For Toppy: bad credit tops terror as risk to economy

I never predicted "recession."

You have to make stuff up & switch topics all the time, because you don't know what you're talking about when it comes to the economy.
You predicted dire things for the economy which have yet to manifest.
GDP was up 3.4% last gtr long after your bullshit prediction started.
you got your ass owned fess up:clink:
An ex treasury sectrtary was speking of possible recession thought if the gummit does not "bail out" the trash loan business.
they will bail in my opinion
we'll see a big interest rate cut in Sept.
I agree with that no cut = very likely recession in the next 9 months:clink:
I just hope thatit happens soon and quick. I want to buy a house. I'm putting it off because I'm waiting for it to fizzle out.

im keeping close watch now. My gut is that the market will deflate slightly more then where it shood. maybe by a few percent.. IF it reacts similar to the stockmarket.. if you can catch that you will be styling because after the initial bound back it will slowly build again. I dont think it will be a crazy market when it does turn arount though. With homes there is alot more involved so its harder to build up to the hysteria that was the bull housing market of last few years.

Other experts predict'ed' that the housing market would not reverse in value and that we would just have 1 or 2% years for a few years that would average out the double digit years back to the 100 year 6% avg. As you are reading thats not the case. we are actually loosing value in many areas.

IM looking to find equilibrium with renting income versus mortgage payment. This to me would be a sign of a bottom.
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Idiot. I'm not making "dire predictions." I'm telling you that everything I've been telling you for a year is something that a huge # of economists agree with me on at this point.

Deal w/ it...
so there are alot of democrats on here bashing the market.. doom and gloom. but chances are that you will start formulating your economic policies next year and will win the whitehouse for 09. What would you all look for to tame this credit crunch? Or will we here flip flop opinions that things are not that bad once your in office experiencing the same sort of shit.
what they will do is say we are trying to fix it but bush screwed it up so bad.. its his fault.. so when we have a flat lining market for next 4years its bushs fault. .uhhuh
no your a duffass, you could have made a lot of money in the mean time instead of crying like the little bitch that you are.:clink:

Is that what you call "countering the facts," instead of trading in personal insults?

Good call, tops...
more evidence
how bad can it be if even USC can make a lot in the market.

Onecelor your dire straights is still a minority opinion amoung economist.
Biggest worry, Yes I agree.
But, earnings were up 14% in the second qtr. Hardly shabby:clink:
Umm because I am smarter than you spinner ?
My market playing I am doing on my own has dropped to 75% for the year, darn!
Was near 85% on an annualized basis.
smarter than me. LOFL
you should have stayed in school.
You can't come close to what I have done in the markets
what you were in your 60's before you hit the mother load?
Man, you still don't get it.

You confuse economics with investing. And they're STILL pretty well connected. If you think Wall Street shares your "what me's still been a good year" outlook & takes the credit crunch about as seriously as a mild cold, you're a little off.

I have said for years that the Bush economy, which you have at times called "white hot," has been mainly sluggish/stop & go, and has been propped up almost exclusively by the housing market & consumer spending, which are inextricably tied together (something which you're rather small brain repeatedly refused to accept).

Class dismissed, grasshopper. You couldn't have been more wrong.
one did you hurt your GED brain with the tied to the consumer coment. Next your going to predict daylight tommorrow.
Nobody said it's being treated like a cold, I said I expect a rate cut in sept and like Chappy correctly claims I called the housing bubble way before you guys when I said take the 2000 yr price and add 6% annually, till it's below that we're inflated.
That said double digit corp earnings are very much supported by global growth and while a housing recession (we are in one) usually leads to an overall recession there's a good chance that it won't.
All this time you've been crying I prob made 100,000 in the market.:clink:
Tops, you did nothing but ridicule when I tried arguing OVER A YEAR AGO that this would be a problem. You want me to dig up some threads? I'm sure they'd be very entertaining.

And there isn't any reason to make it personal. I'm in the market, I've made money, what? I am NOT arguing that the market is not one of the best investments over the course of time. You're too thick to realize that.