Freedom of Speech: let's get real.


Shaken, not stirred!
I just read a post on "X" (formerly Twitter), that warned "white women" of what is to come with a multicultural society. It had a picture of the face of a panicked white woman being strong armed by a black hand over her mouth.

Then you have the plethora of Musk whining about being banned in various countries as a violation of "freedom of speech"

I've said it before and I'll say it again; you have freedom of speech, but that does not make you immune from the consequences of said speech.

The Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist rhetoric that Musk let's fly on his site is something that other countries around the world know all too well what can result of such. Countries like Germany or France or various South American, Asian, Nordic, African countries who had REAL bouts with fascism, Nazi-ism and authoritarianism. That's why they won't truck with Musk's blather, which reminds one of his privileged life under apartheid South Africa.

Here in America, we're experiencing a weird version of this nonsense with private institutions, parts of the MSM and such giving anyone who criticizes Israel a hard time.
So we have strange ideological bedfellows in Musk and the IPAC coerced/influenced folk.
And the band played on.
I just read a post on "X" (formerly Twitter), that warned "white women" of what is to come with a multicultural society. It had a picture of the face of a panicked white woman being strong armed by a black hand over her mouth.

Then you have the plethora of Musk whining about being banned in various countries as a violation of "freedom of speech"

I've said it before and I'll say it again; you have freedom of speech, but that does not make you immune from the consequences of said speech.

The Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist rhetoric that Musk let's fly on his site is something that other countries around the world know all too well what can result of such. Countries like Germany or France or various South American, Asian, Nordic, African countries who had REAL bouts with fascism, Nazi-ism and authoritarianism. That's why they won't truck with Musk's blather, which reminds one of his privileged life under apartheid South Africa.

Here in America, we're experiencing a weird version of this nonsense with private institutions, parts of the MSM and such giving anyone who criticizes Israel a hard time.
So we have strange ideological bedfellows in Musk and the IPAC coerced/influenced folk.
And the band played on.
this is why you're losing.

totalitarian fuckface!

I just read a post on "X" (formerly Twitter), that warned "white women" of what is to come with a multicultural society. It had a picture of the face of a panicked white woman being strong armed by a black hand over her mouth.

Then you have the plethora of Musk whining about being banned in various countries as a violation of "freedom of speech"

I've said it before and I'll say it again; you have freedom of speech, but that does not make you immune from the consequences of said speech.

The Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist rhetoric that Musk let's fly on his site is something that other countries around the world know all too well what can result of such. Countries like Germany or France or various South American, Asian, Nordic, African countries who had REAL bouts with fascism, Nazi-ism and authoritarianism. That's why they won't truck with Musk's blather, which reminds one of his privileged life under apartheid South Africa.

Here in America, we're experiencing a weird version of this nonsense with private institutions, parts of the MSM and such giving anyone who criticizes Israel a hard time.
So we have strange ideological bedfellows in Musk and the IPAC coerced/influenced folk.
And the band played on.
It's all covered by the First Amendment just as pointing out the Musk, Trump and all MAGAts are racists, misogynists, pedophiles, rapists and/or anti-Americans seeking to shred the Constitution.
Really? What's the last thing you wanted to say/post that the government prevented you from, or punished you for, saying?
They have not come for me big yet but that last major time was when I tried to use facebook
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At the same time I tried facebook I also put comments in the comment section of websites, I cant remember the name of the system but my name was super chief.....I got slightly more than 100 comments in before I was shut down.....with facebook it took a week and half to be mostly shut down, I was thrown out of DP....I was thrown out of A2k.

I will miss JPP when it is shut down......I am surprised that it is still allowed to operate.....I assume that everything I say here is put in a database somewhere.....the Revolution will come and take me away when they are ready.
I've said it before and I'll say it again; you have freedom of speech, but that does not make you immune from the consequences of said speech.
You're a moron. You just said "you don't have freedom of speech because there are consequences for illegal expressions."

The Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist rhetoric that Musk let's fly on his site is something that other countries around the world know all too well what can result of such.
Yes, but how is it illegal in the US?

