Freedom of Speech vs Slavery. DELETED!


Just letting you know what is about to happen. For all you slaves out there who are against freedom of speech, how well paid are you to allow yourself to be a slave. For me, that amount of money doesn't exist. Slave masters just won't allow freedom of speech. Especially if that speech is truthful. No doubt you will find many "rules" against it. Take the Red Pill! I will show you some pictures that almost immediately got the other forum where I posted them at closed down to debate. And me banned soon afterwords. Though I will be adding a few other words. Make of them what you will.

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Just letting you know what is about to happen. For all you slaves out there who are against freedom of speech, how well paid are you to allow yourself to be a slave. For me, that amount of money doesn't exist. Slave masters just won't allow freedom of speech. Especially if that speech is truthful. No doubt you will find many "rules" against it. Take the Red Pill! I will show you some pictures that almost immediately got the other forum where I posted them at closed down to debate. And me banned soon afterwords. Though I will be adding a few other words. Make of them what you will.

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First Amendment doesn't apply in sites.
The First Amendment gives us the protection from the government.

Private concerns - corporations or whatever else you may want to call it holds FAR more power than the government. Government is just a puppet show for big business. I am reminded of what Calvin Coolidge once said. Basically he said, "The business of government IS business." If you don't have freedom of speech in the private domain, such as this forum, you don't have it at all. What discussion forum is run by the government. What newspaper is run by the government. What TV network is run by the government. There is only one forum that comes close to letting you speak the truth. The Truth Zone Forum. Oh. I just broke another of the MANY rules. Nice knowing you. Come talk to me at the forum I mentioned. I go by redpill over there.
Private concerns - corporations or whatever else you may want to call it holds FAR more power than the government. Government is just a puppet show for big business. I am reminded of what Calvin Coolidge once said. Basically he said, "The business of government IS business." If you don't have freedom of speech in the private domain, such as this forum, you don't have it at all. What discussion forum is run by the government. What newspaper is run by the government. What TV network is run by the government. There is only one forum that comes close to letting you speak the truth. The Truth Zone Forum. Oh. I just broke another of the MANY rules. Nice knowing you. Come talk to me at the forum I mentioned. I go by redpill over there.

I went and checked it out. Interesting. Thanks for the suggestion.
Just letting you know what is about to happen. For all you slaves out there who are against freedom of speech, how well paid are you to allow yourself to be a slave. For me, that amount of money doesn't exist. Slave masters just won't allow freedom of speech. Especially if that speech is truthful. No doubt you will find many "rules" against it. Take the Red Pill! I will show you some pictures that almost immediately got the other forum where I posted them at closed down to debate. And me banned soon afterwords. Though I will be adding a few other words. Make of them what you will.

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I seriously doubt you were banned for merely posting those quotes. Why don't you tell us the truth now.
I went and checked it out. Interesting. Thanks for the suggestion.

I would really appreciate some discussion over there. Where I won't get banned for speaking the truth. Or at least debating the matter. But because it is where truth is to be found, it is almost a ghost town. I am reminded of a line by Arnold Schwarzenegger from the movie, The Running Man. "The truth isn't a very popular topic these days."
I seriously doubt you were banned for merely posting those quotes. Why don't you tell us the truth now.

Well I already spilled the beans. So I can only be banned once. Join the Truth Zone Forum. I go by redpill over there. I will tell you as much truth as you want. Maybe more than you can handle. And be able to stick around to debate the truthfulness of whatever I say.

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Go away spammer.

Spoken like a true freedom of speech suppressing plantation owner from the old South. How about we play it this way. If I say anything that you think is untrue, you tell me what it is and why. Now, feel free to report me for making this suggestion to you. (If you haven't already done so)
Just as freedom isn't allowed on the plantation. Are your chains too comfortable? Or do you have the will to break them.

Good news here is this isn't a plantation & you are free to leave @ any time, & you can take your game w/ you...........
Oh great, looks like another banned poster is back again.

Another? How many are there. However many there may be, all their bans should be lifted. Because for a true believer in freedom of speech, one banned person is one too many. But I take it that you're not one of those supporters of freedom of speech. So you probably won't believe what I am about to tell you. As a metaphor, it is a little like speaking against crime to a member of the mafia. But here it goes anyway. Censorship doesn't protect truth. It protects lies.
Good news here is this isn't a plantation & you are free to leave @ any time, & you can take your game w/ you...........

Basically, this whole country is a plantation. Our whole world is a plantation. So where would I go. Something tells me that I'm not going to like your answer. But speak it anyway.