For those that hold onto guns, just to keep the government away.

Jade Dragon

And I'm the one that jaded you.
If you ever decide to build things without getting permitted. Don't draw a gun on the government employee that comes out to inspect, or shut it down. You will take away needed resources, when a squad of cops have to show up to take you into custody. If you try that now, they will shoot if you don't back down, and possibly kill your dumb ass. So much for stopping the government taking over. This isn't the wild west, where a gun served as law. The government already controls things.
If you ever decide to build things without getting permitted. Don't draw a gun on the government employee that comes out to inspect, or shut it down. You will take away needed resources, when a squad of cops have to show up to take you into custody. If you try that now, they will shoot if you don't back down, and possibly kill your dumb ass. So much for stopping the government taking over. This isn't the wild west, where a gun served as law. The government already controls things.

We are coming for all their guns!
If you ever decide to build things without getting permitted. Don't draw a gun on the government employee that comes out to inspect, or shut it down. You will take away needed resources, when a squad of cops have to show up to take you into custody. If you try that now, they will shoot if you don't back down, and possibly kill your dumb ass. So much for stopping the government taking over. This isn't the wild west, where a gun served as law. The government already controls things.

It's pretty apparent after Waco that side arms and long rifles isn't sufficient.
If you ever decide to build things without getting permitted. Don't draw a gun on the government employee that comes out to inspect, or shut it down. You will take away needed resources, when a squad of cops have to show up to take you into custody. If you try that now, they will shoot if you don't back down, and possibly kill your dumb ass. So much for stopping the government taking over. This isn't the wild west, where a gun served as law. The government already controls things.

If there were ever a situation where a violent insurrection against the government made sense, I would think twice about relying on small arms as the main tool for that. Although you could use small arms successfully in a terrorist manner against soft targets, they're of limited use against a modern military. Your AR-15 isn't even going to be able to hit the B-52 that comes to drop its payload on your compound, or to penetrate the armor of the M-1A1 that comes to flatten it. If I were leading an insurrection against a modern military, my approach would be to focus on improvised explosives, which are effective against the kind of light armor that gets used for patrolling hostile areas. I'd also focus on infrastructure attacks on undefended targets (e.g., long distance HVDC transmission lines, buried gas lines, equipment used for loading and unloading materials at ports, etc.)
how will the nation overtake the people ?

the military?

why too fucki8ng small dudes

the Cops ?

they are your neighbors idiots

pretty dumb stuff to buy massive guns to fight the nation.

Gun sellers love you being that stupid though

will they come for the machinist first?

you people don't seem to understand that people can MAKE guns

there is NO fucking way the government can forceably take over the people

but again the gun manufacturers love you being so stupid
If there were ever a situation where a violent insurrection against the government made sense, I would think twice about relying on small arms as the main tool for that. Although you could use small arms successfully in a terrorist manner against soft targets, they're of limited use against a modern military. Your AR-15 isn't even going to be able to hit the B-52 that comes to drop its payload on your compound, or to penetrate the armor of the M-1A1 that comes to flatten it. If I were leading an insurrection against a modern military, my approach would be to focus on improvised explosives, which are effective against the kind of light armor that gets used for patrolling hostile areas. I'd also focus on infrastructure attacks on undefended targets (e.g., long distance HVDC transmission lines, buried gas lines, equipment used for loading and unloading materials at ports, etc.)

Are you channeling Timothy McVeigh?
Are you channeling Timothy McVeigh?

It's worth noting that McVeigh caused vastly more damage to the government he opposed than he would have if he'd run around shooting people with an AR-15. He took out a large federal building, murdered well over a hundred people, and effectively forced a huge expense on the government for hardening its facilities, nation-wide, against similar attacks. He was deeply evil and his cause was unjust, but from a strictly tactical perspective, it made good sense. Losing the life of only a single soldier on his side, he caused immeasurable harm to his enemy. Would-be insurgents would be foolish to think of beating the US military by way of having a large arsenal of small arms with which to meet them in battle. That would be a slaughter. If you face off against the world's most powerful military, you need to think asymmetrically.
It's worth noting that McVeigh caused vastly more damage to the government he opposed than he would have if he'd run around shooting people with an AR-15. He took out a large federal building, murdered well over a hundred people, and effectively forced a huge expense on the government for hardening its facilities, nation-wide, against similar attacks. He was deeply evil and his cause was unjust, but from a strictly tactical perspective, it made good sense. Losing the life of only a single soldier on his side, he caused immeasurable harm to his enemy. Would-be insurgents would be foolish to think of beating the US military by way of having a large arsenal of small arms with which to meet them in battle. That would be a slaughter. If you face off against the world's most powerful military, you need to think asymmetrically.

