Freaks Are Turning Kids Into Suicide Cases While Parents Are Jailed For Raising Publi

I had almost nothing left to read on the forum and disabled my "ignore list" out of boredom.

Obvious mistake on my part. The bigoted rants of DJS are toxic.
I had almost nothing left to read on the forum and disabled my "ignore list" out of boredom.

Obvious mistake on my part. The bigoted rants of DJS are toxic.

I left for a while, came back and lifted all my ignores. Basically the same people are right back on that list. Not this guy though, he's mentally unstable, so I feel like it's best to keep an eye on him.
Rather desperate to try and drag me down to your sicj and pathetic level, You obviously have no clue what heterosexual is.

Yawn. I'm keeping you unblocked for the humor. I always enjoy watching posters who are full of themselves. You've got that one in spades. As for the reference to my sexuality, you are a weird creepy fucking dude. But sorry, I'm taken.
Hello David Jeffrey Spetch,

Freaks Are Turning Kids Into Suicide Cases While Parents Are Jailed For Raising Public Awareness

Rob Hoogland has been jailed for standing against a sick group of head cases abusing his daughter as well letting the world know about this extremely offensive and inexcusable injustice. It's not Rob that belongs in prison but the pathetic lying sacks who had anything to do with putting him in there!

Now we have these sick LGBT freaks turning kids into suicide cases while claiming not allowing them to do this to innocent little children is what promotes suicide because all these sickos do is lie and deceive compulsively and obsessively and they lie and deceive because they have no validity what so ever, just more lies and deceptions as they so eagerly demonstrate time and time again over the years. They even replace definitions of words in dictionaries with their lies and deceptions because that's all the LGBT knows how to do is lie and deceive when it comes to the foundation of their every issue I have addressed over the decades. And because all that these sickos know how to do is lie and deceive, they lobby officials to support such sick and filthy lies and deceptions as the 2017 amendment to Bill C-16 to try and make everyone else a sick and pathetic liar as the lgbt is of which you can stick the "2017 amendment where the sun doesn't shine" I say to the federal officials of Canada who stooped to passing such sick and filthy rubbish because that is the only place which such garbage belongs really is up yours!!! They are so retarded that they even try calling an exchange of words "family violence"! Sickening the lot of them!!!

Our officials are sick for turning their backs on the well being and sanity of current and future generations of Canadians while instead catering to the sick low life scum bag globalist agenda. So much for democracy because lobbyist dictatorship is not a democracy but a sick joke played on citizens in countries posing as democracies.

All of the people including the so called Justice of the Peace (justice, as if there is any justice here when a group of sickos puts a restraining order on you to try and keep your from exposing their abuse to your child) should be the one's in prison for supporting child abuse on top of keeping a Canadian in jail for standing up for the well being and sanity of his own daughter.

Canada, do you really feel comfortable with such sickos as the LGBT getting all of the say when it comes to turning your children being butchered into suicide cases, or officials supporting such disgusting filth?!! Infuriating.

Primary Fact: there is only one kind of male and that is the kind born with a penis and the lgbt's opinion will never change this fact.

Primary Fact: there is only one kind of female and that is the kind born with a vagina and the lgbt's opinion will never change this fact.

Primary Fact: there is only one kind of heterosexual and that is the kind who have sex exclusively with those BORN with the opposite sex genital that the individual them self is BORN with.

Fact: A male born with a penis pretending to be female and trying to deceive heterosexual males into sex is a homosexual male trying to rob heterosexuals of the right, freedom and liberty to be heterosexual with their sick, filthy disgusting low life scum bag LGBT lies and deceptions because Fact: There is only one kind of homosexual the kind who has sex exclusively with those born with the same sex genital that the individual them self is born with and the LGBT's opinion will never change these facts.

Before I conclude, lies lead to war and divide and here we have these LGBT sickos going around lying too and deceiving people while also trying to blame the people that they lie too as who to blame for any violence their sick lgbt lies lead towards. I do not advocate violence, I am all for removing lies from legislation and school boards etc. The officials of Canada appear to want people to beat the crap out of each other, and that makes sense because why else would they force such sick and filthy lies through legislation aside from attempting to turn Canadians into phonies, liars and cowards.

