France: "Do as I say, not as I do..."


Christ, why do I have to deal with misinformed ignoramuses:

Christian Science Monitor

"Racism at root of Sudan's Darfur crisis"

Sudan, like most African postcolonial states, is partially a victim of imperial cartography. Thoughtlessly carved out by the British during the 19th-century scramble to claim Africa, Sudan is a forced crucible of Muslim Arabs and black Africans. The blacks in the south either hew to their ancestral traditional African religions or have converted to Christianity. The fact that black Africans in Darfur are exclusively Muslim has not stopped the Arab Janjaweed militias and the government from exterminating them.

Straight from the Monitor...a Tom Cruise fan I see...the CS Monitor is a wacked out religious or not so religious group of self serving idiots!
If prissy wasn't so busy kissing muslim ass, he'd be able to see the facts of what's going on in the world. He never presents anything, just attacks whatever poster has something to discuss. I only read things he says when someone else quotes him, but they are always the same trash.

he's the kind of person that if he were drowning I would throw him a ciderblock.

Prissy if you hurry and get your name in you might get to join kerry in syria to visit the rape rooms, I'm sure you can't wait to get there.
Sorry Damo, you didn't deserve that from me.

I was just frustrated by the constant foolishness, and ignorance of BB and gaffer. This board needs some informed and intelligent Cons, and you certainly are the standard-bearer for intelligent Cons.
It's all good... really, I am extremely hard to insult. However, I got caught back into smoking again and am in the middle of quitting. I can sometimes get more irritated than any situation warrants...
If prissy wasn't so busy kissing muslim ass, he'd be able to see the facts of what's going on in the world. He never presents anything, just attacks whatever poster has something to discuss. I only read things he says when someone else quotes him, but they are always the same trash.

he's the kind of person that if he were drowning I would throw him a ciderblock.

Prissy if you hurry and get your name in you might get to join kerry in syria to visit the rape rooms, I'm sure you can't wait to get there.


Where do you find these people Damo? Have you been hanging out on Freerepublic?

As an anti-bush Libertarian, aren't you on Forums with credible and intelligent Libertarians you can invite here?
Actually, I promised the owner of the board I'd love to invite many from that I personally wouldn't recruit from his board...

These guys add spice and a definitely different view... I have been advertising a bit too, so we can see if I can find some more members to give us some more variety...
Anyway, you don't think that Runyon is an intelligent Libertarian? How about Thorn? Gaffer and Battleborn just offer a different view that is expressed with spice...
LOL - Okay, you owned me there. runoyn and thorn are good. and intelligent,

I'm proud to say I've managed to get some highly intelligent poster of different ideological views here and on FP. I screen out the nincompoops and flamers. But, its all good.

But, getting back to your original post, I don't think I've ever claimed France is the ideal country, with perfect morals. I believe I've even said on occasion that they are imperialists, with less regard for social and civil liberties than our great jeffersonian republic.

I will give France props, for being right about Iraq though: There was no imminent reason to invade and occupy.
Damo you need me and BB to offset the silliness of those hardcore libs. They don't like us cause they can't sway us, or intimidate us. And we can always call in the other RW's to join us for a while. Most of them quit posting cause they got tired of the same old rhetoric and name calling. But a constant name calling battle between the RW's and LW's is not what your looking for here.

If you get someone that wants to reasonably discuss things I'm all for it. Though most libertarians think very much the way I do. I'm still an independent conservative.

Sorry to hear you went off the smoking wagon. Its hard to get back off it once you get back on. But it sure increased your word output on your posts. :pke:
Gaffer: "most libertarians think very much the way I do. I'm still an independent conservative."

Are you deliberately trying to be funny?

I've never heard a credible Libertarian support the Iraq war, propose bombing our way accross the middle east, call all muslims evil, propose a War on Islam, and propose to prepare ourselves for world war three with Islam.

Now, I have heard embarrassed republicans and bush-fans, who pose as libertarians, say those things.

