For our conservative voters

As an enemy of the Regime my problem with this guy is that he looks too much like a professional politician, which means a lot of things to include that he is too managed by consultants and image makers, who I as a group trust not at all based upon past performance.
I would love to have the opportunity to vote for DeSantis.

Which policies of his do you support? His hatred of Disney? His hatred of gays? His hatred of transgenders? His banning of books? Or is it his position on abortion and denying rights to women the thing that makes him your choice. I'm curious. What do you like about those policies?
Be very clear on the following point: Desantis completely in less than 48 hours changing his opinion on the Ukraine debacle because he was told to by the people who hold power is a big motherfucking problem..

And as you consider this do not forget that Sanders as well generally does as he is told...Trump is the only one around who has in recent memory told them to go fuck themselves, which has everything to do with why they hate him so hard.
As you asked for conservative thoughts and have yet to get any...

I prefer Trump over Desantis.
Either can defeat Biden in a free and fair election Trump by a somewhat wider margin.

In the event its Kennedy and not Biden, I still prefer Trump though its possible he could lose while Desantis more likely to win.

I'm slowly beginning to think Kennedy just might get the nod. The Establishment wants Biden as does China but the DNC is fed up with what Biden is doing to them. Since they bring the most boots on the ground they might be able to tell the big $$$ to go fuck themselves.

Could be a ral wild west show this go round or boring if its rigged like before.

Rigged? Did McConnell win? Did the Reds get control of Congress? How do you rig a system to selectively pick winners, and then not win many important elections? Anyone talking about rigged elections makes themselves look very stupid.
Trump will be in court or jail. Desantis is a fascist. He is happily taking rights away from women, and corporations. Welcome to the police state.

So now you're a fan of corporations having rights. Leftists are destroying all things woman.
Rigged? Did McConnell win? Did the Reds get control of Congress? How do you rig a system to selectively pick winners, and then not win many important elections? Anyone talking about rigged elections makes themselves look very stupid.

in 2020 there was only one election that mattered but the process works the same for select congressional seats.
But its not cheap so doing everyone is not feasible.
The election was fair and clean. It was proven to be so by Trump. He was given more recounts than anyone ever had before. They each proved he lost the elections he protested. Then he went to court asking judges to stop the election or turn the election around. The judges were seated by Obama, Regan, Bush, and Trump. They asked Trump's lawyers to present the evidence that had. They had NONE. So Trump lost 60 court cases and was told to quit filing bad cases. They were wasting the court's time.
Then Trump went after state officials to overturn a fair and honest election. That was criminal and he will be charged with that crime.
Trump was given every opportunity to prove the election was not fair. He failed. So he has lied about it ever since. But, that will not fly when he gets taken to court.
Can you imagine someone stupid enough to think the Dems cheated in the election and let Mcconnell win and the Reds win the house? How stupid would you have to be to believe that?
Which leftists never seem to mind when it's working in their favor.

I always vote for what is best for me!
In that way I am not R or D,L or R!
That being said outside of the farm bill of 2018 ,I can't think of anything the GOP has done for me lately