And bravo to the United Kingdom for moving forward by a milestone through disbanding the LGBT advisory panel (a group of compulsive obsessive liars feeding officials rubbish at tax payers expense). Removing their lies removes motivation for violence. Round of applause for setting such a fine example. This infuriated me, if you find the story (BBC site) you will find these sickos trying to blame the UK government for violence that the LGBT's lies and deceptions lead towards. That's all these sickos do is lie and deceive, so cheap and pathetic the lot of them!

Anyway, here is the most current information on Rob Hoogland thrown in prison by a bunch of criminals trying to make criminals out of Canadian parents for caring about the well being and sanity of their own children. These people including the JP, the officials that supported such rubbish, as well the LGBT, doctors, teachers (whom turned their backs on their professions to keep their jobs much because of the 2017 amendment to Bill C-16) involved are obviously all very sick in the head.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

I completely disagree with your views, and I don't need to do any name-calling to express my views.

I find your views laughable because they are so antiquated. I am amazed anyone still clings to such nonsense, long shown to be completely false. Science is our friend; Religion is not. Freedom includes freedom FROM religion, not the freedom to impose one's own religion upon others.

People have no choice over their sexual orientation. It sounds like a life of misery to feel like a person of the opposite sex than one is born with. Due to the social pressure of conservatives, this has led to many suicides.

We need to listen to people and let them do what they want to do. It is not our place to force people into roles we impose upon them. Telling people how they should live their life is not freedom.

Fact: Not all men are born with a penis.

"Some children with a rare genetic condition appear female at birth but later develop a penis and testes around the time puberty begins."

"A new article in BBC Magazine tells the story of some children in the Dominican Republic with this condition, who are known in the country as Guevedoces, which roughly translates to "penis at 12." One child named Johnny was raised as a girl, but when he matured and neared puberty, he grew a penis and his testicles descended, according to the BBC.

Children with the condition are genetically male, meaning they have one X and one Y chromosome. However, as they develop in the womb, a genetic mutation prevents their bodies from converting the male hormone testosterone into a hormone called dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. Because DHT is responsible for the development of male sex organs, the lack of DHT means the male organs don't develop properly, according to the National Institutes of Health.

When children with the condition are born, their external genitals look female, or in some cases, appear ambiguous, the NIH says. But during puberty, Guevedoces, like typical males, experience an increase in testosterone. The body appears to respond to these higher levels of testosterone — the penis and scrotum grow larger, and secondary sex characteristics — such as increased muscle mass and a deep voice — can also appear.

Men with this condition, officially called 5-alpha reductase deficiency, are usually infertile, and often do not develop much facial or body hair. Although most children with this condition are raised as girls, about half identify themselves as male after puberty, the NIH says. [7 Diseases You Can Learn About From a Genetic Test]

Johnny told the BBC that he never felt comfortable doing "girl things."

"I never liked to dress as a girl, and when they bought me toys for girls, I never bothered playing with them — when I saw a group of boys, I would stop to play ball with them," Johnny told the BBC.

(People with 5-alpha reductase deficiency who were raised female but identify as male are not transgender, because in this case, they identify with their biological sex. People who are transgender identify with a gender that is different from their biological sex.)

In addition to the Dominican Republic, cases of 5-alpha reductase deficiency have been found in Papua New Guinea, Turkey and Egypt, according to the NIH."

'Guevedoces': Rare Medical Condition Hides Child's Sex Until Age 12
Hello David Jeffrey Spetch,

Fact: Not all men are born with a penis.

"Some children with a rare genetic condition appear female at birth but later develop a penis and testes around the time puberty begins."

So people should wait until at least post-puberty to begin talking about any sexual reassignment surgery for anyone, correct?

Also, it appears that only happens in the Dominican Republic. :/
Yawn. I'm keeping you unblocked for the humor. I always enjoy watching posters who are full of themselves. You've got that one in spades. As for the reference to my sexuality, you are a weird creepy fucking dude. But sorry, I'm taken.

