Fraud proof voting process?

Voter fraud is a non-issue.

74,000,000 devolved trumnpanzees were outvoted by 81,000,000 sentient human beings [plus Nomad].

I suppose that's a truly impressive shitload of fraud from the perspective of a trumpanzee.
That's not proof of fraud it's proof the talking pig in a pant suit couldn't get the right people to vote for her. The American people don't want only California and New York deciding who the president will be.

Fat orange dumb person claimed fraud long before the election. Intelligent people said WTF is he talking about. The vote in America is the winner gets the most votes, everywhere but in the presidential race. Do you illogical rightys think we should adopt an electoral college method in all votes? It seems reds do not approve of the most votes wins.
There is no way to do it.

Everyone is given a printed receipt with their name, their votes and a serial number. The database records that except for the name. Anyone can enter a serial number into the database and see the votes assigned to it.