Freedom of Speech: let's get real.

I just read a post on "X" (formerly Twitter), that warned "white women" of what is to come with a multicultural society. It had a picture of the face of a panicked white woman being strong armed by a black hand over her mouth.

Then you have the plethora of Musk whining about being banned in various countries as a violation of "freedom of speech"

I've said it before and I'll say it again; you have freedom of speech, but that does not make you immune from the consequences of said speech.

The Neo-Nazi/White Supremacist rhetoric that Musk let's fly on his site is something that other countries around the world know all too well what can result of such. Countries like Germany or France or various South American, Asian, Nordic, African countries who had REAL bouts with fascism, Nazi-ism and authoritarianism. That's why they won't truck with Musk's blather, which reminds one of his privileged life under apartheid South Africa.

Here in America, we're experiencing a weird version of this nonsense with private institutions, parts of the MSM and such giving anyone who criticizes Israel a hard time.
So we have strange ideological bedfellows in Musk and the IPAC coerced/influenced folk.
And the band played on.
Well, you have to be honest. Antifa had violent protests against freedom of speech. And they’re definitely leftists.
"I did not bring my coupon book" is code for "please fuck me in the ass, I know that I have it coming".
You proved nothing. Your first link is to a singular incident--a famous one, but a one-off, nonetheless. Your second is behind a paywall but Greece is, and has been fucked up for decades due to socialism. Over 50% of employment in Greece is in the public sector. Unemployment averages about 15% long term. The country is fucked up like a soup sandwich.
Once again, you display proud willful ignorance coupled with pathetic reading skills. There were TWO links regarding successful black townships that fell to white racist attacks .... the first one covered the more famous Tulsa incident, the second was titled Not Just Tulsa: Race Massacres That Devastated Black Communities In Rosewood, Atlanta, and Other American Cities
You'd know that if you actually read the article. But being the intellectually dishonest/impotent MAGA mook that you are, you just barely read the first article until you determined you could apply some of it to your personal narrative.

You did similar with the article on Greece. I'll dumb it down for you: NO ONE SAID THE GRECIAN ECONOMY WASN'T IN DIRE STRAITS. What you DIDN'T read or understand was that Greece wouldn't have been admitted to the EU if Wall St. and a major American bank didn't help them "cook the books" to favor admission. You see genius, America had a vested interest in having the EU fail, as it would severely lower the American dollar as a major player in international finance.

So in all cases, your personal blather and revision fail in the light of documented, historical fact.

My point here was to debunk your bigoted notion that white folk are not susceptible to the same foils and foibles as black folk .... more to the point that they will go out of their way to put the screws to black folk, much less each other.

The OP stands....GTFU and deal with it.
Well, you have to be honest. Antifa had violent protests against freedom of speech. And they’re definitely leftists.

1. Fact check:

2. Please explain how "multiculturalism" will lead to white women being raped by black men. The DOJ list well over 50% of rape, sexual and domestic assault against women are done by white men. Look it up.

3. You have freedom of speech, but that freedom does not make you immune from the legal consequences of said speech .... or from being called out as perpetuating lies and distortions.
:rolleyes: Pay attention:

During the Vietnam war, you had Republican and 2 Democratic presidents ... Eisenhower, Johnson, Kennedy & Nixon (with Ford doing clean up). So there was plenty of blame to go around regarding "Air America" and all the other heinous crap the USA did during those times.

And we all know about Byrd, who in his twilight years publicly apologized and condemned his past, even to the point of championing the MLK national holiday move.

So what's all this got to do with the ACCURACY of the OP? I'll wait.

So you're going to deflect the point that it was dixiecrats who passed the draft and the loophole?


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yes you are, fake libertarian fascist tyrant.
Not wasting my time on ridiculous fairy tales does not make me a tyrant or a fake libertarian. Telling you that you should not be able to waste your time on ridiculous fairy tales would make me a tyrant and fake libertarian.
you believe in totalitarianism as long as it has a corporate seal on it.

most libertarians are like that now.

I call them fake libertarians.
I believe there are more and less reliable news sources. I believe there are more and less likely explanations for events that happen.

The problem with being a conspiracy theorist is that he more you convince yourself that past conspiracy theories are true, the more likely you are to believe future ones, until the ability to look at any event reasonably becomes virtually impossible.
Once again, you display proud willful ignorance coupled with pathetic reading skills. There were TWO links regarding successful black townships that fell to white racist attacks .... the first one covered the more famous Tulsa incident, the second was titled Not Just Tulsa: Race Massacres That Devastated Black Communities In Rosewood, Atlanta, and Other American Cities
You'd know that if you actually read the article. But being the intellectually dishonest/impotent MAGA mook that you are, you just barely read the first article until you determined you could apply some of it to your personal narrative.

You did similar with the article on Greece. I'll dumb it down for you: NO ONE SAID THE GRECIAN ECONOMY WASN'T IN DIRE STRAITS. What you DIDN'T read or understand was that Greece wouldn't have been admitted to the EU if Wall St. and a major American bank didn't help them "cook the books" to favor admission. You see genius, America had a vested interest in having the EU fail, as it would severely lower the American dollar as a major player in international finance.

So in all cases, your personal blather and revision fail in the light of documented, historical fact.

My point here was to debunk your bigoted notion that white folk are not susceptible to the same foils and foibles as black folk .... more to the point that they will go out of their way to put the screws to black folk, much less each other.

The OP stands....GTFU and deal with it.

1. Fact check:

2. Please explain how "multiculturalism" will lead to white women being raped by black men. The DOJ list well over 50% of rape, sexual and domestic assault against women are done by white men. Look it up.

3. You have freedom of speech, but that freedom does not make you immune from the legal consequences of said speech .... or from being called out as perpetuating lies and distortions.
Not wasting my time on ridiculous fairy tales does not make me a tyrant or a fake libertarian. Telling you that you should not be able to waste your time on ridiculous fairy tales would make me a tyrant and fake libertarian.
Random phrases. No apparent coherency. No argument presented.
I believe there are more and less reliable news sources. I believe there are more and less likely explanations for events that happen.

The problem with being a conspiracy theorist is that he more you convince yourself that past conspiracy theories are true, the more likely you are to believe future ones, until the ability to look at any event reasonably becomes virtually impossible.
The Democrat party is a conspiracy. It is no theory.