I share facts backing my claims on the foundations of especially primary issues I address. My confidence in facts that back my claims you try and pass off as I am full of myself. If sharing fact you are quite obviously unable to contest with even so much as a shred of validity in your wee mentality makes me a creepy f'n dude in your eyes, you sound just like the sickos known as the lgbt always trying to make their weak and pathetic lies and deceptions the issue including their lies of me to try and hide that they have no validity in contesting with even so much as a shred of validity what the claims I make backed by the facts I share prove beyond any shadow of doubt on the foundation of this primary issue for clarity of example for everyone to see your dumbass exposed once again.

Of course weak and pathetic liars always try and label others for what they prove to be to try and drag everyone else down to your intellectually redundant, weak and pathetic mentality while trying to detour peoples attention from the foundation of the issue.

Notice how desperate this imbecile is to try and make his lies of me the issue all the while shares not even so much as a shred of validity in contesting my claims back by facts I share to do with the foundation of this issue. It's like have a jester or a clown clinging to this thread because globalists are paying him 50 cents a post (not even worth that)
Hello David Jeffrey Spetch,

I completely disagree with your views, and I don't need to do any name-calling to express my views.

I find your views laughable because they are so antiquated. I am amazed anyone still clings to such nonsense, long shown to be completely false. Science is our friend; Religion is not. Freedom includes freedom FROM religion, not the freedom to impose one's own religion upon others.

People have no choice over their sexual orientation. It sounds like a life of misery to feel like a person of the opposite sex than one is born with. Due to the social pressure of conservatives, this has led to many suicides.

We need to listen to people and let them do what they want to do. It is not our place to force people into roles we impose upon them. Telling people how they should live their life is not freedom.

Fact: Not all men are born with a penis.

"Some children with a rare genetic condition appear female at birth but later develop a penis and testes around the time puberty begins."

"A new article in BBC Magazine tells the story of some children in the Dominican Republic with this condition, who are known in the country as Guevedoces, which roughly translates to "penis at 12." One child named Johnny was raised as a girl, but when he matured and neared puberty, he grew a penis and his testicles descended, according to the BBC.

Children with the condition are genetically male, meaning they have one X and one Y chromosome. However, as they develop in the womb, a genetic mutation prevents their bodies from converting the male hormone testosterone into a hormone called dihydrotestosterone, or DHT. Because DHT is responsible for the development of male sex organs, the lack of DHT means the male organs don't develop properly, according to the National Institutes of Health.

When children with the condition are born, their external genitals look female, or in some cases, appear ambiguous, the NIH says. But during puberty, Guevedoces, like typical males, experience an increase in testosterone. The body appears to respond to these higher levels of testosterone — the penis and scrotum grow larger, and secondary sex characteristics — such as increased muscle mass and a deep voice — can also appear.

Men with this condition, officially called 5-alpha reductase deficiency, are usually infertile, and often do not develop much facial or body hair. Although most children with this condition are raised as girls, about half identify themselves as male after puberty, the NIH says. [7 Diseases You Can Learn About From a Genetic Test]

Johnny told the BBC that he never felt comfortable doing "girl things."

"I never liked to dress as a girl, and when they bought me toys for girls, I never bothered playing with them — when I saw a group of boys, I would stop to play ball with them," Johnny told the BBC.

(People with 5-alpha reductase deficiency who were raised female but identify as male are not transgender, because in this case, they identify with their biological sex. People who are transgender identify with a gender that is different from their biological sex.)

In addition to the Dominican Republic, cases of 5-alpha reductase deficiency have been found in Papua New Guinea, Turkey and Egypt, according to the NIH."

'Guevedoces': Rare Medical Condition Hides Child's Sex Until Age 12

Facts are not views no matter how desperate you are to try and make your lies the issue to try and hide that you have no validity in contesting fact which is why you quite obviously so eagerly lie like thousands of imbeciles before you.

There is no agreeing or disagreeing with fact, fact is either recognized or ignored.

I am not religious since you are that deliberately ignorant and trying to make your lies of me the issue because again you have no validity when it comes to what the facts I share prove of the claims I make on the foundation of this issue as you so clearly demonstrate.

