Free Shit and Trump Hate

"Free" = no corporate power structure got a cut.

Lol, no it doesn't. It means free college, free health care, free food, free housing, guaranteed minimum income, and on and on.

To pay for all this free stuff, not only would "teh corporate power structure" not get a cut, but you would have to confiscate 100% of their profits, as well as 100% of the income of anyone making $150,000 or more.
Lol, no it doesn't. It means free college, free health care, free food, free housing, guaranteed minimum income, and on and on.

To pay for all this free stuff, not only would "teh corporate power structure" not get a cut, but you would have to confiscate 100% of their profits, as well as 100% of the income of anyone making $150,000 or more.

We pay double for worse healthcare and millions have none at all. We would be able to eliminate the VA, Medicare and Medicaid with universal care. We would not have our paychecks cut to pay for health insurance companies whose business model is to deny coverage you pay for. It would be cheaper to have taxes pay for it. You would get better care and not have financial distress with serious illnesses or accidents.

Rightys don't think things through at all.
We pay double for worse healthcare and millions have none at all. We would be able to eliminate the VA, Medicare and Medicaid with universal care. We would not have our paychecks cut to pay for health insurance companies whose business model is to deny coverage you pay for. It would be cheaper to have taxes pay for it. You would get better care and not have financial distress with serious illnesses or accidents.

Rightys don't think things through at all.

Lol :bs:
We pay double for worse healthcare and millions have none at all. We would be able to eliminate the VA, Medicare and Medicaid with universal care. We would not have our paychecks cut to pay for health insurance companies whose business model is to deny coverage you pay for. It would be cheaper to have taxes pay for it. You would get better care and not have financial distress with serious illnesses or accidents.

Rightys don't think things through at all.

He really is a dreamer isn't he? Universal healthcare would cost upward of 32 Trillion bucks and would keep rising.
He really is a dreamer isn't he? Universal healthcare would cost upward of 32 Trillion bucks and would keep rising.

It's unbelievable. I don't know where libs think we're going to get the money to pay for all this "free" stuff. They don't think, that's the problem.

Thinking tough for you, or is it impossible. Every other industrial nation has universal health care. Why you think Americans don't deserve that, is a mystery. How dumb do you have to be to understand it would be great and easy to take that horrible worry away? And it is cheaper.
So midterms are coming up pretty soon, and I can't seem to find any information on what agenda Democrats are going to be campaigning on besides Trump hate and free shit that other people pay for. Can some of you lefties list what other agenda there will be besides these two things?

Doesn't really matter. The DNC's internet troll farm is so offensive to most people that they won't even bother getting to know who their candidate is. They will vote against them out of spite for the left. Fine with me because of all that enemy of my enemy stuff, but kind of sucks for people who are actually hurting.
Again, since you've clearly been up for at least a week now on shit meth: nothing is free, fucknugget, and nothing you've posted contradicts that assertion.
Just answer the question, you stupid tampon. lol

If nothing is free, then how in the fuck are the poor not paying for their welfare?
Issues on November's ballot:

1. Health care reform

This is free shit. This is about getting free health care that somebody else paid for in addition to their own.

2. Gun control

Ok, this is above and beyond free shit or Trump hate, very good. It is about stopping other people from buying what they want to buy with their own money, but is not specifically about free shit.

3. Immigration reform

Free shit for immigrants.

4. The economy, inflation

Lots of free shit.
Ok then, you only know of Trump hate and free shit.

There is no free shit. Universal healthcare provides all with care and does it cheaper. We eliminate the VA, Medicare and Medicaid. We eliminate the Healthcare deniers, the insurance companies. You don't get a money taken out of your check for insurance. It is better and cheaper. That is not free anything. We get taxed for it.

Yeah, part of Social Security goes to families that the provider dies. It covers kids with horrible illnesses. So some people do get help for free. I guess that is a Democrat thing. Repubs don't want to help.

Trump is a disgusting human being and a self-serving king. I don't hate him, but I recognize what he is.
This is free shit. This is about getting free health care that somebody else paid for in addition to their own.

Ok, this is above and beyond free shit or Trump hate, very good. It is about stopping other people from buying what they want to buy with their own money, but is not specifically about free shit.

Free shit for immigrants.

Lots of free shit.

So a rational discussion with you boils down to regurgitated talking points.

There is no free shit. Universal healthcare provides all with care and does it cheaper. We eliminate the VA, Medicare and Medicaid. We eliminate the Healthcare deniers, the insurance companies. You don't get a money taken out of your check for insurance. It is better and cheaper. That is not free anything. We get taxed for it.

The money removed from workers' paychecks now for FICA would be used instead for a national healthcare plan. Employers would also be off the hook for providing company-paid health care insurance; instead we would tax them a bit more to cover the cost -- and they would still save $$. We can still have insurance companies because 1) we don't want to shut down an entire industry and throw thousands out of their careers, and 2) many will want to purchase supplemental plans much like we do now with Medicare.

Yeah, part of Social Security goes to families that the provider dies. It covers kids with horrible illnesses. So some people do get help for free. I guess that is a Democrat thing. Repubs don't want to help.

E pluribus unum used to be a motto we respected. We also used to have a national mindset of "We're all in this together". It's that mindset that built the interstate highway system and maintains it, funds free public education, provided electricity (and modern living) to millions in the South, promotes R&D and science, makes sure that our food/water/medications/etc are safe, and so on.

Trump is a disgusting human being and a self-serving king. I don't hate him, but I recognize what he is.[/QUOTE]
He really is a dreamer isn't he? Universal healthcare would cost upward of 32 Trillion bucks and would keep rising.

Nope. Universal; health care has worked well in other countries. they cover everybody and do it at half our costs. Our medical system is a device to loot the people. As I pointed out a couple times, we would eliminate the VA, Medicare and Medicaid. Then the costs to workers would be gone. The money exists and it would be cheaper. But then, you are not to analtytical are you? Throw out a right wing stat like it is real and stop.

You are old enough to know many presidential campaigns were arguing that our medical system will break the country. That is from Ikes time onward. Did you miss that? So doing nothing is disastrous. Obama tried and the Repubs sabotaged it over and over. This is not a new problem and it has to be addresed. You would rather close your eyes are scream about fake news numbers.