Oh, I agree. When the Government Death Squad went in to kill off those people in Waco using Helicopter Gunships and Battle Tanks, the small arms used by the Defenders was very ineffective. Using the asymmetrical tactics you describe, Timothy McVeigh was able to 'educate' the Government on how Americans felt about the entire fiasco. Hopefully Government Death Squads and the use of Military equipment will never again be used on the American Public, but ... you never know?
Oh, I agree. When the Government Death Squad went in to kill off those people in Waco using Helicopter Gunships and Battle Tanks, the small arms used by the Defenders was very ineffective. Using the asymmetrical tactics you describe, Timothy McVeigh was able to 'educate' the Government on how Americans felt about the entire fiasco. Hopefully Government Death Squads and the use of Military equipment will never again be used on the American Public, but ... you never know?

Those weren't death squads. Whatever you think about the appropriateness of a militarized attack on the Waco compound, the intention was not to cause a death toll, it was to enforce the law against a paramilitary cult that had used deadly force to rebuff less dramatic efforts by the government. As you may recall, there was a concern that the children in that compound were being abused, and long stand-off to try to find a peaceful solution had failed.
If you ever decide to build things without getting permitted. Don't draw a gun on the government employee that comes out to inspect, or shut it down. You will take away needed resources, when a squad of cops have to show up to take you into custody. If you try that now, they will shoot if you don't back down, and possibly kill your dumb ass. So much for stopping the government taking over. This isn't the wild west, where a gun served as law. The government already controls things.

Those weren't death squads. Whatever you think about the appropriateness of a militarized attack on the Waco compound, the intention was not to cause a death toll, it was to enforce the law against a paramilitary cult that had used deadly force to rebuff less dramatic efforts by the government. As you may recall, there was a concern that the children in that compound were being abused, and long stand-off to try to find a peaceful solution had failed.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ...

uh, yeah.

"At Mount Carmel in Waco, Texas, agents of the U.S. Treasury Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) launch a raid against the Branch Davidian compound as part of an investigation into illegal possession of firearms and explosives by the Christian cult. As the agents attempted to penetrate the complex, gunfire erupted, beginning an extended gun battle that left four ATF agents dead and 15 wounded. Six Branch Davidians were fatally wounded, and several more were injured, including David Koresh, the cult’s founder and leader. After 45 minutes of shooting, the ATF agents withdrew, and a cease-fire was negotiated over the telephone. The operation, which involved more than 100 ATF agents, was the one of the largest ever mounted by the bureau and resulted in the highest casualties of any ATF operation."

You don't need 100 assholes dressed in black carrying assault rifles attacking your home to deliver a Court Appearance notice.

Oneuli: "As you may recall, there was a concern that the children in that compound were being abused".
Jack: Mmmm ... Look, I have a bridge that goes from Manhattan to Brooklyn, if you want to buy it in the next hour, I can let you have it at a Discount price of $1,000 dollars.
Those weren't death squads. Whatever you think about the appropriateness of a militarized attack on the Waco compound, the intention was not to cause a death toll, it was to enforce the law against a paramilitary cult that had used deadly force to rebuff less dramatic efforts by the government. As you may recall, there was a concern that the children in that compound were being abused, and long stand-off to try to find a peaceful solution had failed.

Yeah, like their going to buy any facts or narrative that challenges their mythology
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ...

uh, yeah.

"At Mount Carmel in Waco, Texas, agents of the U.S. Treasury Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) launch a raid against the Branch Davidian compound as part of an investigation into illegal possession of firearms and explosives by the Christian cult. As the agents attempted to penetrate the complex, gunfire erupted, beginning an extended gun battle that left four ATF agents dead and 15 wounded. Six Branch Davidians were fatally wounded, and several more were injured, including David Koresh, the cult’s founder and leader. After 45 minutes of shooting, the ATF agents withdrew, and a cease-fire was negotiated over the telephone. The operation, which involved more than 100 ATF agents, was the one of the largest ever mounted by the bureau and resulted in the highest casualties of any ATF operation."