You are here encouraging making suicide cases out of children and sickos alike by fostering their weak, pathetic and sick mentalities who's parents are being imprisoned for standing up against your sick and filthy abuse.

You want to encourage these sickos to go around pretending to be what they are not and will never be so they can try and degrade, humiliate and traumatize heterosexuals with their sick filthy and disgusting low life scum bag lgbt lies and deception in hopes of what trying to make heterosexuals commit mass suicide because some homosexuals are getting away with pretending to be the opposite sex wants to go around robbing heterosexuals of the right, freedom and liberty to be heterosexual you sick little ignorant fool. You're all a bunch of warped sickos.

Such sick behavior needs to be criminalized, discrimination against heterosexuality should have been criminalized the day homosexuality was legalized and we wouldn't be experiencing this sick and filthy lgbt madness. Sickos commit suicide after getting such disgusting and filthy surgeries on genital mutilation you deliberate ignoramus. You are wishing such disgusting filth on innocent little children because you are sick quite obviously.

a penis taking a while to sprout doesn't detract from the fact that the penis was always there developing since conception and noticed at birth and further more noticed as the boy aged.

Males are only males because they are exclusively born with a penis.



This is way to easy, they all got that skid mark in someone's underwear mentality.
So people should wait until at least post-puberty to begin talking about any sexual reassignment surgery for anyone, correct?

Also, it appears that only happens in the Dominican Republic. :/

This sick lgbt behavior needs to be criminalized permanently and globally for the well being and sanity of current and future generations and not anything short of that will suffice.
Goodbye David Jeffrey Spetch,

Facts are not views no matter how desperate you are to try and make your lies the issue to try and hide that you have no validity in contesting fact which is why you quite obviously so eagerly lie like thousands of imbeciles before you. ... -snipped-

My final post in this thread:

I read your reply up until the point that you got personal and began name-calling. I promptly stopped right then and there. I make it readily clear in my signature that anyone who mouths off at me goes on my Ignore List. Whatever else you wrote or posted, I don't care to see, nor anything else you post; ever.

We might have had some interesting discussions but it will never happen. I respected you but that respect was not returned. I'm sorry you are unable to discuss this issue without resorting to immature name-calling but I do know how and when to deal with such disrespect. That time is now, and that method is to cut it off completely and permanently.

I do hope that your life improves, that one day you learn how to conduct civil discourse with a respectful person of an opposing view, but even if that happens it won't be with me. My policy is effective because of the impact of being final and irreversible. This way, everyone can see that I mean precisely what I say in my signature. You become the latest example of it.

I wish you happiness, if possible. I'm sorry we cannot continue, but this is how it must be for me to maintain the peace and serenity I love. Have a good life. You're gone from mine. Poof!

Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you will be PERMANENTLY Ignore Listed. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I'll never read a word you write, even if quoted by another, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads. ... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful. Long Live Civil Discourse, Mutual Respect, and Good Debate! ps: Feel free to adopt my PIP. It works well.
I share facts backing my claims on the foundations of especially primary issues I address. My confidence in facts that back my claims you try and pass off as I am full of myself. If sharing fact you are quite obviously unable to contest with even so much as a shred of validity in your wee mentality makes me a creepy f'n dude in your eyes, you sound just like the sickos known as the lgbt always trying to make their weak and pathetic lies and deceptions the issue including their lies of me to try and hide that they have no validity in contesting with even so much as a shred of validity what the claims I make backed by the facts I share prove beyond any shadow of doubt on the foundation of this primary issue for clarity of example for everyone to see your dumbass exposed once again.

Of course weak and pathetic liars always try and label others for what they prove to be to try and drag everyone else down to your intellectually redundant, weak and pathetic mentality while trying to detour peoples attention from the foundation of the issue.

