so how does this movie go well I think
we can we can only express a hope a
prayer even that it doesn't go in the
direction of violence you know on one
level and I'm not the first to say this
and won't be the last we clearly are
already engaged in a sort of ideological
civil war in this country for the time
being it has been waged with at least a
a minimum of bloodshed I am wondering
for example what's going to happen let's
say for the sake of argument that
whoever the Democratic candidate is
defeats Donald Trump in November
we then have a period from early
November until the 20th of January that
interim period when Donald Trump is
still president but he knows that he
only has a few months left to serve how
do you think that period will go do you
think he will be a gracious loser do you
think that he will accept defeat and
reach out the hand of friendship to
whoever is going to replace him I don't
think so
can I can I see Donald Trump at that
These two journalistic broadcasting legends obviously don't understand human nature that well, and they don't understand Trump at all.
He would never tarnish his own victory by cheating to achieve it. That is a big difference between Libs and Conservatives. A victory by any means necessary is a mostly a minority meme. I first heard it when the movie about Malcolm X came out in the 1990's, iinm. It's an implicit thing among our foreign visitors. There world outside the USA doesn't play fair. It is a brutal, desperate existence in many places. And those people come here and laugh at our principles of fair play. And they try to amplify and exaggerate any and every unprincipled act by American RWers because it helps take the spotlight off of those of lower morals from abroad and focus attention on Americans.
Trump would never despoil America by violating the Constitution to illegally and violently seize power.
But that was the first and only accusation on the invader's lips, that Trump was trying to stage an armed insurrection to seize power.
That's what they are used to seeing in their countries. And it is what they have a mind to do here if they ever sense that all the conditions are right to give them a indecent chance to pull it off.
So, either these two Leftists are trying to smoothly fuck our minds or they don't know their subject or their President, well enough to speak intelligently about his possible actions if the vote didn't go his way.
But a more important revelation can be gleaned from this exchange.
There are stories I've heard which say there will be an investigation into why the Capitol Police and other
LE agencies failed to prepare to stop the protest which the agencies had intel saying were due to occur on Jan. 6, 2021.
Why didn't the Law Enforcement agencies stop the crowd way before they ever got to Capitol Hill?
One gets the feeling that someone misjudged the RW crowd.
They assumed that these angry RWers would be just like angry LWers.
And so, the police were there in smaller numbers and with less robust defensive equipment and no effective orders than they should have had to stop any protest, because someone at the top wanted the (assumed to be) "violent" mob to hurt or kill some LEO's and then the injuries and deaths would all be blamed on Trump.
So, because that didn't happen (because Libs really mistakenly assume that Liberals and Conservatives are that much alike when in certain ways we are like Venus and Mars different from each other), the Leftists were confounded in their attempt to frame Trump by their own ignorance.
hubris hyoo͞′brĭs►
n. Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance.
And that goes to the point that Libs and Leftists are not well suited, generally, (though not absolutely in all cases) to positions of great responsibility in government.