From Bud Light to Nike, Brands Are Facing Conservative Backlash for Featuring Trans


But just great. Now you've brought MATH and FACTS into it.

If you break your RW opponent's brain, you don't get another one to play with. :laugh:

They just make stuff up. The thing with stocks, and financial disclosures, is you cannot make stuff up. Stock prices are the most public thing there are.
For being so rude, they suddenly become very sensitive when anyone is rude back.

For real. Their definition of "rude" is a lot different too, than what most people think of as rude. Being told you're a racist or a bigot or a hater or a jerk because you post stuff that fits those parameters is just reality.

Cope, Reichwingers. Cope. :laugh:
For real. Their definition of "rude" is a lot different too, than what most people think of as rude. Being told you're a racist or a bigot or a hater or a jerk because you post stuff that fits those parameters is just reality.

Cope, Reichwingers. Cope. :laugh:

"Rude" is apparently correcting the alt right.
Stock prices are just facts. You can try your best to select time periods to prove your claims, but outside of that, the fact is that InBev just went up by 11.4% in one month. There is literally no way to get rid of a CEO with that good of a number.

You do know bed stocks have dropped by over 1%
You do know bed stocks have dropped by over 1%

"Bed stocks"? Could you mean "Bud stocks"?

InBev ROSE by 1%. It did not drop. At opening yesterday(Monday), it was at $64.83, at closing it went up to $64.92, and in after hours trading it went up further to $65.27. The price has gone up, AGAIN.

If you include the most recent gains, it is now a 12% rise. There is no way to fire a CEO when a stock has gone up by 12% in little over a month.
Here's the difference: Chik-Fil-A used their religion to stand AGAINST certain people getting rights. Bud is encouraging ACCEPTANCE of others.

The difference is in the INTENTION.

Murdering children is not a right.
Mutilating children is not a right.
Working at Chick-Fil-A or anywhere else is not a right.

Bud is paying the price for their idiocy. You cannot stop it.
I actually don't give a shit about Dylan Mulvaney, drag performers aren't new. I went to high school in the 1980's there were plenty of gender fluid people back then, This ain't new. What is new is trying to get the young kids to do it. That's new...but Mulvaney isn't a kid so I don't see the problem.

Why are you trying to justify perverted behavior?
It is because the Republicans have no positions
Go read the Republic Party platform.
they can say they are 'for' in politics other than 'tax cuts for the rich', 'more profits and less regulations for corporations', and 'endless money in politics and more guns'.
Lie. Trump cut taxes for EVERYONE and removed regulations standing in the way of conducting business (all forms of business, not just corporations).
What is wrong with profit? It is DEMOCRATS that want endless money in politics. It is DEMOCRATS that created fiat money in the United States (unconstitutionally). It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon, including any gun.
that is why you saw Trump and the GOP push three different versions of the 'BROWN MENACE...only we can protect you', in the last few elections.
So you stand for NO border. No border, no nation. You have no problem with fentanyl, foreign spies, criminals, and subversives coming across the border unchecked.
2020 GE : BROWN MENACE, Antifa, trying to move in to your neighborhood... only we can protect you!
Antifa is a violent faction funded and supported by DEMOCRATS. People will protect themselves (and already have) by kicking them out their towns. They have turned cities into war zones.
The problem they had though, is that while screaming 'BROWN MENACE' helps with the base, it turns off huge blocks of POC voters and many white ones too, thus why increasingly the GOP cannot win a popular vote.
The President is not elected by popular vote. Conservatives ARE winning at the polls.
In Trans Kids, they can invoke the MENACE threat but in a group that is meaningless to voting trends. They are all-in hoping this attack on 'others' is one they have found that will excite their derp bigoted base while not costing them votes with other voting groups.
Inversion fallacy. The bigotry and racism is YOURS. This post of yours proves it.
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