Freedom of Speech: let's get real.

why do libtards worry so much that people can speak freely?

Past comments by Kamala about the need to censor are going viral as well - it's always the authoritarians that concern themselves with others having a voice
So you're going to deflect the point that it was dixiecrats who passed the draft and the loophole?
Are you fucking stupid or just incapable of comprehending what you read?

Pay attention, genius! I wrote: During the Vietnam war, you had Republican and 2 Democratic presidents ... Eisenhower, Johnson, Kennedy & Nixon (with Ford doing clean up). So there was plenty of blame to go around regarding "Air America" and all the other heinous crap the USA did during those times. Got that? So whatever went down in all those years one can go about and pinpoint who did what .. NO DENIAL ON MY PART.

Post #69 just pokes a hole in your partisan/bigoted balloon.

I'll ask again; WTF does this detour of yours have to do with the OP? We'll wait.
Axiomatic continuation to the point i made to the faggot i quoted in my previous post.

The real point is blacks aren't a locked the constituency that you'd like them to be.
Ooo, found a dictionary, did you now? :sneaky:

I see the problem now. Post #36 was your response to a poster that I have on ignore. I did this because he has a penchant for purposeful distortion of facts, what others write and history in general. So it's self evident that you went down the rabid hole with him. I just took to task the premise of your response/statement. To date, I've deconstructed it's erroneous premise and corrected your misinterpretation of what I've posted. This also debunks your last sentence, which doesn't make any sense given regarding the OP and all my responses to your like minded brethren.

See, in a printed medium you look foolish trying to pass off your obvious attempt to re-define/deflect from what I wrote. Now I know that given the intellectual dishonesty/impotence of the MAGA/Alt-Right mindset, you'll just blow smoke and repeat your failed blathering. Carry on.
What's in project 2025? Cite from the source document what they want to "change". Have you read the project 2025 document?
I have. It's more of a book. Nothing about Project 2025 affects the 1st amendment or any similar clause in any State constitution. Sybil is just fear mongering again.

Project 2025 is basically a proposal to reduce and/or eliminate many of the alphabet agencies created by FDR and other Democrats through the years, returning the federal government to what the constitution authorizes and nothing more.

Trump does not have Project 2025 as part of his campaign platform. Kamala doesn't even HAVE a campaign platform.

While I personally agree with Project 2025's goals, it's too aggressive for the time frame they discuss. These agencies have been installed over many decades and too many people have become dependent on them. I will take time to dismantle them in any kind of organized fashion.

Of course, when the dollar fails, the party's over anyway...but in a way that is uncoordinated and chaotic.
I have. It's more of a book. Nothing about Project 2025 affects the 1st amendment or any similar clause in any State constitution. Sybil is just fear mongering again.

Project 2025 is basically a proposal to reduce and/or eliminate many of the alphabet agencies created by FDR and other Democrats through the years, returning the federal government to what the constitution authorizes and nothing more.

Trump does not have Project 2025 as part of his campaign platform. Kamala doesn't even HAVE a campaign platform.

While I personally agree with Project 2025's goals, it's too aggressive for the time frame they discuss. These agencies have been installed over many decades and too many people have become dependent on them. I will take time to dismantle them in any kind of organized fashion.

Of course, when the dollar fails, the party's over anyway...but in a way that is uncoordinated and chaotic.
Yes 900 plus pages is a book.

The federal govt does much more than it has constitutional authority to do but leftists want more power handed over to the feds.
I just read a post on "X" (formerly Twitter), that warned "white women" of what is to come with a multicultural society. It had a picture of the face of a panicked white woman being strong armed by a black hand over her mouth.

Then you have the plethora of Musk whining about being banned in various countries as a violation of "freedom of speech"

I've said it before and I'll say it again; you have freedom of speech, but that does not make you immune from the consequences of said speech.

The Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist rhetoric that Musk let's fly on his site is something that other countries around the world know all too well what can result of such. Countries like Germany or France or various South American, Asian, Nordic, African countries who had REAL bouts with fascism, Nazi-ism and authoritarianism. That's why they won't truck with Musk's blather, which reminds one of his privileged life under apartheid South Africa.

Here in America, we're experiencing a weird version of this nonsense with private institutions, parts of the MSM and such giving anyone who criticizes Israel a hard time.
So we have strange ideological bedfellows in Musk and the IPAC coerced/influenced folk.
And the band played on.
The American right really doesn't understand how the constitution works. Most of them haven't read it anyway, they just go with what fox or some other RWNJ outlet tells them and swear its the law

Oh, and:

The American right really doesn't understand how the constitution works. Most of them haven't read it anyway, they just go with what fox or some other RWNJ outlet tells them and swear its the law

Oh, and:

View attachment 30989
e American right really doesn't understand how the constitution works. Most of them haven't read it anyway, they just go with what fox or some other RWNJ outlet tells them and swear its the law
Yes 900 plus pages is a book.

The federal govt does much more than it has constitutional authority to do but leftists want more power handed over to the feds.
Which is why they are so scared of Project 2025 and spend a lot of time describing shit that just isn't in it.
Right they only repeat what they are told is in it by then same people who told us 6' of social distancing will prevent the spread of covid. All based in "facts".
THAT was yet another denial of physics (typical of them).

Covid/SARS viruses are airborne. They move with the usual air circulation and air currents in any building. Viruses aren't out measuring six feet and declaring, "No further!".

Those silly stickers they put on the floor use a nasty adhesive. That's why many of them are still there. Removing them is a bitch, and will often destroy the floor with it.

Even removing them from concrete is a bitch, since concrete is porous, and the adhesive is embedded into the pores.

One of the unintended effects from the Covid Hoax by Democrats.

The Church of Covid died faster than the Church of the Ozone Hole or the Church of Global Warming. The only ones wearing masks now and trying to keep the fear going is Democrats.