For those that hold onto guns, just to keep the government away.

jade thinks guns should be a privilege, not a right.

I don't hold assault weapons as a right, nor do I hold criminals of violent acts like rape, assault, or murder to maintain any said rights. In addition the mentally disturbed shouldn't own guns. In facilities they don't even want them to have shoelaces, but what stops them from having guns outside a facility? You pulled claims from your ass like most that defend guns these days. Not a good showing.
For some odd reason, there seem to be a number of posters who believe that the majority of the military would be on the side of the Government.

I think our forefathers should have had a closing note to the Constitution-

- If any idiot ever tries to misinterpret our good will and intentions for America- they should be taken out to the public square and be shot on sight!

Well, that would end all discussion of the constitutionality of the death penalty. :cof1:
It really takes a special kind of stupid to think our forefathers had even the slightest notion to include in the Constitution they were drafting, as they were thinking it all out.......

....a guarantee to all citizens the right to own a gun- just in case they want to overthrow us and use it on us!

Fucking hilarious! Beyond all imagination.

"Here folks- we set up this Constitution so that if you don't like us- you're free to overthow us and kill us with guns"!


Have you never read anything by the Founders? Just for starters, you have Jefferson's legendary "the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" quote. Then you have Hamilton's strong defense of gun rights in the Federalist Papers. It's not exactly a mystery how the 2nd Amendment came into being.
If they wanted to arrest David Koresh, they could have easily done so. Every morning he would run along Double EE Road by himself. The area is in an isolated, flat, farm environment. That's NOT what they wanted to do, ... they wanted to SHOWBOAT.

Glad to know you support the Government killing Americans, evince. When Trump unleashes his Goon Squads it's good to know you'll be in front waving your little American Flag and cheering them on.

We will give Desh a chance to voluntarily enter a re-education center and choose a religion of her choice except Islum of course

If she chooses to heed our suggested path then no harm will come to her

Should she choose otherwise? Well..........
We will give Desh a chance to voluntarily enter a re-education center and choose a religion of her choice except Islum of course

If she chooses to heed our suggested path then no harm will come to her

Should she choose otherwise? Well..........

Don, even though I now notice you ban me from your threads again, I can't argue with you on this. evince does need to be 're-educated'. She has become a boogle-head, just sitting there nodding her head as Government Goons go about killing people. Don ... is there enough room at one of the Camps for Oneuli?
Don, even though I now notice you ban me from your threads again, I can't argue with you on this. evince does need to be 're-educated'. She has become a boogle-head, just sitting there nodding her head as Government Goons go about killing people. Don ... is there enough room at one of the Camps for Oneuli?

How can you "re-educate" the uneducated?
(cases in point...domer, Ox, Oneuli, Crypiss....)
Funny how when you have extremists or non-extremist from the left calling for violent and/or armed resistance to local/federal government oppression/suppression, right wing folk wail "communism" "deep state", anarchists, socialists, etc. But when extremists or non-extremist from the right call for the same, they are "patriots" or oathers or threepers or sovereign citizens, etc. I always wonder what would happen if both sides found mutual ground and agreement as to who is screwing them over? :thinking: