What do you think Bush v Gore ruled? It didn't make them hold the election over again.
This not a SC level case. The law is clear.
What do you think Bush v Gore ruled? It didn't make them hold the election over again.
Those were Republican ballots.
It's amazing how you and this other sock, Street Glider show up, start claiming you're not twumptards, then we keep picking away at your idiocy with logic and finally frustrated you can't get us to swallow your twumpard propaganda you let your MAGA crazy out. I had you figured out.
You will never learn the reason your twumptards is you're stupid. You can't hide from us.
Prove it.
All that and you said nothing. Next.
I said it all! I knew I could get you and your sock to blow if I just calmly picked away at your lunacy. You guys always do. It much be so frustrating for you you can't fool anyone not as stupid as you.
What are you talking about? Your delusions of grandeur could mean serious trouble. Better get checked out.
Oh, no! Please! I do not think I'm a genius. One doesn't have to be to figure you out. You're really, really stupid.
I did not say that. i said you think way to highly of yourself when I cannot see one reason why you should. I hope you can understand that.
Well, your opinion will be given its proper due, I assure you!
I know someone as conceited as you needs the final word. Go right ahead.
Nobody was arrested just because they said the outcome was wrong.
but they didn't go around arresting people who said the outcome was wrong.
This not a SC level case. The law is clear.
They did arrest people that threatened violence.
is it hate speech to say the election was fraudulent?
It is untrue and calls a fair and honest election into a black hole of lies. It ignites more hate and anger and in the end, contributes to the end of the American experiment. You should be proud of that.
Here is video of people dropping multiple ballots in AZ. Maricopa drop boxes. These people can be identified and this should be investigated. Think it is going to happen.
Twitter now will show videos like this. Notice no warning about the content. The election has to be redone. No court can rule any differently. The fair and equal clause in our Constitution was violated and that will be very easy to prove.
is it hate speech to say the election was fraudulent?