Notice how desperate this imbecile is to try and make his lies of me the issue all the while shares not even so much as a shred of validity in contesting my claims back by facts I share to do with the foundation of this issue. It's like have a jester or a clown clinging to this thread because globalists are paying him 50 cents a post (not even worth that)

It's adorable that you think you have an audience you're addressing. No one cares what you think of me. I have one mission with blowhards like you. I troll you. Don't like it? I'd suggest you put me on ignore. I won't reciprocate, because you are the gift that keeps on giving. Ignorant, illiterate, and arrogant. It's hilarious. Keep it coming.
It's adorable that you think you have an audience you're addressing. No one cares what you think of me. I have one mission with blowhards like you. I troll you. Don't like it? I'd suggest you put me on ignore. I won't reciprocate, because you are the gift that keeps on giving. Ignorant, illiterate, and arrogant. It's hilarious. Keep it coming.

yes, you're a troll wlth no point. thanks for the honesty.
Goodbye David Jeffrey Spetch,

My final post in this thread:

I read your reply up until the point that you got personal and began name-calling. I promptly stopped right then and there. I make it readily clear in my signature that anyone who mouths off at me goes on my Ignore List. Whatever else you wrote or posted, I don't care to see, nor anything else you post; ever.

We might have had some interesting discussions but it will never happen. I respected you but that respect was not returned. I'm sorry you are unable to discuss this issue without resorting to immature name-calling but I do know how and when to deal with such disrespect. That time is now, and that method is to cut it off completely and permanently.

I do hope that your life improves, that one day you learn how to conduct civil discourse with a respectful person of an opposing view, but even if that happens it won't be with me. My policy is effective because of the impact of being final and irreversible. This way, everyone can see that I mean precisely what I say in my signature. You become the latest example of it.

I wish you happiness, if possible. I'm sorry we cannot continue, but this is how it must be for me to maintain the peace and serenity I love. Have a good life. You're gone from mine. Poof!

Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you will be PERMANENTLY Ignore Listed. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I'll never read a word you write, even if quoted by another, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads. ... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful. Long Live Civil Discourse, Mutual Respect, and Good Debate! ps: Feel free to adopt my PIP. It works well.

You make up excuses for having no validity I get it. Your ignorance infuriates me and actions disgust me and if you don't like it quit supporting sick and filthy lies and deceptions now also being used to abuse children and parents. I know a liars only defense besides lying is to ignore what fact proves while making up cheap and pathetic excuses. I have utilized enough of my time corresponding with intellectual meat balls enough to not miss one. Good riddance. I love the way I correspond it is a reflection of who'm I am addressing and the bs they try to pass off and people like you not liking it, well for me that is merely the icing on the cake.
yes, you're a troll wlth no point. thanks for the honesty.

They sure love to lie because they have no validity. It's jealousy statements used to try and drag me down to it's level is the gist. "I think I have an audience" it says meanwhile it's responding to this thread. I mean talk about a skid mark in someone's underwear mentality. Thinks I'll block him, no I'll use him to bump my posts thus is helping me to get through to a larger audience Hatt :cool:
They sure love to lie because they have no validity. It's jealousy statements used to try and drag me down to it's level is the gist. "I think I have an audience" it says meanwhile it's responding to this thread. I mean talk about a skid mark in someone's underwear mentality. Thinks I'll block him, no I'll use him to bump my posts thus is helping me to get through to a larger audience Hatt :cool:

you're the bomb, spetch. screw that hoser.
Yawn. I'm keeping you unblocked for the humor. I always enjoy watching posters who are full of themselves. You've got that one in spades. As for the reference to my sexuality, you are a weird creepy fucking dude. But sorry, I'm taken.

You're a truly ugly cunt, both spiritually and physically.
This sick lgbt behavior needs to be criminalized permanently and globally for the well being and sanity of current and future generations and not anything short of that will suffice.

Good luck on your little crusade. Everyone needs a hobby I guess. Personally, I like a hobby that doesn't make me mindlessly hate another group of people, but whatever floats your boat. Less us know how it's going.
Good luck on your little crusade. Everyone needs a hobby I guess. Personally, I like a hobby that doesn't make me mindlessly hate another group of people, but whatever floats your boat. Less us know how it's going.

you hate trumpies because the media told you too.

you're a moron.