Freedom of the Press?--Report Finds Not So Much Freedom Anymore

BNloggers are not the media is correct. To link to a blog on here is to invite. "Oh that liberal pinhead rag......" Or "that neocon trash blog"
Wrong. Cypress, there are many blogs in Syria and Iran reporting on what they see. To say that they are not reporting is simply ignorance.

There are many that do report as well as analyze the news. To pretend that there is no difference made from these sources and that the MSM hasn't changed because of them... Come on. You are smarter than that.
True, however it is unrealistic to say that they have made no difference whatsoever.

Blogs and new media like Drudge have made a dent and a difference in the MSM, and will continue to do so. The MSM doesn't like to be scooped by the small fries.
Wrong. Cypress, there are many blogs in Syria and Iran reporting on what they see. To say that they are not reporting is simply ignorance.

There are many that do report as well as analyze the news. To pretend that there is no difference made from these sources and that the MSM hasn't changed because of them... Come on. You are smarter than that.

Okay, so we're back to talking about Foreign media/blogs, when the topic is american media.

The main american blogs - both lib and con - don't do much in the way of original reporting. They do news analysis, and act as media watchdogs. Which is a valuable thing, but its not Mike Wallace on 60 minutes tearing Ken Lay a new asshole.
Damo, I have high respect for you as a porson and a sysop type. I do however disagree with you on this issue and feel that your view is colored by you politics. I hope your vision clears on this issue as it has on many others.
Regards, your friend.
They make a huge difference, and there are many who do report news. To pretend that they make no difference and that the new media is a non-entity is disingenuous.

It's too bad your board is so damn slow and has crashed two times in the last fifteen minutes on me. You have the post read and answered before I can terminate and reload and get back here, to find out if it is even posted or not. I am not the only one who is experiencing these crashing problems and it is only on this site. So if you want to give me shit about my spelling which not too long ago you took me to task for doing to others then you should probably get this damn website fixed so that it operates with some semblance of efficiency.

It is slow and nearly inoperable at the present time. It is taking more than a full minute when it actually does a complete cycle without crashing to post a post and return to the thread.
Okay, so we're back to talking about Foreign media/blogs, when the topic is american media.

The main american blogs - both lib and con - don't do much in the way of original reporting. They do news analysis, and act as media watchdogs. Which is a valuable thing, but its not Mike Wallace on 60 minutes tearing Ken Lay a new asshole.

They do this and sometimes they do original reporting. I remember Drudge Exclusives that have grown "legs" and became MSM news...

And if you think Tearing Ken Lay a new asshole is news reporting then you don't know what an editorial show is.
No, even some American ones report. You keep skipping that part of my posts.

Damo, some 20-year old kid in an Army unit blogging from Iraq is a great thing.

It give interesting and valuable perspective.

But its not true news reporting, with all the time-tested and valuable vetting, sourcing, and editing requirements that more often than not, produce a credible and reliable news story.
It's too bad your board is so damn slow and has crashed two times in the last fifteen minutes on me. You have the post read and answered before I can terminate and reload and get back here, to find out if it is even posted or not. I am not the only one who is experiencing these crashing problems and it is only on this site. So if you want to give me shit about my spelling which not too long ago you took me to task for doing to others then you should probably get this damn website fixed so that it operates with some semblance of efficiency.

It is slow and nearly inoperable at the present time. It is taking more than a full minute when it actually does a complete cycle without crashing to post a post and return to the thread.
Once again, it isn't the board. I don't know what the issue is with your computers but it isn't the board causing your problems. Also I am not "giving you shit" about your spelling. I added "sic" so that others would know that I was quoting correctly and accurately and not attempting to change your posts.
Damo, some 20-year old kid in an Army unit blogging from Iraq is a great thing.

It give interesting and valuable perspective.

But its not true news reporting, with all the time-tested and valuable vetting, sourcing, and editing requirements that more often than not, produce a credible and reliable news story.
Right, but it is new media and it is growing and it is making a difference in how the MSM reports. And that is only one form of new media.
Right, but it is new media and it is growing and it is making a difference in how the MSM reports. And that is only one form of new media.

I said blogging is valuable, and has its place.

But, it can't replace the tradtional model of vetted, sourced, and peer-reviewed stories that the American media is historically known for. That takes big budgets, and professionally trained journalists and editors.
All of the mainstream media corps have greatly reduced their overseas staffs and now seem to rely on our government to give them the news to publish.
All of the mainstream media corps have greatly reduced their overseas staffs and now seem to rely on our government to give them the news to publish.
The AP and Reuters is not our government. They rely on central sources, hence the need for the very sources I have pointed out. They bring attention to stories otherwise ignored by the MSM and have caused the MSM to change their reports and bring their attention to those stories as well.
Once again, it isn't the board. I don't know what the issue is with your computers but it isn't the board causing your problems. Also I am not "giving you shit" about your spelling. I added "sic" so that others would know that I was quoting correctly and accurately and not attempting to change your posts.

It just crashed a third time on me in as many posts. This is a new record and exceedingly frustrating.