord's Day today??

I have noticed you made a few posts, will you be providing anything to support it??
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If any God Damned Jew doesn't want to be blamed, let them condemn that small group of Jews. (God damned them, not me, don't blame the messenger.)

Hmmm, looks like no Jew wants to step up and separate himself from that small group of Jews.

Bobb,did Jesus die for your sins?
If so you are the reason he was crucified!