Freedom of Speech vs Slavery. DELETED!

Basically, this whole country is a plantation. Our whole world is a plantation. So where would I go. Something tells me that I'm not going to like your answer. But speak it anyway.

Well some might suggest you go to hell, but I won't go there.

How about Idaho or Eastern Wash, they are always looking for angry disgruntled folks like you to make heroes out of.......

You can die a hero.........
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Basically, this whole country is a plantation. Our whole world is a plantation. So where would I go. Something tells me that I'm not going to like your answer. But speak it anyway.

How is this whole country a plantation when it comes to freedom of speech? You can say pretty much anything you want, you're just not entitled to a platform.
Private concerns - corporations or whatever else you may want to call it holds FAR more power than the government.

Dumbest screed I have ever seen. So how do corporations force you to buy their goods and services? Government can force you to do anything they wish through power; especially those who allow themselves to be unarmed.

Only mindless fools seek to become dependent wards of the State.

Government is just a puppet show for big business.

Okay, this was even more dumb. :rolleyes:
How is this whole country a plantation when it comes to freedom of speech? You can say pretty much anything you want, you're just not entitled to a platform.

Maybe you haven't been following along. Only the government can't deny freedom of speech. But that is utterly meaningless. The vast majority of everything is run by private interests. Which don't have to abide by freedom of speech. Even the government itself is largely just a puppet show staged by big business. The private sector is the real master of the plantation. And they don't allow their slaves to speak up. Next, any time anybody around here says anything, they are using this place as a platform. And as far as I'm concerned, you can reply any way you want. But if you have any intelligence, you will stick to logical and truthful debate as opposed to insults.
Dumbest screed I have ever seen. So how do corporations force you to buy their goods and services? Government can force you to do anything they wish through power; especially those who allow themselves to be unarmed.

Only mindless fools seek to become dependent wards of the State.

Okay, this was even more dumb. :rolleyes:

They force you through brainwashing. Next, there indeed is much that the government can force you to do. If it isn't right, it is your duty to disobey. Also, if it wasn't with the backing of the wealthy-corporations, nobody that is in office would be there. And they have to kiss hands and shake babies to stay there. Next, "wards of the state?" Do you mean like mailmen, fire fighters, the police, the military, etc? Instead of basically paying or bribing some business to start a business someplace and hire people, the government needs to step in, cut out the dead weight and run it themselves.

Here is another thing about the revolving door between government and big business. Calvin Coolidge once basically said, "The business of the government IS business." I will also show you part of something written by General Smedly Butler.

General Smedly Butler.jpg
Maybe you haven't been following along. Only the government can't deny freedom of speech. But that is utterly meaningless. The vast majority of everything is run by private interests. Which don't have to abide by freedom of speech. Even the government itself is largely just a puppet show staged by big business. The private sector is the real master of the plantation. And they don't allow their slaves to speak up. Next, any time anybody around here says anything, they are using this place as a platform. And as far as I'm concerned, you can reply any way you want. But if you have any intelligence, you will stick to logical and truthful debate as opposed to insults.

When did I insult anyone?

Anyway, I agree with most of what you said, but here's the thing. If the government forced private businesses to give a platform to everyone, then we don't have private companies. And you just know that if the government did nationalize all companies, they'd be using those platforms to promote their own agenda. Every platform would be full of establishment Democrats and Republicans.
Another thing is that you're totally free to make your own platform. I think Youtube has done a pretty good (not great) but pretty good job as a platform for free speech. But if you don't want to use Youtube, you can always make your own video-based website. You could also put up flyers in your neighborhood telling people to come meet up at your house, where you'll be speaking about issue whatever.
They force you through brainwashing. Next, there indeed is much that the government can force you to do. If it isn't right, it is your duty to disobey. Also, if it wasn't with the backing of the wealthy-corporations, nobody that is in office would be there. And they have to kiss hands and shake babies to stay there. Next, "wards of the state?" Do you mean like mailmen, fire fighters, the police, the military, etc? Instead of basically paying or bribing some business to start a business someplace and hire people, the government needs to step in, cut out the dead weight and run it themselves.

Here is another thing about the revolving door between government and big business. Calvin Coolidge once basically said, "The business of the government IS business." I will also show you part of something written by General Smedly Butler.

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Most ppl here are aware of what Smedly wrote, & why.........

Did you ever notice the steve bannon quote in my sig??
Well I already spilled the beans. So I can only be banned once. Join the Truth Zone Forum. I go by redpill over there. I will tell you as much truth as you want. Maybe more than you can handle. And be able to stick around to debate the truthfulness of whatever I say.

Why don't you tell us now?
Maybe he is hoping to let the suspense build for the one or two ppl showing token interest??

Nothing really new or interesting that I have seen from him/her thus far....

