Foxnews moving toward fair and ballanced?

A great moment in American political history:

This is one of my favorite moments in all of political history. Foxnews calling out Karl Rove for being a political hack. If I cant get to sleep at night, I think of this clip and my mood turns happy and I drift off to a blissful slumber. Its better than Xanax.
I love it...

FoxNews - Fair and Balanced

Has been replaced with...

FoxNews - Math you use as a Republican to make yourself feel better!
I heard blah, blah, lsh, incorrect fact, blah, blah, blah, incorrect fact.

Two she got wrong, Obama hasn't spent more

US oil production is way up, there was an article posted on this forum about it.

The Tea Party deserves her as their spokes person!

Blah, blah, blah

I didn't need to turn it on or watch a minute of it to know that any positive statements about that ignorant damn channel say more about the speakers/writers than they do about what is on that stupid Murdoch farce!