I'm not the pusswipe that needs to carry to feel like one of the big boys.
No, you're the pusswipe that isn't man enough to do a damn thing about me carrying. If you're man enough, come take it, coward.
I'm not the pusswipe that needs to carry to feel like one of the big boys.
You just come and spout off on a little trafficked political message board right?
Have you ever shot a gun?
No, you're the pusswipe that isn't man enough to do a damn thing about me carrying. If you're man enough, come take it, coward.
No pusswipe, I can't stop you from carrying. The question is, what are you afraid of that you feel the need to carry?
Come get it? (laughing) Fuck you, puss.
That went over your head. In his thread, the pussy banned everyone who might disagree with him.
I meet people who carry quite often. At another location, I met them almost every day. Almost without exception, they were comprised of some dumbfuck redneck. NRA and 'cold dead fingers' bumper sticker type. The type that will start telling you, out of the blue and uninvited how global warming is a hoax, when they probably didn't graduate high school. That type. Angry white guys.
What this needs least is more guns, especially more guns in public places. But, I guess when you are a fearful paranoiac, you need that false sense of security.
That or you need to find a better neighborhood to live in. For quite a few it's a compensatory thing. Now they got a gun. Now they're a bad ass. No one is going to fuck with them. For others it's a political issue. From a practical stand point it's like pick up trucks. Many who have them, don't really need them. For some it's a status symbol. For others it connects them with the past tradition when owning a gun wasn't just a right but a necessity for life in rural and frontier areas and in some really remote areas of the nation it still is.That went over your head. In his thread, the pussy banned everyone who might disagree with him.
I meet people who carry quite often. At another location, I met them almost every day. Almost without exception, they were comprised of some dumbfuck redneck. NRA and 'cold dead fingers' bumper sticker type. The type that will start telling you, out of the blue and uninvited how global warming is a hoax, when they probably didn't graduate high school. That type. Angry white guys.
What this needs least is more guns, especially more guns in public places. But, I guess when you are a fearful paranoiac, you need that false sense of security.
I'm not the pusswipe that needs to carry to feel like one of the big boys.
That or you need to find a better neighborhood to live in. For quite a few it's a compensatory thing. Now they got a gun. Now they're a bad ass. No one is going to fuck with them. For others it's a political issue. From a practical stand point it's like pick up trucks. Many who have them, don't really need them. For some it's a status symbol. For others it connects them with the past tradition when owning a gun wasn't just a right but a necessity for life in rural and frontier areas and in some really remote areas of the nation it still is.
It's the ones who make a fetish out of owning guns or a part of white identity politics that gives me the creeps. I know a lot of military types who agree with them on gun rights but think of them as silly. Particularly when they talk militantly about gun ownership.
But fuck it. It's their right. Just as long as they put any of them away for a long, long time who doesn't live up to the responsibility of gun ownership and someone gets hurt or killed...I'm good with that. Gun ownership is certainly a right but it's also a huge responsibility.
It's not a matter of need or fear. It's a matter of want. Learn the difference.
Didn't think you had the guts. You've proven that.
Why do you live around those types? Too poor to move out?
Dumbfuck76 is your classic whiner living in his parents basement on the government tit because of his claimed bi-polar condition while we all owe him something.
do you feel that way about all the cops and military that carry a gun???????
(laughing) And they say there's no such thing as a stupid question. Well, you've proven that wrong!
try answering the question or continue looking like a hoplophobic coward. If you consider carrying a gun a sign of paranoia or fear, do you place those labels on cops and military as well?
Little twit, I've probably been working at highly technical and professional jobs longer than you've been alive. The last thing I need is a sophomoric comment from some paranoid cunt.
And why do you WANT to carry? Making up for your little dick or just does it make feel like one of the big boys?
Little twit, I've probably been working at highly technical and professional jobs longer than you've been alive. The last thing I need is a sophomoric comment from some paranoid cunt.
Born and raised. 5th generation in the same place.
Why would I move, asswipe? I may live around them and recognize and laugh at their ignorance, but I don't associate with them.
Any more stupid questions?