For Toppy: bad credit tops terror as risk to economy


New member
I've gotta admit to a certain amount of vindication after hearing toppy dismiss fears about credit problems as overblown, marginalizing those who have borrowed too much as a relatively small group of "morons" and asserting that the middle class is "fat & happy":

Bad credit tops terror as risk to economy
Survey: Economists increasingly concerned about subprime mortgage mess

oncelor, I know how market ignorant usc is.
Do you invest in the market?
Are you over 30?
I don't want to insult you anymore if your a gerber baby who hasn't learned these adult lessons yet.:clink:
oncelor, I know how market ignorant usc is.
Do you invest in the market?
Are you over 30?
I don't want to insult you anymore if your a gerber baby who hasn't learned these adult lessons yet.:clink:

I'm over 30, I'm in the market. That's not the point of the post, tops.

The point is, you know very little, if anything, about economics.
OK then your a dumbass
what has the market done the last few years moron.
I know enough about economics to get paid to manage money and make a mill before 50 mainly investing
as usual Duhla you don't address any economic issue's just juvinille presonal slams. Get a man you spinster!!!
Just razzin ya
sure foreclosures are bad, and yes the borrowers were moron's and yes the bankers have paid by the thousands in layoffs.
The fed will likely cut rates in Sept to try and avoid a recession. We'll see if Bernakie is up to the task.:clink:
as usual Duhla you don't address any economic issue's just juvinille presonal slams. Get a man you spinster!!!

Yeah - just like your response to the economic conundrum presented by this thread.

Take a quick look in the mirror there, tops...