for Jews the cross is a symbol of oppression

Pontius Pilate was a brutal Roman overlord who would not have hesitated to execute anyone deemed an enemy of the Roman state.

Jesus wasn't deemed an enemy of the Roman state and Pilate mightily tried to avoid executing Jesus. Why do you want to be such a pathetic liar? You're so pathetic you don't even rate a worm.
^^Yet another conservative attempting to blame the Jews for the execution of Jesus of Nazareth.

Pontius Pilate was a brutal Roman overlord who would not have hesitated to execute anyone deemed an enemy of the Roman state. Historical accounts independent of the bible attest to his brutality. The fact that Jesus called himself a messiah or king was a direct challenge to Roman authority, and it was all the reason that Pontius Pilate needed to order the execution of Jesus.

You can trace the Gospels in chronological order (Mark, Luke, Matthew, John, and the non-canonical Peter) and see that the early Christian writers were intent on making Pontius Pilate and the Romans more and more innocent, and the Jews more and more guilty over the passage of time.

Yes, Pontius was a brutal Governor. But you're historically wrong about the cause of Jesus death. Pontius did not wish to execute Jesus. The Jewish theocracy saw Jesus as a very real threat to the status of lawful authority. "If Jesus was seen as 'Christ' and 'Lord' to some, this very fact threatened the familiar lordship of others, notably the chief priests and scribes. Consequently, Jesus was a problem to the Jewish hierarchy from both religious and political perspectives."
so this thread would be illegal in Israel....

Public Christian speech is essentially illegal in Israel. But, you'll never hear complaints about that from Zionist scum "Christians" who "love" Israel. Jesus pointed out the obvious, Jews are the spawn of Satan. It's hard to imagine any supporter of Israel not being the spawn of Satan.
Public Christian speech is essentially illegal in Israel. But, you'll never hear complaints about that from Zionist scum "Christians" who "love" Israel. Jesus pointed out the obvious, Jews are the spawn of Satan. It's hard to imagine any supporter of Israel not being the spawn of Satan.

You're wrong, literally stupid and hate filled. You should kill yourself Blobb. No one will miss you. No one will notice you're gone. No one will care that you are gone.
Public Christian speech is essentially illegal in Israel. But, you'll never hear complaints about that from Zionist scum "Christians" who "love" Israel. Jesus pointed out the obvious, Jews are the spawn of Satan. It's hard to imagine any supporter of Israel not being the spawn of Satan.

Chapter and verse
Chapter and verse

As in the USA so after about 40 years of Catholic Church one nation under God "serve the Pope or die" pedophilia now thru the US District Court for Washington, D.C. there's been for close to 20 years this reincarnation crusade of Nuremberg Nazi war crimes Christian Nation national religion super ego Islamophobia pedophilia "death to the infidels" Catholic Church "serve the Pope or die" 9/11 tautology diatribe against America to certify all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists more perfect union 21st century Christiananality jihad; which apparently is normal suicidal soicopsychopathilogical behavior. As must have been obvious to descendants of Abraham what Arab "death to the infidels" 9/11 flying carpet make believe sky-fairy attack to nuke Temple Mount consisted of .
I dunno why you would write all that knowing full well no one is gonna read it :dunno: Of course you could be smarter than seems & just keep posting the same sermon over & over, & only one that know it is you.....:nolovejesus:

Now take another toke & get back in your happy place & listen to this

Exactly: The typical leftist LIAR response. First you declare that....the statement I made IS NOT THERE IN SCRIPTURE.....of course you will not read the objective evidence that proves you are wrong and a liar. ;) But your refusal to accept the reality that surrounds you does not mean that reality does not exist. (: I have accomplished what I consider my Christian duty to be....defend the truth.

