Freemasons are evil


Freemasons engage in strict and incorrect interpretation of reality which requires members to believe in fairy tales. They discriminate unjustly against those who hold the correct belief that there is no God. This discrimination is unbearable and without precedence in its disgustingness and revulsion by all truly thinking members of human society.

Therefore, freemasons are evil. Therefore, all freemasons who engage willingly in this disgusting evil and who do not recognize this obvious and indefensible injustice must be terminated for the benefit of human society.
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Freemasons engage in strict and incorrect interpretation of reality which requires members to believe in fairy tales. They discriminate unjustly against those who hold the correct belief that there is no God. This discrimination is unbearable and without precedence in its disgustingness and revulsion by all truly thinking members of human society.

Therefore, freemasons are evil. Therefore, all freemasons who engage willingly in this disgusting evil and who do not recognize this obvious and indefensible injustice must be terminated for the benefit of human society.
Fuck you. You know as much about Freemasons as you do politics and astronomy.
I know that, by their own behavior, which they are wholly responsible for, they have proven themselves to be evil beyond redemption.

Would you enlighten everyone, with what those behaviors are??

*this should be good, for a laugh, even if waterstain doesn't answer*
[ame=""]YouTube- Monty Python and the Freemasons - The Architect Sketch[/ame]

Mr. Wigginsmark is the first Architect...
Would you enlighten everyone, with what those behaviors are??

*this should be good, for a laugh, even if waterstain doesn't answer*
Probably more conspiracy theory bullshit. I admit though I'm biased about the Masons. Though not one myself I come from a long line of Freemasons.
Probably more conspiracy theory bullshit. I admit though I'm biased about the Masons. Though not one myself I come from a long line of Freemasons.

No, I don't really care about the conspiracies. Just that they don't allow Americans with the correct religious affiliation. Boy Scouts are similar in this regard, and should be dealt with the same way.
No, I don't really care about the conspiracies. Just that they don't allow Americans with the correct religious affiliation. Boy Scouts are similar in this regard, and should be dealt with the same way.

And what would "the correct religious affiliation" be??
No, I don't really care about the conspiracies. Just that they don't allow Americans with the correct religious affiliation. Boy Scouts are similar in this regard, and should be dealt with the same way.
Ahhh you mean that they won't accept athiest as members?

Trust me dont want to belong to any organization that would have you as a member anyways.
Imagine, a club in modern America that essentially has a "no niggers" sign out front. It's offensive and disgusting bigotry beyond the pale. That's why the Boy Scouts and the Freemasons should be disbanded.