Freedom of Speech: let's get real.

It's all covered by the First Amendment just as pointing out the Musk, Trump and all MAGAts are racists, misogynists, pedophiles, rapists and/or anti-Americans seeking to shred the Constitution.
"Free Speech" has nothing to do with access to somebody else's forum.

Free Speech means that you don't get arrested for what you say or write on your own forum.

If I purchased this website and decided to ban all non-Democratic Socialists,
which, of course, I would most likely do,
that would not be an infringement of free speech.
Seig Hiel! :rofl2:
So on one hand you want to censor speech you consider hateful and on the other hand you want zero consequences for speech others consider hateful. Both sides need to understand what free speech is.
One has to wonder who these leftist dotards believe should be the "deciders" of what is proper speech and misinformation.
No it wouldn't.

The first amendment protects our speech from infringement by the government, not private entities.

You can give a cop the finger without consequence because of the first amendment. You can't give your boss the finger and claim free speech protection.
Correct except, giving a cop the finger can be a crime in many states.
America barely avoided economic depression twice in the last 40 years, historically enforced segregation then destroyed successful black townships. The EU was/is a hot mess, Russia & Ukraine are still at it, and the DOJ and FBI still have folk like you topping the charts for rape, sexual and domestic abuse. Jan. 6th and some mass shootings linked to vile posts and speeches.

S0 you and Musk can shove it.

Correct except, giving a cop the finger can be a crime in many states.
I'm not positive, but I think SCOTUS ruled that it's protected speech. That doesn't mean a cop won't make up some bullshit to arrest you, because you hurt his/her feelings.
Our freedom to speak against the Regime and their narratives is ending now, our right to have guns mostly goes away soon, after the Revolution announces that the Constitution is no longer in effect.....I am looking at the end of Jan.

"You dont have rights, you have privileges.....and they can go away just like that"
Would anyone put it past white supremecists to be extra white supremecists?

Are they criticizing trump and elon for being white supremecists or are they criticizing them for not being white supremecists enough.


It was robert byrd here that passed the nam draft and the loopholes that only sent black kids. Meanwhile, "dead nigger coffins" anyone?

We are talking about the left who gives no shits about little brown bacha bazis getting butt pirated for cheap dope
:rolleyes: Pay attention:

During the Vietnam war, you had Republican and 2 Democratic presidents ... Eisenhower, Johnson, Kennedy & Nixon (with Ford doing clean up). So there was plenty of blame to go around regarding "Air America" and all the other heinous crap the USA did during those times.

And we all know about Byrd, who in his twilight years publicly apologized and condemned his past, even to the point of championing the MLK national holiday move.

So what's all this got to do with the ACCURACY of the OP? I'll wait.
Wrong. Desegregation and the rise of the welfare state destroyed Black communities. The EU is a "hot mess" as you say in large part because of their massive welfare state.
I've said it before and I'll say it again; there is nothing more pathetic than a willfully ignorant, bigoted MAGA mook who is proud of his revision of history.

For your education regarding successful black townships:

For your education regarding the EU:

That being settled, there is nothing in the OP that you can logically or factually disprove, nor can you debunk the bulk of my response in post #33 .... but lord knows you insipidly stubborn Maga mooks don't acknowledge error. Carry on.
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Black communities are overwhelmingly anti homosexual. Not only because pederasts are disgusting but also that homo's are a literal international gang in every prison world wide.

Would dixiecrats team up with homos? Im not sure at all they weren't the same thing all along.
Relevance to the OP?
I've said it before and I'll say it again; there is nothing more pathetic than a willfully ignorant, bigoted MAGA mook who is proud of his revision of history.

For your education regarding successful black townships:

For your education regarding the EU:

That being settled, there is nothing in the OP that you can logically or factually disprove, nor can you debunk the bulk of my response in post #33 .... but lord knows you insipidly stubborn Maga mooks don't acknowledge error. Carry on.
You proved nothing. Your first link is to a singular incident--a famous one, but a one-off, nonetheless. Your second is behind a paywall but Greece is, and has been fucked up for decades due to socialism. Over 50% of employment in Greece is in the public sector. Unemployment averages about 15% long term. The country is fucked up like a soup sandwich.