From a friend on FB, re ACA

Here's the exchange:

"During a Senate press conference today, CNN's Dana Bash asked Reid if he would support a bill that would reinstate funding to the National Institutes of Health, including a program providing access to clinical trials for children with cancer.

In response, Reid decried the idea that legislators can "pick and choose" which parts of the government should be funded, reiterating his desire for legislation to fully fund the federal government without strings attached.

After that Bash asked, "if you can help one child who has cancer, why wouldn't you do it?"

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) responded to her question by asking "why pit one against the other?" and Reid chimed in, "why would we want to do that? I have 1,100 people at Nellis Air Force base that are sitting home. They have a few problems of their own."

In the conservative Free Beacon's write up of the exchange, Schumer's question has not been included, leaving the false impression that Reid is responding to Bash's question about helping a child with cancer. House Speaker John Boehner's website has provided a similarly false transcript of the exchange, including only Bash's question and Reid replying, "Why would we do that?"

Several media conservatives have repeated the Beacon's false version of events.

Reid is a despicable hyper partisan ass clown of the highest order. Anyone who agrees with him or cheers his moronic rhetoric are nothing more than low lifes.
Clue for the brain dead morons who act like sheeple and bleat for Government managed health care like fools; if people could get jobs in this country they wouldn't need a boobdoggle like ACA. Unfortunately, we have a moron as a President who can only denigrate for political purposes his opponents with Marxist class envy rhetoric that only fools and buffoons can fall for.

You lefttards are dumber than snails thinking that this law will improve the lot of those at the bottom and not cost all of us trillions. But dipshits like the lot of you brain dead supporters of this train wreck are exactly what Democrats need to get elected. No thinking person can vote for these despicable hyper partisan ass clowns.

To top it off, you leftards are so full of your own kool-aid laced rhetoric; you even think that you're the majority, but you're not.

Almost 70 percent of voters are concerned about their healthcare under the Affordable Care Act, and 54 percent would like to turn the clock back on the healthcare system, a Fox News poll showed Tuesday.

An all-time high 58 percent of voters disapprove of how President Barack Obama is handling healthcare, including 33 percent of Democrats, 65 percent of independents, and 83 percent of Republicans, the poll showed.

As the exchanges open for business, 52% say the health insurance system created by Obamacare is a disaster waiting to happen, with 45% saying the system will eventually work.

Fifty percent (50%) disagree and oppose the so-called individual mandate. Fourteen percent (14%) are undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

The health care law provides subsidies for low-income Americans who don’t have access to health insurance from their employer, and 86% think these individuals should be forced to prove they are eligible by documenting their income and their lack of access to insurance. Only eight percent (8%) agree with the Obama administration’s decision to waive documented proof that all applicants are giving honest information.

Most voters still don't like the health care law, and 54% expect it to increase, not reduce, health care costs. From the beginning of the debate over the law four years ago, voters have consistently said that cost is their number one health care concern.

Thirty percent (30%) believe the nation’s health care system will get better under the new law, the most positive assessment to date. Fifty-one percent (51%) still think the law will make the health care system worse.

Proof that Americans are dullards:

At the same time, more people support "Obamacare" (29%) than those who support ACA (22%.)
Mark Levin was theorizing last night that Obama is setting the table to let this drag out to default, then declare an emergency, and start spending money regardless of Congressional authorization.

Which, of course, would signal the end of the country as we've known it forever.
Mark Levin was theorizing last night that Obama is setting the table to let this drag out to default, then declare an emergency, and start spending money regardless of Congressional authorization.

Which, of course, would signal the end of the country as we've known it forever.

You forgot the part where he mobilizes his civilian national security force, confiscates all privately owned firearms and enslaves all white people.
That's all fine...hahahaha.

Now, if the default date does arrive, and Obama does in fact resume spending without the Congress raising the debt ceiling, will you condemn him?

Yea or nay?

Time to go on the record.
That's all fine...hahahaha.

Now, if the default date does arrive, and Obama does in fact resume spending without the Congress raising the debt ceiling, will you condemn him?

Yea or nay?

Time to go on the record.

No, I won't. Under that scenario the Treasury would have minted a trillion dollar coin (or a number of smaller denomination coins) and deposited it (them) with the Federal Reserve.