Verified User
You should be asking me that question. But be prepared to not like the solution.
Thomas Sowell said that instead of solutions, as such, we should think of them as 'tradeoffs.'
But, what is your 'solution?'
You should be asking me that question. But be prepared to not like the solution.
Does this or any other forum exist within the confines of the U.S. Government? If for the government the number one thing that it guarantees is freedom of speech, that should be true for any entity that is under its governance. Including forums. I really hate the slimeballs who think that being "private" puts you above the law. Or at least its intent. That's how corporations get away with much of their crap. Speaking of which, ever see the documentary "The Corporation?" For the most part, corporations are psychotic and sociopathic entities. That's not good.
I respect your right to continue whining.
the only rules here are no doxxing and no personal accusations about indecencies with children, basically.
what do you want to say?
come on, vlad.
say the important things, fucko.
That's right. The First Amendment. The rock our government was built upon. Who here believes in it. Nobody? I didn't think so. (And no forum that I ever found allows it) Oh their are people who will practice their universe given right to self deception and say they do. But when it comes right down to it, they don't. But maybe I can change some of your minds with these quotes.
Maybe 'Cultmasher' was the guy that wanted Christie to urinate on him while he was masturbating?
Ugh. Unhygienic.
I don't remember a 'Cultsmasher'. There were a few Deviants that came to mind. Always complaining about 'Free Speech', as they attempted to persuade the Forum's young virgins to participate in their Debauchery.
Cultsmasher was the original name from years ago. When he'd get banned, he'd come back with a new identity but always posted the same things, and that's how the mods knew who he was. He gets banned from every forum he joins.
Why does he get banned? What exactly does he say? So far, I've seen him complain about 'Free Speech' ... and then ... nothing.
He may just like being an obnoxious asshole that likes people to 'beat him up'.
(I noticed he didn't complain when I mentioned you urinating on him. THAT'S revealing right there)
The main thing is that he's a Holocaust denier and bigot and tries to use forums to spread his poison. I'm not sure if he originally got banned for his ideas or because he broke some other rules. Here are a few of his other bans.
'Holocaust Denier'. Wow, that's a new one. I didn't know that was a bannable offense. I'm guessing Phantasmal, from the Ministry of Truth, had something to do with that. (?)
Any chance the Trumptopians will be getting banned? Talk about 'spreading poison'. And ... talk about being annoying, how about your boyfriend Legion, when does he get banned.
(I noticed he didn't complain when I mentioned you urinating on him. THAT'S revealing right there)
And ... talk about being annoying, how about your boyfriend Legion, when does he get banned.
IIRC Phan wasn't a mod yet when Cultsmasher started getting banned. And again I'm not sure if Holocaust denial was the reason, or because he was spamming, or some other infraction. I think a 12b was involved in some of them.
IIRC Phan wasn't a mod yet when Cultsmasher started getting banned. And again I'm not sure if Holocaust denial was the reason, or because he was spamming, or some other infraction. I think a 12b was involved in some of them.
PM me for details.
Why would I have to 'PM you for details'? Can't you just blurt out what you have to say?
Attention whoreness. You know..
Chances are Legion knows fuckall about cultsmasher. Didn't stop him from drysnitchin', though.
I can say like it is without drysnitchin' like a bitch.