Freaks Are Turning Kids Into Suicide Cases While Parents Are Jailed For Raising Publi

U suk bllz fgt.


You lying doesn't qualify me as mentally ill, you supporting mentally ill sickos butchering children while imprisoning parents for standing against such sick inexcusable behavior doesn't qualify me as mentally ill, if anything you just revealed yourself as mentally ill for everyone else here to see who isn't already aware.

you have pus for brains
you have pus for brains

You not having even so much as a shred of validity certainly doesn't qualify my brain as puss. So typical of leftists to demonstrate no validity while they instead desperately scramble to try and make their pathetic lies and deceptions about anything else the issue.
Our species has been a hot mess for at long as it's been around.
The vast majority of people genuinely suck at parenting, and that's why those few of us whose parents weren't grossly deficient are elite.

So your parents were grossly deficient which explains allot when it comes to why you too. Leftists almost always claim the opposite of what actually is like the LGBT who has no clue what a fact is, no clue what a man is, no clue what a woman is, no clue what a heterosexual is etc. yet they lie to themselves and others compulsively and obsessively.
Indeed. I'm convinced that the left is trying to mainstream pedophilia the same way they "legitimized" homosexual behavior.
Even you guys who are serious about your arguments in defending the family, still have pathetic reasoning.

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Parents rights over their children goes back as long as humans have been around. You are the parents, you get the say on your child's life until your child is old enough to make adult decisions themselves. Religion has nothing to do with it no matter how desperate you are to try and make what is into what your messed up mentality would rather it be.

South of the border, Biden is trying to take kids from the parents earlier.
No good can come of that.