Freedom of the Press?--Report Finds Not So Much Freedom Anymore

hmm seems like we had a press member jailed for some time for not revealing a source. Sort of groundbreaking if I remember correctly....
Not that groundbreaking, it has happened in the past. And it was for contempt of court that time too....
It is not up to the President to make it easy for the press. But Bush has done nothing to justify this slime attack. Just more lib distortion and lies.
You ever hear of the story of the boy who called wolf? he called it so often that when it really happened no one believed him.
Funny all the opposing voices have completely disregarded the evidence and the facts that lead the Reporters Without Borders to reach their conclusion. "The report also criticized the United States for jailing journalists at home and abroad. Freelance journalist and blogger Josh Wolf remains in a San Francisco jail for refusing to hand over video to the police. Al Jazeera camerman Sami Al Haj has been locked up at Guantanamo for over four years. Associated Press photographer Bilal Hussein has been held in Iraq since April. Neither Al Haj or Hussein have ever faced charges."

Yet they go on and on about how everyone has always done what others have done. Not quite; Helen Thomas after asking one question in the first press conference was never asknowledged by Bush again in the first administration, and only rarely since then. He has done other things equally as dispicable and groundbreaking. Again if all you can say is that everybody has been just as bad then show that.

Democracy Now!
Funny all the opposing voices have completely disregarded the evidence and the facts that lead the Reporters Without Borders to reach their conclusion. "The report also criticized the United States for jailing journalists at home and abroad. Freelance journalist and blogger Josh Wolf remains in a San Francisco jail for refusing to hand over video to the police. Al Jazeera camerman Sami Al Haj has been locked up at Guantanamo for over four years. Associated Press photographer Bilal Hussein has been held in Iraq since April. Neither Al Haj or Hussein have ever faced charges."

Yet they go on and on about how everyone has always done what others have done. Not quite; Helen Thomas after asking one question in the first press conference was never asknowledged by Bush again in the first administration, and only rarely since then. He has done other things equally as dispicable and groundbreaking. Again if all you can say is that everybody has been just as bad then show that.

Democracy Now!
Funny, how you clearly haven't read my posts. I did answer to that earlier.
Funny too how you don't answer to my posts that show that people are not being jailed for their articles that are anti-administration.
I can pick up my newspaper and read many stories critical of the government and the war. The idea that a guy in jail for contempt of court or the very few they can find that are journalists and in jail at the same time means the US is suddenly jailing people for writing those stories is laughable.

I'll bet that you can open the Denver Post on any day (it's the local liberal rag) and read more stories that are anti-administration than pro... They haven't even one journalist in jail. There is far more evidence of freedoms of the press than otherwise.
Here ya go... So you can see that I actually addressed the journalists in jail thing.
The United States is the world's first, and greatest secular republican democracy. Our bill of rights is the envy of the world. I don't compare my country to the monarchies of europe. I hold her to a higher standard.

There's more than just government interference that is a threat to a free press. Corporate consolidation is a threat too. Most media here is owned by a few corporations. There aren't many of the familiy-owned papers, or truely independent local media anymore.

Anyone who turns on cable news knows this. The corporate owned, profit-driven cable news channels are obssessed with tabloid news, missing white chicks, and duke rape cases - as oppossed to real news.
Funny too how you don't answer to my posts that show that people are not being jailed for their articles that are anti-administration.

that is a step for later Damo, the time is not yet ripe for that , Bush did not get his sedition part of the war powers thingy approved.....
that is a step for later Damo, the time is not yet ripe for that , Bush did not get his sedition part of the war powers thingy approved.....
That would be automatic if they'd just declare war...

If we'd just hold the danged government to the Constitution...
The United States is the world's first, and greatest secular republican democracy. Our bill of rights is the envy of the world. I don't compare my country to the monarchies of europe. I hold her to a higher standard.

There's more than just government interference that is a threat to a free press. Corporate consolidation is a threat too. Most media here is owned by a few corporations. There aren't many of the familiy-owned papers, or truely independent local media anymore.

Anyone who turns on cable news knows this. The corporate owned, profit-driven cable news channels are obssessed with tabloid news, missing white chicks, and duke rape cases - as oppossed to real news.
See, I'd agree with this one more than, "Panic, there is three people in jail so the rest are going too!"

Infotainment is just another type of expression of the press though. It shows that they have more freedom than we want them to rather than shows the opposite.
The media is controlled by 7 entities now I believe vs about 40 not too many years ago.....
The media is growing, not shrinking. This is only if you think the only media is the MSM. There are blogs that make a huge difference, there are internet sources that do as well. The new media is making a huge splash and effecting how even the MSM does things.
Sure there are hundreds of bloggers and once in a while they get a plug somewhere on the mainstream media but the reason they call it the mainstream media and that includes Fox who is so delusional that they like to pretend they are not the mainstream media even though they own more affiliates than any independent entity every could. The fact is that for the most part much of the media is not only controlled by a very few people in America but that for the most part the voices available on that media are basically the same voices just moving from one context to another. And those voices are still overwhelmingly, indeed almost completely from the ruling classes in America. And if you deny that there is such a thing as a ruling class in America you are even more deluded than I am beginning to believe that you are. Where are the true oppositional voices in the mainstream medi? Why did it take a Ceasar Chavez to push Noam Chomsky onto the American best seller lists? Why are certain voices marginalized and never heard? Why hasn't there been more network or cable coverage of the national voter fraud that occurred in 2004? Why is Keith Olbermann the on;y reporter to speak out against the latest step in the incremental destruction of the Constitution by the Bush administration?

The questions could just go on and on but there would be no answers just as there have been no answers to many of my questions here.
The media is growing, not shrinking. This is only if you think the only media is the MSM. There are blogs that make a huge difference, there are internet sources that do as well. The new media is making a huge splash and effecting how even the MSM does things.

Blogs aren't journalists.

The best blogs are great for analysis of news, and as a watchdog on the MSM. But, they don't do any original reporting or journalism.

There used to be tons of family-owned newspapers and radio stations in every town in america. Not anymore: There's comcast, NewsCorp, Viacom, and a few other who own most of it.
"Where are the true oppositional voices in the mainstream medi?(sic)"

You already mentioned one, Keith. However he isn't the only one speaking out against that stuff.

" Why did it take a Ceasar Chavez to push Noam Chomsky onto the American best seller lists? "
Because his book sucks ass and reads like a textbook.

"Why are certain voices marginalized and never heard?"
Because they too are boring. Americans like to be entertained.

"Why hasn't there been more network or cable coverage of the national voter fraud that occurred in 2004?"
Because neither party really wants people to believe that voting doesn't count.

"Why is Keith Olbermann the on;y (sic) reporter to speak out against the latest step in the incremental destruction of the Constitution by the Bush administration? "

Already stated that this isn't so. If you don't think Maureen Dowd and others aren't part of the MSM then you are more deluded than I am beginning to believe that you are.
Blogs aren't journalists.

The best blogs are great for analysis of news, and as a watchdog on the MSM. But, they don't do any original reporting or journalism.

There used to be tons of family-owned newspapers and radio stations in every town in america. Not anymore: There's comcast, NewsCorp, Viacom, and a few other who own most of it.
They make a huge difference, and there are many who do report news. To pretend that they make no difference and that the new media is a non-entity is disingenuous.
They make a huge difference, and there are many who do report news. To pretend that they make no difference and that the new media is a non-entity is disingenuous.

Wrong damo.

They don't do original reporting. A few of the top one's have contacts in government, and may get some original material. But as a rule, They provide links and analysis of news, not original or investigative reporting. And a lot of them are just propaganda mouthpieces.