Its not the lot of a Christian to waste time with those who are hardened in their sin who, "....hate the light and would not come to the light (your refusal to even read the actual content of the scriptures), LEST THEIR DEEDS BE EXPOSED (AS THE LIAR YOUR WORDS PROCLAIM YOU TO BE)." -- John 3:20

In lay terms, just as the Christ explained, there are some people you simply can't help, as there are none so blind as those who refuse to see, "DO NOT GIVE WHAT IS HOLY TO THE DOGS; NOR CAST YOUR PEARLS AMONG SWINE, LEAST THEY TRAMPLE THEM UNDER THEIR FEET (not wanting to know the actual truth that will expose their sinful lives and reserve their place on judgement day)….then they turn and attempt to tear you to pieces." -- Matthew 7:6:bigthink:

When you attempt to engage the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD (the author of the Holy Text) in a battle of wits....its best not to come with an empty chamber. ;)

I did not write these words....I merely present them against those who would attempt to pervert the actual word of God.
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Public Christian speech is essentially illegal in Israel. But, you'll never hear complaints about that from Zionist scum "Christians" who "love" Israel. Jesus pointed out the obvious, Jews are the spawn of Satan. It's hard to imagine any supporter of Israel not being the spawn of Satan.

Isn't that pretty much the rule in the entire ME??? It is of course overlooked in Israel & hated in those other countries......

While the locals love all the tourist coming & visiting the "Holy Land", they aint real happy about many of them wanting to fight their views of the Apocalypse to the last couple of Jews....... :|
While the locals love all the tourist coming & visiting the "Holy Land", they aint real happy about many of them wanting to fight their views of the Apocalypse to the last couple of Jews....... :|

Israel loves American money, and they get a LOT of it. In spite of their obsession with Israel, American Christians don't try to Evangelize in Israel. As far as I can tell, the only excuse for Christians who attempt to evangelize in Israel are Israeli citizens of the "messianic Jew" variety. As citizens, they don't risk getting deported for being openly Christian. And, the Devil loves how they try to maintain that they're Jews, although Israel denies that they're Jews and Jesus denies that they're messianic.

And, then there's the Apocalypse, the popular teaching that the Jews will suffer something much worse than the Holocaust, and then God wipes out the Jew's enemies before there are no Jews left.
Public Christian speech is essentially illegal in Israel. But, you'll never hear complaints about that from Zionist scum "Christians" who "love" Israel. Jesus pointed out the obvious, Jews are the spawn of Satan. It's hard to imagine any supporter of Israel not being the spawn of Satan.

God loves Israel. Are you claiming that He is a spawn of His own creation? :cof1:
Israel loves American money, and they get a LOT of it. In spite of their obsession with Israel, American Christians don't try to Evangelize in Israel. As far as I can tell, the only excuse for Christians who attempt to evangelize in Israel are Israeli citizens of the "messianic Jew" variety. As citizens, they don't risk getting deported for being openly Christian. And, the Devil loves how they try to maintain that they're Jews, although Israel denies that they're Jews and Jesus denies that they're messianic.

And, then there's the Apocalypse, the popular teaching that the Jews will suffer something much worse than the Holocaust, and then God wipes out the Jew's enemies before there are no Jews left.

I think some do, well, if you consider JW's Christian, as an example & supposedly there are no restrictions but they try to give the idea that there are~discouraging it.

I am not really clear on if you have to be a citizen or not, but maybe the harassment is less & no threat of deportation??

I dunno what you mean by "Jesus denies that they're messianic"... Jews for Jesus are out of SF, two hours down the road & have heard sermons etc from them.

Yea, I think the Apocalypse irks many, understandably...
As in the USA so after about 40 years of Catholic Church one nation under God "serve the Pope or die" pedophilia now thru the US District Court for Washington, D.C. there's been for close to 20 years this reincarnation crusade of Nuremberg Nazi war crimes Christian Nation national religion super ego Islamophobia pedophilia "death to the infidels" Catholic Church "serve the Pope or die" 9/11 tautology diatribe against America to certify all those thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists more perfect union 21st century Christiananality jihad; which apparently is normal suicidal soicopsychopathilogical behavior. As must have been obvious to descendants of Abraham what Arab "death to the infidels" 9/11 flying carpet make believe sky-fairy attack to nuke Temple Mount consisted of .

Could you please enroll in remedial English composition?
Could you please enroll in remedial English composition?

What ? That Christian Nation oppression not enough of every form of tyranny over the mind of man in an explanation of how the cross is higher than the USA flag good enough to go enroll in a suicidal Christiananality Islamophobia pedophilia refresher course which seems to be banned in Israel.
What ? That Christian Nation oppression not enough of every form of tyranny over the mind of man in an explanation of how the cross is higher than the USA flag good enough to go enroll in a suicidal Christiananality Islamophobia pedophilia refresher course which seems to be banned in Israel.

If illiteracy is banned in Israel, that sounds like a good thing.