Foxnews moving toward fair and ballanced?

So then how do you feel about msnbc

MSNBC claims to be a Left Leaning political Channel that only talks politics. Not "Fair and Balanced"

I can't watch MSNBC because Jon Stewart and Colbert are way smarter, but I can tell you this....

I watch/hear a lot of Fox News and they ALWAYS control the Conversation and basically "yell out" the Left Winger on the program. Always. Even on the Five where it is 4 Righties and 1 Lefty, they NEVER let him finish a sentence. They picked the laziest person ever to represent the Left so they could use him as a "Spankingboy"

MSNBC however I don't watch as much of, but I have noticed that they let the Right winger talk their entire sentence. Then they debate it. THAT is debate. Not controlling information/conversation. That is what a cult does.
A great moment in American political history:

I remember that very moment when "we" won. To me it was anyone winning except a "Corporate President".

I was so happy that the person that was so war driven lost because I "knew" we wouldn't go to war with Syria and Iran racking up war cost. But at that hour Fox News was still convincing EVERYONE in my area that they were going to win. I had everyone on FB repeating the garbage that the Right is winning. The election was over and I heard TONS of people stating that there was hope because of Fox News.

More proof they are Sheeple and can't think for themselves. They are all weak minded main-stream Cult Sheeple. And it's fun to point and laugh at these idiots.
I like "getting beat like a rented mule!"

You must.
MSNBC claims to be a Left Leaning political Channel that only talks politics. Not "Fair and Balanced"

I can't watch MSNBC because Jon Stewart and Colbert are way smarter, but I can tell you this....

I watch/hear a lot of Fox News and they ALWAYS control the Conversation and basically "yell out" the Left Winger on the program. Always. Even on the Five where it is 4 Righties and 1 Lefty, they NEVER let him finish a sentence. They picked the laziest person ever to represent the Left so they could use him as a "Spankingboy"

MSNBC however I don't watch as much of, but I have noticed that they let the Right winger talk their entire sentence. Then they debate it. THAT is debate. Not controlling information/conversation. That is what a cult does.

if you don't watch Madow your missing out.

She is very sharp and treats the right who come on the show with a lot of class
That lie is just as bad as the lie that GOT FOX started.

that the MSM is liberal.

Its corporate.

Fox was started so the right could lie to the people
Or are you one of those people who just accept whatever you hear as long as it FITS into the lies you already believe?
Now how many OTHER positions did robmoney take on that issue even if he DID say what was claimed ONCE in an op ed.

HINT: Robmoney said whatever he needed to say to win over the insane base.

then that in itself made him a loser