Countries like Germany or France or various South American, Asian, Nordic, African countries who had REAL bouts with fascism, Nazi-ism and authoritarianism.
You have strayed from the topic of free speech and are now raving incoherently. Check to see if you are frothing at the mouth.

That's why they won't truck with Musk's blather, which reminds one of his privileged life under apartheid South Africa.
Take a guess as to how I know that you have never been to South Africa.

Here in America, we're experiencing a weird version of this nonsense with private institutions, parts of the MSM and such giving anyone who criticizes Israel a hard time.
Do you have any guesses as to why that is? Any guesses at all?

So we have strange ideological bedfellows in Musk and the IPAC coerced/influenced folk. And the band played on.
You really didn't say anything in this post. You babbled and gibbered and made absolutely no point whatsoever.
"Free Speech" has nothing to do with access to somebody else's forum.

Free Speech means that you don't get arrested for what you say or write on your own forum.

If I purchased this website and decided to ban all non-Democratic Socialists,
which, of course, I would most likely do,
that would not be an infringement of free speech.
"Free Speech" has nothing to do with access to somebody else's forum.

Free Speech means that you don't get arrested for what you say or write on your own forum.

If I purchased this website and decided to ban all non-Democratic Socialists,
which, of course, I would most likely do,
that would not be an infringement of free speech.
Free speech that you respect the right of others to speak their minds.
You're a moron. You just said "you don't have freedom of speech because there are consequences for illegal expressions."

Yes, but how is it illegal in the US?

You have strayed from the topic of free speech and are now raving incoherently. Check to see if you are frothing at the mouth.

Take a guess as to how I know that you have never been to South Africa.

Do you have any guesses as to why that is? Any guesses at all?

You really didn't say anything in this post. You babbled and gibbered and made absolutely no point whatsoever.
That's a lot of talk without knowing what you are talking about. Did they teach you to be long winded at dim-dum studies?

I just read a post on "X" (formerly Twitter), that warned "white women" of what is to come with a multicultural society. It had a picture of the face of a panicked white woman being strong armed by a black hand over her mouth.

Then you have the plethora of Musk whining about being banned in various countries as a violation of "freedom of speech"

I've said it before and I'll say it again; you have freedom of speech, but that does not make you immune from the consequences of said speech.

The Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist rhetoric that Musk let's fly on his site is something that other countries around the world know all too well what can result of such. Countries like Germany or France or various South American, Asian, Nordic, African countries who had REAL bouts with fascism, Nazi-ism and authoritarianism. That's why they won't truck with Musk's blather, which reminds one of his privileged life under apartheid South Africa.

Here in America, we're experiencing a weird version of this nonsense with private institutions, parts of the MSM and such giving anyone who criticizes Israel a hard time.
So we have strange ideological bedfellows in Musk and the IPAC coerced/influenced folk.
And the band played on.
Freedom of speech is freedom to voice one's opinion. Period.
I just read a post on "X" (formerly Twitter), that warned "white women" of what is to come with a multicultural society. It had a picture of the face of a panicked white woman being strong armed by a black hand over her mouth.

Then you have the plethora of Musk whining about being banned in various countries as a violation of "freedom of speech"

I've said it before and I'll say it again; you have freedom of speech, but that does not make you immune from the consequences of said speech.

The Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist rhetoric that Musk let's fly on his site is something that other countries around the world know all too well what can result of such. Countries like Germany or France or various South American, Asian, Nordic, African countries who had REAL bouts with fascism, Nazi-ism and authoritarianism. That's why they won't truck with Musk's blather, which reminds one of his privileged life under apartheid South Africa.

Here in America, we're experiencing a weird version of this nonsense with private institutions, parts of the MSM and such giving anyone who criticizes Israel a hard time.
So we have strange ideological bedfellows in Musk and the IPAC coerced/influenced folk.
And the band played on.
So on one hand you want to censor speech you consider hateful and on the other hand you want zero consequences for speech others consider hateful. Both sides need to understand what free speech is.