Fox News pettiness regarding Ocasio-Cortez.

you are just a noise maker devoid of knowledge or thought. In high school she did a science project for the International Science Fair. She won second place. It was on microbiology. It got notice from science and an asteroid was named after her. pretty cool for a high school senior. She interned with Ted Kennedy as a senior too. She graduated cum laude at Boston University in economiics and International relations.
Yeah, you rightys are qualified to call her stupid.
And she came out of it alive? Oh, and talk about stupidity, The Left have the monopoly on it.
And she came out of it alive? Oh, and talk about stupidity, The Left have the monopoly on it.

yeah, teddy just killed every girl he met didn't he. What a stupid remark. No way, he is not a righty, Pay attentiion Boris, you have much to learn. I gave you facts about her and in your brilliance you made a remark about Kennedy. For you, a success.
yeah, teddy just killed every girl he met didn't he. What a stupid remark. No way, he is not a righty, Pay attentiion Boris, you have much to learn. I gave you facts about her and in your brilliance you made a remark about Kennedy. For you, a success.

She has zero experience in the private sector and she want to tax us into oblivion to fund worthless welfare programs for illegal invaders.
She has zero experience in the private sector and she want to tax us into oblivion to fund worthless welfare programs for illegal invaders.

You have no idea of what she will propose. However you rightys who bitch about term limits suddenly bitch about a first timer. Rightys are amusing in how they twist and turn to weasel away from logic.
Lol, I've heard her speak. She can't even answer basic questions about economics, or how she plans to pay for any of the free stuff she's promising to give away. She's an ignorant fool.

If you can listen to Trump and find intelligence in his word salad then you should have zero complaints about her.

And yet you do have complaints. I wonder what the difference is to you?
I had to borrow money from family and friends to get an apartment (between first and last month's rent and security deposit it's clearly not cheap). And if she's able to win a seat in the U.S. Congress she clearly knows some people.

You can get an advance from a bank. It may not be on the best terms but she has access to money.

WTF man! All she did was express a LEGITIMATE complaint held by Lord knows generations and countless millions of Americans all over the country....and you stubbornly climb her leg about it like some asshole right wing wonk fabricating a crisis of incrimination because they loss! Stop denying the woman's right to do the EXACT SAME THING YOU DO....legitimately complain about lousy things in our society. She'll get there, don't worry about it. Whether she'll do a good job remains to be seen.
Don't worry, she's done nothing but discredit herself since she first showed up in the political spotlight. There's absolutely no reason to think she'll not continue to repeat that side show.

As usual, you're not making sense. If one continually discredits one self, then how do they get elected. And think before you knee jerk response, because you may be describing the very people YOU voted for in the last 20 years or so.
yeah, teddy just killed every girl he met didn't he. What a stupid remark. No way, he is not a righty, Pay attentiion Boris, you have much to learn. I gave you facts about her and in your brilliance you made a remark about Kennedy. For you, a success.

She must not have drank with him. :cof1:
She has zero experience in the private sector and she want to tax us into oblivion to fund worthless welfare programs for illegal invaders.

Newsflash, bunky....all your right wing heroes since Nixon have been taxing the crap out of YOU....leading the wave of outsourcing, tax write offs for the wealthy, corporate welfare and letting insurance/big pharma write their own tickets. They screwed you, bunky....NOT illegal aliens or liberals. Grow the fuck up and Deal with it.
So now Fox News personalities are mocking newly elected Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez because she's not wealthy enough to easily/quickly afford a Washington, DC apartment? Forget the FACT that she beat the odds AGAINST long time established Democrat & Republican incumbents ON THE ISSUES as a's any picayune thing the Fox folk can focus on to try and discredit the woman even before she starts her job. Sad, but not unprecedented.

That she is a socialist means she discredits herself.
Wrong! You can get a nice luxurious 2-bedroom rental at Watergate for only $1600 a month.

So, it is not true she can't afford an apartment!