I guess its just too damned embarrassing to admit being a partisan bush defender.
Gaffer: "most libertarians think very much the way I do. I'm still an independent conservative."

Are you deliberately trying to be funny?

I've never heard a credible Libertarian support the Iraq war, propose bombing our way accross the middle east, call all muslims evil, propose a War on Islam, and propose to prepare ourselves for world war three with Islam.

Now, I have heard embarrassed republicans and bush-fans, who pose as libertarians, say those things.

I guess its just too damned embarrassing to admit being a partisan bush defender.

Oh, and I forgot your daily habit of calling any fellow american, or any media who disagrees with your war on Iraq, or Bush's policies - traitors and enemies of the state.

This is not Libertarian. Not at all consistent with the tradition of dissent, or the "Live, and let Live" philosophy of true Libertarians.

No, you're more of an extreme Nationalist. I'll be generous, and not call you a Fascist.

Anyway, you don't think that Runyon is an intelligent Libertarian? How about Thorn? Gaffer and Battleborn just offer a different view that is expressed with spice...

sooo me and gaffer are spicey meat-a-balls...and hey i quit smoking about two weeks is it tough!:mad:
sooo me and gaffer are spicey meat-a-balls...and hey i quit smoking about two weeks is it tough!:mad:
Yeah, it sucks, and this is the second time this year. I was over it for about 5 months... then I got sucked back in working at a bar for a time. I suggest just staying away from bars if you are quitting, at least for a full year.
are in Dafur killing Black Muslims...and the Arab(?) Muslims are not also Black...are they killing them from Saudi Arabia???You are the idiot not me cypo!

bubblebutt... are you aware of the differences between ETHNICITY and RELIGION?

The term "ARAB" refers to an ETHNICITY. The term "MUSLIM" refers to a religious belief. ARABS have a variety of religious beliefs, MUSLIMS are from many different ethnic groups. There are Christian Arabs and Muslim Arabs - even Jewish Arabs. Similarly, there are arab Muslims, persian Muslims, asian Muslims, caucasian Muslims and black african muslims.

The population of the Sudan is a mix of ARAB and BLACK ethnicities, and Christian and Muslim - and tribal - religions. What Cypress is saying about the antagonists in the Darfur conflict is entirely accurate, and you only show what a real moron you are by sticking your foot in your mouth with such bravado.
Originally Posted by Battleborne View Post
are in Dafur killing Black Muslims...and the Arab(?) Muslims are not also Black...are they killing them from Saudi Arabia???You are the idiot not me cypo!

Oh good Lord, I missed this piece of there a stupider poster on this board?

Time for another round of "Simple answers to simple questions":

-BB:and the Arab(?) Muslims are not also Black?

-Answer: NO.

Thank you for playing another round of "Simple answers to simple questions"
Originally Posted by Battleborne View Post
are in Dafur killing Black Muslims...and the Arab(?) Muslims are not also Black...are they killing them from Saudi Arabia???You are the idiot not me cypo!

Oh good Lord, I missed this piece of there a stupider poster on this board?

Time for another round of "Simple answers to simple questions":

-BB:and the Arab(?) Muslims are not also Black?

-Answer: NO.

Thank you for playing another round of "Simple answers to simple questions"

BB: after your long, illustrious career in "counter terrorism", how is it possible for you to not understand that Arabs are a distinct ethnic group from sub-saharan black africans? And that several countries in north-central africa are a mix of arab and black subsaharan ethnicities?
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BB: after your long, illustrious career in "counter terrorism", how is it possible for you to not understand that Arabs are a distinct ethnic group from sub-saharan black africans?

Part of the Semite ethnic group which includes Ethnic Jews, Somalians etc etc.
No-one claimed that, for example, Algerians, or Pashtuns were Arabs?

Arab ethnicity is one amongst many in the Semite group, like the Ethiopians etc.

The idea that Arab culture died with the encrouchment of Islam is as false as claiming that English culture died when Christianity arrived.
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