You don't need 100 assholes dressed in black carrying assault rifles attacking your home to deliver a Court Appearance notice.

Oneuli: "As you may recall, there was a concern that the children in that compound were being abused".
Jack: Mmmm ... Look, I have a bridge that goes from Manhattan to Brooklyn, if you want to buy it in the next hour, I can let you have it at a Discount price of $1,000 dollars.

they burned to death in the death trap they built idiot

they were known to have guns and be violent dupe
Oh, I agree. When the Government Death Squad went in to kill off those people in Waco using Helicopter Gunships and Battle Tanks, the small arms used by the Defenders was very ineffective. Using the asymmetrical tactics you describe, Timothy McVeigh was able to 'educate' the Government on how Americans felt about the entire fiasco. Hopefully Government Death Squads and the use of Military equipment will never again be used on the American Public, but ... you never know?

since when do police have to use LIKE force ?

show us that law idiot
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ...

uh, yeah.

"At Mount Carmel in Waco, Texas, agents of the U.S. Treasury Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) launch a raid against the Branch Davidian compound as part of an investigation into illegal possession of firearms and explosives by the Christian cult. As the agents attempted to penetrate the complex, gunfire erupted, beginning an extended gun battle that left four ATF agents dead and 15 wounded. Six Branch Davidians were fatally wounded, and several more were injured, including David Koresh, the cult’s founder and leader. After 45 minutes of shooting, the ATF agents withdrew, and a cease-fire was negotiated over the telephone. The operation, which involved more than 100 ATF agents, was the one of the largest ever mounted by the bureau and resulted in the highest casualties of any ATF operation."

You don't need 100 assholes dressed in black carrying assault rifles attacking your home to deliver a Court Appearance notice.

The ATF initially tried to proceed with a less militarized effort back on February 28. That ended badly for them, with four ATF agents dead and 16 more wounded. At that point, they waited for almost two months, hoping to find a peaceful solution. That was partly successful, since it resulted in 35 cultists leaving the compound. But the FBI was worried that the longer they waited, the greater the chance of a Jonestown-like situation, with mass suicide. And, in the meantime, worries remained about abuse of the children in the compound. At any point the Davidians could have peacefully surrendered, but they had an apocalyptic mindset.

