Freedom Of Speech.

Freedom of speech means that you don't get arrested for speaking your mind and expressing your views.

It does NOT means that you're entitled to access somebody else's forum.

People who own a particular medium can allow or disallow whatever they choose to access their medium.
America is disappearing.

Imagine having a prized Arabian stallion whose lineage, through careful control of his predecessor's breeding and following healthy practices, allows him to be the finest Arabian stallion on earth.

But, because Leftists want their own Arabian stallion to be the best on earth, they take steps to downgrade your horse's diet and training protocols without you getting wise to it.

Then, once you wake up to how the Leftists are tricking you and screwing you and making your prized Arabian stallion just an old fat, out of shape and unhealthy equine, you take steps to turn things around. But when you do, the Leftists charge you with with being cruel to animals and your efforts to save your horse are stalled.

You would welcome someone who could come along and stop this unhealthy situation.

America is the greatest nation in the history of man.

Greatest at almost everything good at one time or another.

Leftists want America to suffer, to be destroyed and/or to become subjects of their Leftist ideology.

There is no ONE boogeyman. There are many boogeymen ideologies all independently and in some cases cooperatively working, for their own advancement, to
hurt, defeat and capture or destroy US and one or some of them have entered America and succeeded in programming roughly half our population to become Zombies of America's enemy Leftist boogeymen, and the Zombies (Liberals) are excited and dedicated to helping the Leftists degrade our prized country and are too far gone to realize what an awful thing they are doing to the greatest, most noble and wise and generous nation ever.

And then, to seal our doom, referring back to the equine example, the Leftists would use the semen of your prized Arabian stallion to impregnate average (or poorer in health and performance or appearance) horses, so that there would be no possibility of saving what was great about the prized Arabian stallion.

He would be the last of what was once great.

And it happened while we were all watching.

America's kids are being made into Zombies and they will allow America to be made into a bad place to live because they have been programmed and misinformed, under-informed and been programmed to not be curious or act in their own informed self-interest. And after maybe one more generation like this, the greatness of America would be forever dead.

And that is part of what you should understand about his post.

All you have said is 'Everything Bad is to be blamed on Leftists/Liberals/Democrats ... and Everything Good is what Conservatives/Right-Wingers stand for'.
You seem unable to describe what you feel is 'Bad'.
America as conservative idealists would describe it NEVER existed.
The original thirteen British colonies were NEVER compatible to form one nation,
and as a result, the USA was conceived as a divided nation and will eventually die as one.
All you have said is 'Everything Bad is to be blamed on Leftists/Liberals/Democrats ... and Everything Good is what Conservatives/Right-Wingers stand for'.
You seem unable to describe what you feel is 'Bad'.


I seem unable to describe what I feel is 'Bad'.

And you shouldn't worry about it if you aren't a US citizen.
America as conservative idealists would describe it NEVER existed.
The original thirteen British colonies were NEVER compatible to form one nation,
and as a result, the USA was conceived as a divided nation and will eventually die as one.

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

A very interesting comment. While I admit that as of this moment I do not know what "IA" is ... I can only assume that the "I" implies ignore. But the perplexing thing to me is if " BS just becomes too absurd to read after awhile" ... then what makes it such that after a "period of time" that the posts can be perused again ??? It makes me wonder if deep down inside you miss "their BS" and come back for yet another round.

I too grow weary of some of the mindless posters here at JPP ... but I NEVER put them on any type of ignore. Most of them are so predictable on what they will say (although the precise expletive/vulgarity changes) you know by seeing the SN just exactly what's coming. The problem comes when they actually say something that makes sense ... which unfortunately does not recur very often.

IA originally stood for "ignore author".

In the interest of actually giving air to all opinions and viewpoints, I generally only put a poster on IA for a month or so in the hopes that whatever immediate animosity they have will give way to actual rational debate. This saves time and space as I scroll through various topics. Some never come out of IA or are continuously put back. That's just my personal take on things.
That's right. The First Amendment. The rock our government was built upon. Who here believes in it. Nobody? I didn't think so. (And no forum that I ever found allows it) Oh their are people who will practice their universe given right to self deception and say they do. But when it comes right down to it, they don't. But maybe I can change some of your minds with these quotes.






it's as free as you'll find most anywhere.

stop fucking whining.
America as conservative idealists would describe it NEVER existed.
The original thirteen British colonies were NEVER compatible to form one nation,
and as a result, the USA was conceived as a divided nation and will eventually die as one.

Interesting. Anything is possible, and given that you still have people bitching about the Civil War coupled with what happened on Jan. 6th, I wouldn't be surprised if another Civil War type action happens in my lifetime.
I love the 1st amendment!

