From 2019: Ted Koppel calls out liberal media bias against Trump

Ted Koppel calls out liberal media bias against Trump
Mar 19, 2019

I ran across this and thought some of you need to be reminded that anything you think you know about Trump is filtered by a hostile media so that you will hate Trump.

Chances are you know less than half of Trump's 'story.'

When does portraying Trump as the media martyr end?

The guy spends his whole life trying to be the center of media attention, appears nearly daily often echoing lies to the American public, and when the media gives him the attention he wants and calls out his lies, he cry’s they are picking on him, and the Trumpkins swallow his shtick hook, line, and sinker

And the irony is that now Donnie can’t get media attention and he’s crying they are censoring him
When does portraying Trump as the media martyr end?

The guy spends his whole life trying to be the center of media attention, appears nearly daily often echoing lies to the American public, and when the media gives him the attention he wants and calls out his lies, he cry’s they are picking on him, and the Trumpkins swallow his shtick hook, line, and sinker

And the irony is that now Donnie can’t get media attention and he’s crying they are censoring him

Yet another illustration of why you Leftists have no business in American government.
Um we have seen his tweets.

Yes, because it is a superficial indicator that is a perfect fit for your shallow nature.

What you refuse to 'see' is his awesomeness.

Black approval for Trump has doubled since last year
Aug 17, 2018

Fox Business
1.47M subscribers
Turning Point USA Communications Director Candace Owens discusses her debate with Georgetown University professor Michael Eric Dyson on MSNBC and how President Trump’s approval rating among African-Americans has doubled.
'Yet again Donald Trump was right'
Jun 8, 2021

Sky News Australia
1.7M subscribers
Sky News host Paul Murray says yet again Donald Trump "was right".

Mr Murray assessed the current border crisis which the Biden administration is facing and comments Donald Trump had made in the past when he was president relating to ending illegal immigration.
People thought Hitler was awesome.

But we all know that Trump is not espousing the murder of miollions of Jews or anyone.

He has no plans to send millions to concentration camps.

Trump turned down every chance to start foreign wars.

When did Hitler orchestrate ANY sincere and genuine peace treaties among two warring neighbors?

Trump arranged three such treaties.

Once we get down to specifics, your opposition to Trump grows flaccid.
Do you voted for joke Biden and you don't think hes a lying grouping racist imbecile? We don't even have to apply the Cunt Test to your post your cuntness is obvious in this post alone.

At least I didn't vote for the lying, Queens, grifter.
Which you still defend, support and idolize.

Biden never suggested.

"Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? It sounds interesting to me, so we'll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That's pretty powerful."
Windmills cause cancer.
Raking forest floors.
Dotard salutes N. Korean general.
Dotard can't operate an umbrella.

Dotard must be a "genius" compared to his cult, you're living proof.