Fort Hood Tragedy -- Barack Obama Gives Odd "Shout-Out" Before He Comments on Massacr

That conference was known about for weeks, no plans of televising any of it, including his comments. The reason for air time was the shootings. He used 5 minutes, the first two to pat himself and interior on the back. Unseemly to say the least.

dungheap pwned :clink:
Troll, what troll, I am here to spread the good news of conservatism and to show you that SharinPalin is the truth the light and the way to go, dude. Government is evil, unless it is me of course and I plan to put forth a lot of good ideas and never follow through on them like I did in Alaska. My hopes for the future are to take credit for others works and act like they are all new because the are the Palin Way. I am A republican woman and I say a lot of things that make no sense, but don't hate me because I look good in a mini skirt and push up bra.
how is it hypocritical?

so you believe the shoutout was a good thing?

I didn't even know about it until it hit the internet. I think it's unseemly and vulgar for the rabid RW to politicize this tragedy and use it for yet another bash-Obama moment. How about rabid righties actually giving a sh*t about the grief-stricken families and friends of those dead people, instead of using them to push an agenda?

I think the rabid rightie "shout out" through the blogosphere about disrespecting the CIC of the deceased is far worse than criticizing the timeliness of Obama's comments.
I didn't even know about it until it hit the internet. I think it's unseemly and vulgar for the rabid RW to politicize this tragedy and use it for yet another bash-Obama moment. How about rabid righties actually giving a sh*t about the grief-stricken families and friends of those dead people, instead of using them to push an agenda?

I think the rabid rightie "shout out" through the blogosphere about disrespecting the CIC of the deceased is far worse than criticizing the timeliness of Obama's comments.

how funny, this from the person who above posted the pet goat video about President Bush from the lying slob, Michael Moore..:palm:
Uh, Michael Moore used those moments in his video but the actions were totally uncensored bush.

can't have it both ways dear..

the video I posted says it all...the Hugo is a disconnected, cold individual who only cares about winning and passing his "VISIONS" on us American people whether we want them or not..
the deaths of our military men and women popped up in his mind somewhere down the line..
I didn't even know about it until it hit the internet. I think it's unseemly and vulgar for the rabid RW to politicize this tragedy and use it for yet another bash-Obama moment. How about rabid righties actually giving a sh*t about the grief-stricken families and friends of those dead people, instead of using them to push an agenda?

I think the rabid rightie "shout out" through the blogosphere about disrespecting the CIC of the deceased is far worse than criticizing the timeliness of Obama's comments.

I think it was unseemly and vulgar for the rabid LW to politicize the 911 tragedy and use it for yet another bash-Bush moment. How about rabid Liberals actually giving a sh*t about the grief-stricken families and friends of those dead people, instead of using them to push an agenda?
can't have it both ways dear..

the video I posted says it all...the Hugo is a disconnected, cold individual who only cares about winning and passing his "VISIONS" on us American people whether we want them or not..
the deaths of our military men and women popped up in his mind somewhere down the line..

:rolleyes: We know you'd be dissing Obama no matter what he did. Here's an opportunity for you, he's going to the memorial service at Ft. Hood so you can start with the "he's still campaigning" bit now.
that is all ya got, a Micheal Moore crockumentary and the Bush did it too..:rolleyes:

Not only that Mem's, but Bush was advised to stay calm and finish up as quickly as possible...he did not use it to do a shout out for school kids and make some political hay for the next election...The comparison is stupid, but then that's our chris.
Hasan Linked to Sept. 11 Hijackers

Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army major suspected of killing 13 people and wounding 29 others at Fort Hood, worshipped at the same mosque as two of the 9/11 terrorists.

According to the London Sunday Telegraph, Hasan attended services at the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Great Falls, Va., in 2001 at the same time as Sept. 11 hijackers Nawaf al-Hamzi and Hani Hanjour. Funeral services for Hasan's mother also was held at that mosque.

The FBI wants to interrogate Hasan to see if he met or knew al-Hamzi or Hanjour, reports the Telegraph.

The imam at the mosque at the time Hasan attended services there was Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical cleric who has been described as a supporter of al-Qaida. A third 9/11 hijacker attended al-Awlaki's lectures in California.
He was actually at the Department of Interior for the Tribal Nations Conference. He wasn't there to "talk about a fucking massacre," as you put it. He was there to attend the goddamned conference.

Obviously, he commented on the massacre because it would have been fucking odd for him not to but to pretend that it was "unbecoming of the President" to give a "shout out" to Dr. Joe Medicine Crow, an attendee at the conference that received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, is ridiculous. Get a fucking grip.


the rightwingnuts are pissed they didn't wipe out all the damn injuns
It's looking more and more like he had aligned himself with AQ and did the shooting as an act of jihad. The question now is whether or not the military persons who knew about his activities did nothing because of some sort of PC bullshit or if they were still investigating and had failed to act in time.
The ignored it due to Obama policies of PeeCee. Obama is clearly to blame here.