Prosecutions of some standoff participants[edit]
The first criminal case resulting from the standoff, against six Bundy supporters, was declared a mistrial by U.S. District Judge Gloria Navarro on April 24, 2017. Six men had been charged with conspiring with Cliven Bundy to prevent a court-ordered cattle seizure. The mistrial was declared hours after the jury convicted two men of some of the 10 counts in the indictment. The jurors reported to the court they were "hopelessly deadlocked" on the remaining counts and defendants, despite the judge having sent them back to deliberate further but they were unable to reach any unanimous verdicts for four defendants, described by prosecutors as the "least culpable" of the 17 who were charged, and on the remaining counts for the two who were convicted. Over 50 prosecution witnesses testified in the two-month trial. Former militia group member, Gregory Burleson, of Arizona, who has also been a paid FBI informant, was convicted of assault upon and threatening of a federal officer, aiding extortion via both interstate commerce and travel, obstruction of justice, plus multiple gun counts. He faces a 57-year mandatory minimum sentence. Idaho activist Todd Engel was found guilty of obstruction of justice and interstate travel in aid of extortion. Representing himself at trial, he may be sentenced to as much as 30 years in federal prison on the first two charges. At his July 26 sentencing, Burleson was given 68 years for recruiting others in Arizona to join the standoff, and posting "alcohol fueled' rants encouraging others to do the same.[168] Engel was to be sentenced on the following day with Cliven, Ammon and Ryan Bundy and two others expected to be tried later in 2017.[169] Retrials of the first six and the trials of the remaining eleven defendants were originally scheduled for June 26th by Judge Navarro.[170]
The retrial for the four defendants for whom no verdict was reached in April began on July 11, 2017, in Las Vegas.[171] The Jury began deliberations on August 15, 2017.[172] On August 22nd, they found two of the defendants not guilty on all charges and cleared the other two of most charges, but they could not reach verdicts on four charges against Eric Parker and two charges against Scott Drexler.[173]
The first defendant to be sentenced is Gerald "Jerry" DeLemus of Rochester, New Hampshire who tried to change his guilty plea to "not guilty." He received a little more than seven years from Judge Navarro, for conspiracy and interstate travel in aid of extortion, with credit for the 16 months he has already served.[174]
A verdict of not guilty was returned on two defendants August 22, 2017 by the jury after 3 days of deliberation. Two others were found not guilty of several of the charges and unable to come to a decision on other charges. Ricky Lovelien and Steven Stewart were acquitted of all 10 charges and ordered released. There were not-guilty findings on most charges against Scott Drexler and Eric Parker.[175][176] On August 23, 2017, the court scheduled a retrial for September 25, 2017 on both Drexler and Parker and ordered them released to return to Idaho, pending retrial.[177][178] On August 31, 2017 the court scheduled a trial date for October 10, 2017 for Cliven Bundy, Ammon Bundy, Ryan Bundy, Ryan Payne and Peter Santilli. Included with this group will be the retrial of Scott Drexler and Eric Parker.[179] On October 6, 2017, the court rescheduled to October 30, 2017 the trial for 6 of the 7 defendants. Peter Santilli pled guilty to conspiracy to injure or impede federal officers by blocking BLM law enforcement officers in with his car, and was released pending sentencing in January 2018.[180][4] On October 23, 2017, Scott Drexler and Eric Parker each pled guilty to a single count of obstruction of a court order, a misdemeanor charge. Both men will be sentenced on February 2, 2018.[181] On November 14, 2017, Micah McGuire pled guilty to a single charge of conspiracy to impede federal officers, and was released pending sentencing on February 14, 2018[182]
During a sealed court hearing on November 29, 2017 judge Gloria M. Navarro considered multiple defense motions seeking dismissal of the case due to alleged withholding of exculpatory evidence by the federal government. After the sealed hearing, judge Navarro granted pretrial release to Cliven Bundy, his son Ammon Bundy, and co-defendant Ryan Payne.[183]
On December 4, 2017, U.S. Magistrate Judge Peggy Leen ordered the pretrial release of the remaining defendants.[184]
On December 20, 2017, Judge Navarro declared a mistrial, stating that federal prosecutors had willfully violated evidence rules and failed to turn over pertinent documents to the defense. Both sides were instructed to submit legal briefs by December 29 on whether the government should be allowed to pursue a new trial with a hearing to be held on January 8, 2018. A new tentative trial date was set for February 26, 2018.[185]
On December 21, 2017, United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered an examination into the federal prosecution's mishandling of the Bundy case.[186]
On January 8, 2018, U.S. District Court Judge Gloria Navarro dismissed with prejudice the criminal charges against Cliven Bundy, his sons Ammon and Ryan, and co-defendant Ryan Payne regarding the standoff. At that time she also scheduled a February 26, 2018 trial date for "Tier 3" defendants Melvin Bundy, Dave Bundy, Jason Woods and Joseph O'Shaughnessy.[187] On February 7, 2018, the federal government moved to dismiss with prejudice the indictments against the remaining defendants "in the interests of justice."[188] On July 19, 2018, Todd Engel was sentenced to 14 years in federal prison after being convicted on charges of obstruction of justice and interstate travel in aid of extortion.[189] On August 9, 2018, Scott Drexler was sentenced to time served while Eric Parker received one year of supervised release.[190] On September 11, 2018, Pete Santilli was sentenced to time served plus two years of supervised release.[191] On September 27, 2018, Blaine Cooper was sentenced to 20 months already spent in custody and faces a combined three years of supervised release.[192]
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they burned to death in the death trap they built idiot

they were known to have guns and be violent dupe

If they wanted to arrest David Koresh, they could have easily done so. Every morning he would run along Double EE Road by himself. The area is in an isolated, flat, farm environment. That's NOT what they wanted to do, ... they wanted to SHOWBOAT.

Glad to know you support the Government killing Americans, evince. When Trump unleashes his Goon Squads it's good to know you'll be in front waving your little American Flag and cheering them on.