Pretty much your stormfront 101 game...
People who screech the loudest about so-called stifling of freedom of speech, or its cousin political correctness, are just butthurt that they can't run around using racial slurs or homophobic insults or misogynist comments w/o repercussions.
Well I can imagine there are/may be others screeching about it, but in the 25 years or so I've been on line/boarding I've only seen them :thinking:
When did I insult anyone?

Anyway, I agree with most of what you said, but here's the thing. If the government forced private businesses to give a platform to everyone, then we don't have private companies. And you just know that if the government did nationalize all companies, they'd be using those platforms to promote their own agenda. Every platform would be full of establishment Democrats and Republicans.
Another thing is that you're totally free to make your own platform. I think Youtube has done a pretty good (not great) but pretty good job as a platform for free speech. But if you don't want to use Youtube, you can always make your own video-based website. You could also put up flyers in your neighborhood telling people to come meet up at your house, where you'll be speaking about issue whatever.

When it comes to insults, I wasn't speaking of you personally. But I am no stranger to debates on all sorts of forums. And I am no stranger to insults. Sooner or later, they will happen. Because I am bound to speak a truth that pisses somebody off. Or they may just ignore me. At other times, people are just dismissive. Instead of debating the topic. From what I have seen, Bill is real good at that.

Next, if freedom of speech means an end to "privacy," then I say good by to "privacy." Next, all businesses should be nationalized! And you should be able to buy a good fucking TV that is entirely made in the U.S. Etc. times zillions on that account. Capitalism is a litany of slavery and exploitation. There is nothing republican or democratic involved. It is just doing what is right. Oh, I could go off on quite a rant on that account. None of which couldn't be disputed. (Though you could try)

As for a platform, I'm not interested in any sort of platform. But if there is a forum out there where people communicate with each other, that communication shouldn't be restricted in any way. And if it should happen that somebody says something that you don't like, just put them on ignore. Isn't that why that function exists? That way, you won't have to be exposed to anything else they may say.
Most ppl here are aware of what Smedly wrote, & why.........

Did you ever notice the steve bannon quote in my sig??

There is much more that people need to be aware of than just what General Butler wrote. And as to why, I am doubtful that anybody really grasps that. Because when it gets right down to it, in the vast majority of cases, they themselves are the reason why.

And yes. I did notice your quote. That Arkansas hickabilly Bill Clinton sure had the last laugh on those damn Yankees by reinstituting slavery. As in the wage slaves of places like China. But here, when they had actual slaves in the south, southern plantation owners had to look out for the upkeep of their slaves. But in foreign countries, that just isn't our concern. Neither is the pollution they create or the child labor they engage in. Ross Perot predicted a huge sucking sound as jobs left the U.S. if Clinton got his way. And that is just what happened. As if the dumping companies in other countries subjected the U.S. to to destroy U.S. manufacturing wasn't bad enough.
Maybe he is hoping to let the suspense build for the one or two ppl showing token interest??
Nothing really new or interesting that I have seen from him/her thus far....

Pretty much your stormfront 101 game...

Stormfront? Don't you know that place as well as VNN forum are secretly run by jews? In one way or another, there isn't anything in the U.S. that isn't. As for stormfront, it is run by a jew shill named Don Black. Some years ago, he spent two or three years in prison for his involvement in a coup plot in some negro populated country. An involvement in such a coup plot would involve a lot of willing interaction with negroes. There are only three kinds of people who would do that. Somebody being paid by jews. Somebody who actually is a jew or a negro (you know what I mean) lover. Neither of which should be running a forum for White Patriots.

Also, I will show you a picture of somebody who claimed to be a Nazi. He went by Frank Collins. But he was actually a jew named Max Simon Cohn. And he spent some time in jail for having child porn. (I think) If you're interested, you can look him up on metapedia.

Frank Collin Nazi.jpg
People who screech the loudest about so-called stifling of freedom of speech, or its cousin political correctness, are just butthurt that they can't run around using racial slurs or homophobic insults or misogynist comments w/o repercussions.

You are TOTALLY clueless. As for me, what if I was allowed to say whatever I want. It would be bad news for you if you disagreed. Because I could back up anything I said far beyond your ability to disagree. Because I have the power of truth on my side.
You are TOTALLY clueless. As for me, what if I was allowed to say whatever I want. It would be bad news for you if you disagreed. Because I could back up anything I said far beyond your ability to disagree. Because I have the power of truth on my side.

Sure you do. :laugh:
Private concerns - corporations or whatever else you may want to call it holds FAR more power than the government. Government is just a puppet show for big business. I am reminded of what Calvin Coolidge once said. Basically he said, "The business of government IS business." If you don't have freedom of speech in the private domain, such as this forum, you don't have it at all. What discussion forum is run by the government. What newspaper is run by the government. What TV network is run by the government. There is only one forum that comes close to letting you speak the truth. The Truth Zone Forum. Oh. I just broke another of the MANY rules. Nice knowing you. Come talk to me at the forum I mentioned. I go by redpill over there.

"Government is just a puppet show for big business"

Same in Canada and in many countries in recent years

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