You love it? Well as I think we both know, that is about 50 miles down a bumpy road from doing something to defend it. I try my best. But it never gets me very far. Maybe with a little help things would be different.
'Cultmasher'. I think he was some pervert that talked about wanting Phantasmal to tie him up and spank him with a Ping Pong Paddle. (?)

How you must hate freedom of speech. But let me guess, you support George Floyd. A worthless humanzee who spent time in prison for his involvement in a home invasion where a pregnant woman was beaten. (I don't know if he did the beating) He also was arrested for passing a counterfeit $20 dollar bill. He resisted arrest. He was high on meth and fentanyl. He spit other drugs out in the back of the cop car. And there was no way in hell that officer Chauvin having one of his knees on Floyd's neck could have prevented him from breathing. And after just one minute of being restrained, an ambulance was called for him. What else would you expect. For the cop to suck Floyd's dick? Oh oh. There I go again practicing freedom of speech. (And truth) I should be banned at any moment now.
Yes, yes....but as I always say, the right to freedom of speech does NOT make one immune from the consequences of that speech. This is why we have such laws against slander and inciting to riot.

I only speak the absolute truth. A truth the that I can defend to anybody's satisfaction. That is what gets me into trouble. They have nowhere to hide when their beliefs are crushed. But all they have to do is report to the moderators. Then the truthful person goes away. And oh how the cockroaches come crawling out from underneath the woodwork when that happens. To have their say with no challenge to it.
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That's right. The First Amendment. The rock our government was built upon. Who here believes in it. Nobody? I didn't think so. (And no forum that I ever found allows it) Oh their are people who will practice their universe given right to self deception and say they do. But when it comes right down to it, they don't. But maybe I can change some of your minds with these quotes.





Yes, yes....but as I always say, the right to freedom of speech does NOT make one immune from the consequences of that speech. This is why we have such laws against slander and inciting to riot.

I only speak the absolute truth. A truth that I can prove to just about anybody's satisfaction. But some people are just stupid and think that the earth is flat. Or that human caused global warming isn't real. Then there are people around here like jack and matt dillon. Who apparently have an inability to think. Possibly even a hatred of doing so. There is no satisfying such people with something that they avoid. Facts. But getting back what I say, any "consequences" that come from speaking the truth are consequences well worth "suffering."
I only speak the absolute truth. A truth that I can prove to just about anybody's satisfaction. But some people are just stupid and think that the earth is flat. Or that human caused global warming isn't real. Then there are people around here like jack and matt dillon. Who apparently have an inability to think. Possibly even a hatred of doing so. There is no satisfying such people with something that they avoid. Facts. But getting back what I say, any "consequences" that come from speaking the truth are consequences well worth "suffering."

See my sig.
"When we cant say obvious truths without being punished understand that we are sliding into toltaritarianism (paraphrase)"
Jordan Peterson
Do you know what the arena of ideas is?

It's an imaginary place where every conversation that ever takes place in America is conducted and every idea is judged.

And these conversations go on 24/7/365, in private and public, and by every person who speaks or writes or conveys images and sounds to another.

And it is in that arena where good ideas and not so good ideas are said and heard and evaluated and is either passed on to be shared with others and so forth until the best ideas become popular enough to be chosen for implementation where it is appropriate, or the bad ideas are left to die of disinterest or lack of merit.

The 1st Amendment is what enables the arena of ideas to function.

We must be free to say what's on our minds so that we can always have well vetted ideas which have survived the process in the arena. And so our leaders and the nation is always in the process of improving and choosing the best courses through history.

The Left has short circuited the arena of ideas.

Bad ideas are making their way to becoming bad policies, because of the Left.

And good ideas, also thanks to Leftists, are being sniped at and wounded before they can negate the bad ideas.

And America is making bad choices because bad ideas are surviving the process which free speech is counted on to remove from consideration.

To me, that is the most important reason for free speech.

The reasons behind the necessity of free speech were stated clearly enough in the quotes I posted in my thread. That is the ones that showed up. But here's the thing. First in the Constitution is freedom of speech. Number one. The very foundation stone of our government. And for me that freedom of speech means speaking the absolute truth. Which at times may tend to get a little insulting to some. Though being mindful that I am at a forum, it isn't nearly as insulting as it could be. But here's the thing. I have never ever found a single forum where the freedom to speak the truth (let alone speech) was allowed. Not one. Nowhere. They just don't exist. That is despite the foundation stone of Freedom Of Speech. Any sane person could only conclude that the government has a hand in that. Making them hypocrites at best.

We need to be very clear about one thing folks: There are a whole lot of people, maybe a majority, who either dont want freedom ( I need to be safe) or they are not willing to lift a finger to stay out of the shackles their betters have designed for them.

We are so fucked.

That is true. That is why if necessary they need the truth shoved down their throats. But at forums, they have an advantage. All they need to do is report you and that is the last that will be seen of you.